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So this week is E3, the biggest week in the gaming year and I think this year is going to be a great one for big announcements. I expect Sony and Nintendo to steal the show with announcements for Playstation 3 and the Wii, I'm very interested at the pricing structure for PS3, I have a feeling it's not going to be cheap at all. I wonder if they've redesigned the thing as well as the joypads since neither were warmly received when they showed them off last year as well.


XBOX wise, I'm hoping we get to see a look at Halo 3 you just know it's going to be huge.


So what's everyone else looking foward to this year from the show?

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:eek I forgot to quote that, but cant remember where I found it.
Looks crappy to me personally. I'm glad I've got access to a 360 after this haha. Halo 3 is going to be immense, more games are exclusive on the Xbox in general, and they haven't farted around for months as they got the console out quickly. Oh and the Playstation controllers are complete crap, even the Nintendos going to kick its ass.

Nintendo Wii video from E3:


If that controller use is accurate that I have no problem saying that the Wii is going to be the best thing since chicks with loose morals. It looks that damn good!

Been doing lots of reading about the Nintendo Wii and the more I do the more interested I get. I was definately going to get one anyways but this makes me want one even more.

Edited by Mr Dragon

If that's how the controllers are to be used then I don't think I could be arsed. What happened to only small movements being required ?


I think they were over-acting on the movements to get the idea over better. At least I hope they were. I like my gaming sat down comfy-like. :)

If that's how the controllers are to be used then I don't think I could be arsed. What happened to only small movements being required ?


I suppose it depends on how you want to play, E3 stars officially today and apparently there is something like 37 Wii games to play so we'll know more about how you can play soon enough.

Wiii controller with WHITE NOISE sound for Silent Hill, oh yeah, i'll have some of that, and play in the dark, alone.


PS3 was dissappointing, nothing jumped out from that press conference as being great apart from loading times which were great, GTHD looks ok, but not killer.


Nintendo seems to have it for me, the Wii controller games looked like a lot of fun, I really want to play some tennis with Miyamoto someday. Wario Ware will be the greatest thing ever as will Zelda, and in case you missed what I said earlier...Silent Hill with WHITE NOISE.


Didn't see the Microsoft conference yet, were there movies of Halo3?

A snippit from a hands on with Metroid taken form ign.com


The sensitivity on the Wii-mote is so pixel perfect and so completely sensitive that it can be jarring. A very minimal flick of the wrist can send your on-screen reticule whizzing from the bottom-right corner of your screen to the top-left and so you have to be careful and conscious of the way you play and move.


Rest assured lazy stoners........

What about us drunks? We usually have the shakes after a big session, doesn't seem to accommodating
I've watched some of the E3 video but now having it loading up so it's not stopping every 30 seconds and what excites me so far is 2 of the identifiable game clips, well one is more an educated guess, namely the new Mario, though IMO the Bullet Bills and Chomp in the clip were a little mean looking compared to how they look in the other games so I hope they sort that out, and soon after that they showed what I think is PILOTWINGS!!!! I remember playing it on the N64 and liking it alot so I hope that is what they showed (its the bit with the red biplane) Also the way that it seems some games may use 2 controllers per player looks cool but perhaps a little costly depending on the price of the controller and nunchaku attachments.
I must be getting old, I have never heard of a Wii...it sounds rediculous...what is it? (Yes, I know, Google is my friend...I cant be bothered though, somebody give me the jist...please.) :)

It's Nintendo's new Console, formally called the Revolution. The Console it's self is very much this generation graphics wise and isn't much better than an XBOX but that's because Nintendo don't want to go the way of XBOX 360 and PS3 with photo realistic graphics, they want to focus more on the fun side of gaming.


So how do they do that? Well they do as they always do and create a brand new controller and for the Wii it's a motion sensor type wand (Picture below)




You wave it around and it represnts that on screen, so say if you're playing a Tennis game you could swing the Wii Controller like a tennis racket and it would do the same on screen. Same with Zelda and sword movements. It sounds very fun.


Here's a picture of Nintendo Guru, Shigeru Miyamoto playing a tennis game on the system.



Nintendo - Trying to put the FUN back into gaming :)

I must be getting old' date=' I have never heard of a Wii...it sounds rediculous...what is it? (Yes, I know, Google is my friend...I cant be bothered though, somebody give me the jist...please.) :)[/quote']

And see this thread about the name:


In case you've not seen it, the new Wii Zelda demo by Nintendo US:



They explain a few things about the controllers, like the nunchuck has motion sensors, as well as the remote - so you've got different hands doing different things. :D

I have to say i was sorely disappointed by Sony's presentation, but hardly surprised given that they set themselves impossible goals again......i really am convinced its going to be a genuine three horse race this time.
I think Microsoft have a big enough head start that it will probably be them that will do the best and Sony might struggle enough that Nintendo will be very close if not surpassing them.

I think Sony have dropped the ball a little here.


Saying that they can't put rumble into their motion sensitive pad when the Wii one has it and a speaker.

The game line-up isn't exactly inspiring, mostly being just sequels (Gran Tourismo, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, etc.)


Nintendo have come out strong with some real innovations and Microsoft have some hard hitting stuff.



The Sony fan-boys will still be salivating over the PS3, but it'll be interesting to see how the sales go, especially with M$ having a year's head-start on sales and games.

The new Super Smash Bros trailer is nothing short of brilliance.
Where is the Super Smash Brothers clip?

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