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Recently i've been flicking through magazines and reading sites to do with the Wii and I'm right back up for it. Around 3 or 4 months ago I couldn't wait for it to come out but then I heard nothing about it and sort of stopped caring but now there's lots of new info out I am really looking forward to it.


If I can only get 1 game when it launches I will go for either Metroid (Hunters for DS is a cracking game and the multiplayer is great and it can be even bigger and more in depth for a home console) or Smash Bros. (assuming they launch with it which they should.) Also that Tony Hawks downhill game looks suprisingly good.


Anyone else want one ?

Featured Replies

I don't just want one, I need a wii! :D
What is a wii?
I have a choice. My dad brought my sister a laptop, i can either have something now or wait and get a Wii? Which do i have?
Get somethign now and save for a Wii as they are going to be dirt cheap
Well I may just take the money, as Ive pre-ordered my PS3 from Game already, 60gb version of course, im not paying a bit less for something that wont support a new hdtv should I get one and doesnt have bluetooth controllers.
I gotta wee, i mean wii....
The Wii is rumoured to be costing £100-150 at launch, so if you're being offered something of greater value, take that.
Any idea why it's called Wii? Is their next console gonna be called poo?
Any idea why it's called Wii? Is their next console gonna be called poo?


My guess is simply for media attention. It's worked too. No, their next console won't be called a Poo :roll .............it'll be called Wii Wii ;)

My guess is simply for media attention. It's worked too. No' date=' their next console won't be called a Poo :roll .............it'll be called Wii Wii ;)[/quote']


Oh dear lord(i), a french console nooooooooooooo

Ooo I thinka Wii is definetly on the back burner now, Ive just seen the Adio Bam v3s *drools* Me wants them so badly
Think I will be looking to get one if they are in teh avenua of 150 quid with metroid prime hunters and maybe another controller for around 200 quid. Likely or ambitious ?

Don't you mean Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?.....


It is very expected that Wii games will be no more than £40, which means they'll be £30 on the internet. As for the wand and joypad I'd guess £15-£20 each, with the light gun £10-15 and the add on's £10. I could be wrong, mind.

Don't you mean Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?.....


It is very expected that Wii games will be no more than £40, which means they'll be £30 on the internet. As for the wand and joypad I'd guess £15-£20 each, with the light gun £10-15 and the add on's £10. I could be wrong, mind.


Yeh I meant Corrpution - been playing Hunters all day!

The proposed idea for Wii games is that you can download them via the Internet, which is cheaper, but you get no box/disk, or you can buy them and keep them forever.


The historic ones will probably be download only, but it's a great marketing idea.

C'mon now, How can anyone not be hyped for the release of the Wii! I've said it many times but this kind of innovative play, all for roughly a 1/4 the price of another to-be-released console *cough*ps3*cough*, how can anyone complain??
The proposed idea for Wii games is that you can download them via the Internet, which is cheaper, but you get no box/disk, or you can buy them and keep them forever.


The historic ones will probably be download only, but it's a great marketing idea.



I thought you downloaded the old SNES, NES, n64 etc. games and bought the actual wii ones ?

What is the appeal of old games? I appreciate some are fairly decent, but why are Nintendo pushing the idea so much?


I'm not as much of a games fan as a lot of people are, and those people are excited about playing games from 1985. I don't see why the majority of people would buy a Wii, just for that though. It's a nice idea, but surely when you have one brand new game, with excellent graphics, longer gameplay, you will choose that over a 2D game, which is the same thing throughout?


I downloaded some old games before, which I remembered playing on my Megadrive, and after about 15 minutes, I was bored of them. I don't see the longevity in any of these games myself.


Just out of interest, seeing as I mentioned Sega, what happened to them? Any plans to bring out another console, or are they pretty much dead?

I thought you downloaded the old SNES' date=' NES, n64 etc. games and bought the actual wii ones ?[/quote']

I can't remember where I read it, but one of the reports said that they expect to be able to sell games online too.

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