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Seeing as how I'm sitting here with several consoles and a big pile of wrestling games infront of me, I think I'll start doing a few "Classic Reviews" for the TWO Video Games section. So, is there any game in particular that you want reviewed? The only games I'd say that you can't request are Dreamcast wrestling games, seeing as how I don't own one. However, Colin, my lackey, does. So send your Dreamcast requests to him.


If there's no replies to this topic, I'll just have to do a Lucky Dip and see what we come up with.

Featured Replies

what about wwf attitude for ps 1 remember the awfull(but funny

commentry)by shane mc mahon & the king.the caw section was great too.

Alrighty, expect the review up soon.
look forward to reading it.

not sure whether these have been done but..........


i'd love to see wcw/nWo revenge for n64




wcw vs the world for playstation (simply coz it had loads of the jap guys on it)

Colin has a WCW Revenge review finished...Or so he tells me. Again, it'll be up soon.


Once I'm done with Attitude, I'll make WCW Vs The World my top priority.


Keep them coming folks.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, the Attitude review is up now. If you've got nothing better to do, I'd appreciate it if you had a look at it and perhaps even sent me a bit of feedback. You can find it here.


Anyway, I rented out WCW Vs The World from Blockbuster early today, so I'll be playing it over the next few days to remind myself about several aspects of the game (I sold most of my PSOne games a year or two ago, and WCW Vs The World was one I got rid of). Expect the review up before the end of the week.


Anyone else care to request a review?

just read you attitude review russ and i have to agree with you that it was a good game at the time apart from the button combos which were really bad anway sice you reviwed that game i was wondering if you could do wwf warzone i think it was called
The first Smackdown :xyx
Yup, no problems. The monthly updates, WCW Vs The World, Warzone and SD!1 will give me something to do before I go to Uni.

great review brought back memories of creating my own freaks

in the good caw section.gotta agree with bookerman though the controls suck.

how about ones from the snes / Mega Drive- i can't remember the names of them (i think there was one called Royal Rumble)


also you could do the ones for the GBA (the excellenlty disapointing the road to wrestle mania and the other one called (i think) fire pro wrestling)

Originally posted by Seabass

how about ones from the snes / Mega Drive- i can't remember the names of them (i think there was one called Royal Rumble)


also you could do the ones for the GBA (the excellenlty disapointing the road to wrestle mania and the other one called (i think) fire pro wrestling)



I reviewed Fire Pro months ago, and did Road to WM recently.


Fire Pro Review Here


Road to WM Review Here

Yeah Russ, once your at Uni, you won't have time to play games, what with all the studying you'll be doing.


By studying I mean, of course, drinking and sleeping.

Originally posted by Russ



I reviewed Fire Pro months ago, and did Road to WM recently.


Fire Pro Review Here


Road to WM Review Here


whoops- sorry... guess i was in a hurry.

  • 2 weeks later...
Howabout WWF:In Your House for the Playstation 1?

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