Posted August 3, 200222 yr As done on Talksport, which wrestlers are u ashamed to like? Mine are: K-Kwik: I was a big fan of his when he was in WWE, i even liked his Rap gimmick with Roaddog! Billy Gunn: I think he is good at what he does, even though he may not be the most agile wrestler around. So, come out of the closet and tell us which "Uncool" wrestlers you like.........
August 3, 200222 yr Hmmmm....tough question. I'd have to be honest and say that I did used to like X-Pac until I realised recently why everyone hates him. I also like Big Show, and he seems to not be too popular...not in the same league as Billy Gun mockery though. One I might get slagged for is liking Albert! I really liked it when he was IC champ, although I'm assuming I'm like the only guy on the planet who did.
August 4, 200222 yr Depends what you mean by embarassed. If it means you're made to look a fool by people who think they know better for liking them, then I have a few: Big Show: I'm always rooting for him to have a good match, and sometimes he delivers the goods. Not the best by a hell of a long way, but always tries his best in the ring, and can deliver a good promo. Seems like a very nice guy as well. Billy Gunn: What is so wrong with him? Again, not the best, but he's no worse than half of the roster. Probably because he's connected to HHH, and it's very easy to have a shot at Tripper. Hulk Hogan: The guy is a legend, and did more for this sport than a lot of people appreciate. In-ring recently he's been dire, but for his past glories he'll always be alright with me. HHH: He has power backstage, he holds Jericho back etc etc... That doesn't bother me at all. I think he can cut a decent promo, and can work a good match-that's all I'm interested in.
August 4, 200222 yr I agree with Sabba on all of them, except Billy Gunn who really gives dire a new meaning. As a kid I used to like The Warrior, then I grew up and realised how misguided I was, and how much Babble brains sucked.
August 4, 200222 yr I'm kind of embarresed to like La Parka, cos very few people have heard of him. Current WWE Stars? I like Goldust if that counts, I think his backstage skits are wonderful even if his talent isn't up to much.
August 4, 200222 yr I'm not embarrassed to like him but someone who seems to be fairly uncool to like on the Internet is The Rock. I think the guy is pure class. While is wrestling ability is somewhat limited I thoroughly enjoy most of his matches and his promos are second to none.
August 4, 200222 yr I'd would say, Goldust: he is very funny when backstage, and I think he is a good all-round wrestler. Big Show: He gets alot of bad press of being lazy, but I think the WWE have used him worng, instead of pushing him as a "joke", they should push him as a "monster", maybe then he will start to be more active like he was back in WCW.
August 4, 200222 yr The Rock - I never really minded the guy except for his 20 minute promos that have no meaning. Bradshaw - I just have a thing for that Stan Hansen thing he has going on. Buh Buh - I don't why I like him but I do.
August 4, 200222 yr Ok here goes Number 1 is Scott Hall for some reason i have always been a fan of Halls ever since the days of Razor Ramon Number 2 is Hardcore Holly for some reason i love watching him work stiff on young rookies like Randy Orton&Maven
August 4, 200222 yr Kamala - he should of won the battle royal at wrestlemania. His skit with Regal was hilarious. "You want me to rub the moons on your belly!!!?????"
August 4, 200222 yr I've always quite liked Sid Vicious, despite him being a duff worker. Similarly, I like Bryan Clarke. He was great as Adam Bomb, great as 'martial arts' Wrath, great as 'nuclear' Wrath, but sadly not as great as one half of Kronik. I'm also a fan of XPW, despite them having a bad rep.
August 4, 200222 yr Originally posted by Jerichoholic I cant believe there is a Scott Hall fan! The guy is a complete waster. Amen. The guy is an asshole.
August 4, 200222 yr Hall is an asshole, but he's an asshole who if he had wanted it badly enough could have been one of the biggest stars in wrestling history. As Razor he was great. Lets be honest, most of us liked him then. He had the look, the charisma, and was good in the ring. Drink killed him, but shere nostalgia means I love him to bits, or what he was to bits. So here's my list anyway before I keep rambling. Big Show. I'll still never forget Heenan's words on Nitro, "He's the size of a house, and flying around like frigging Eddie Guerrero", or something like that. Very badly used by the WWF, but he has talent both in the ring, and outside of it Shawn Stasiak - Not sure what he does wrong really, he's good on the mic, and pretty good in the ring. Kevin Nash - kinda similar to my Hall thing I guess. I've seen the guy in good matches, and some great promos and segments over the years Vince Russo - If you look at what he actually he booked in WCW, I kinda liked it. Sure it didn;t do the company any favours, but personally I found it entertaining. I have from Spring Stampede through to New Blood Rising on video, and many of the Nitro's and Thunders from that time and I actually enjoyed that period. Vampiro and Sting had some great segments, Hogan actually getting put through tables by Awesome, and frankensteinered by Kidman, and 22 man battle royals on Thunder, DDP and Jarrett main eventing, Jarrett laying down for Hogan and then Russo telling the world he's sacked, and then Booker winning the World Title. Not sure about everything he's done outside of that period, but for everything he gave me in the last time that I actually enjoyed WCW I kinda like him.
August 5, 200222 yr hehe some of these i dont count embarassing to like but you lot may... ok Hulk Hogan...sorry i cant help it, i've always liked him, but not as much as the next one! Andre The Giant- he was great...c'mon admit it!! Goldust- i find him sweet, hes one of those ppl you just think AWWW!!! and wanna cuddle....ok...maybe YOU lot dont but i do! :lol Spike Dudley...i cant help it, hes cute!!! Chyna- she was fantastic....and I am not one bit embarassed to say so either! :xyx that i have opened the gateway for immense mocking i will take my leave.... ~*Gogan*~
August 5, 200222 yr ahhh touth queston crash holly=was i the only one but i found crash very entertaining during the 24 7 thing X pac=this is the one guy im embarrised to say i licked Hulk Hogan=im not ashmed to say i was a big hulk hogan fan this guy was the one who made wrestling what it is 2 day
As done on Talksport, which wrestlers are u ashamed to like?
Mine are:
K-Kwik: I was a big fan of his when he was in WWE, i even liked his Rap gimmick with Roaddog!
Billy Gunn: I think he is good at what he does, even though he may not be the most agile wrestler around.
So, come out of the closet and tell us which "Uncool" wrestlers you like.........