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How's WWE doing Financially?

Guest A.C.

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Guest A.C.

I know the ICW is always talking about how WWE's in the toilet and their creative is shot to hell and the show's unwatchable, However, they're answerable to stockholders and this chart (nicked from a post on the DVDVRMB) tells the real story:




So, are we all wrong? Someone obviously sees value in WWE.

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Guest A.C.
Sorry, I didn't explain - it's the stock price. They've gone from about $10.60 per share up to $18.20 in the space of a year.
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Guest big pau hoolinator
So this time last year they were worth 10m and now they're worth 19/20m ? is that right ?
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Guest MojoPogo
Thats fine for the shareholders, but what about us, the fans eh? It'd be interesting to see a chart based on FANS evaluation of the product.......
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Guest A.C.
Which sort of fan, though? I know plenty of people who like WWE but find me talking about "insider" stuff really weird. They also mark for Masters and do the poses alond with *ding* sounds and they really dig Mark Henry...
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Guest Slim Jim
See WWE are getting better and better. A.C. even has CHARTS~! to prove it. If only they had Kevin Nash as well, think of the steepness!
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Guest A.C.
See WWE are getting better and better. A.C. even has CHARTS~! to prove it. If only they had Kevin Nash as well' date=' think of the steepness![/quote']


To the MOOOOooooooon!


I guess the point is that critical and financial acclaim don't always go hand in hand.

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Guest The Beltster
WWE have made tens of millions by dipping into their various archives to produce great DVD's and their WWE 24/7 OnDemand service, this has alot to do with the huge amounts of revenue they have pulled in and not to much the current day product, apparently.
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Guest A.C.
WWE have made tens of millions by dipping into their various archives to produce great DVD's and their WWE 24/7 OnDemand service' date=' this has alot to do with the huge amounts of revenue they have pulled in and not to much the current day product, apparently.[/quote']


Probably not far from the mark at all there. Exploiting the golden age of wrestling must be doing well for them. The ECW brand announcement also spiked their share price somewhat, or so I read.

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Guest the HiTman
Yeah, there have been more DVD's over the past year than at any other time. I mean, after all Vince does need to fund his movies somehow.
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Guest MrFill

But can anyone produce a graph showing the last 10 years of their stock?


I'd love to see more than just the last 12 months.


EDIT: In case you're wondering, Yahoo Finance only goes back to just before Jan 00.

Edited by MrFill
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But can anyone produce a graph showing the last 10 years of their stock?


I'd love to see more than just the last 12 months.


I could of predicted you saying something to try and make Someone good into something bad.

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Guest A.C.
But can anyone produce a graph showing the last 10 years of their stock?


I'd love to see more than just the last 12 months.


They floated in 1999 at a value of £1.5billion so they're down from then but to be fair they were right on the tail end of the biggest boom period the business has ever seen.

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Guest MrFill
I could of predicted you saying something to try and make Someone good into something bad.

Not at all, just wanted to see how much it slumped.


As a point of note, this is from the "float":



Note that they're ALMOST back at the same level as when the float happened - if this continues, then the WWE is going to get better money wise over the next year or so. :)

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Guest A.C.
We must be missing a trick here because even though WWF/E floated at $1.5billion and the shares aren't massively below their initial peak, the company is now (from what I recall) valued at $7 - 8million. Maths was never my strong suit though.
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Guest MrFill

Note the scale on the left hand side - it's not regular.


It looks like it's currently at 18, but started at 25, so while that's not down to half, it's a gap.

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Guest A.C.
Note the scale on the left hand side - it's not regular.


It looks like it's currently at 18, but started at 25, so while that's not down to half, it's a gap.


So we need to assume that the $1.5billion wasn't entirely made up of the share value - that Vince didn't sell a massive amount of the company. So they must have a company asset and income value of X but fluctuations in the share price will have a massive effect on Y which would be then added to X to give the total value? I think...

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Guest MrFill

Sounds about right. :lol



If this trend continues though, they might be able to get back to their previous highs - all they need to do now is fire the Hollywood Creative.

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Guest A.C.
TNA is worth a few thousand at best. It's a company that isn't making money so all they could liquidate is the ring, lights, set etc.
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Guest A.C.
So' date=' if the Carter family were willing to play ball, Vince could buy TNA without blinking an eye?[/quote']


Easily. The contracts of the wrestlers might be worth a few $s though but the total assets of TNA are worth very little - it's the "hardware" and the video library and the video library has nowhere near the value of a WCW or an ECW.

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Put it this way. Ten years + of WCW/Crockett videos, 24 worker contracts and all logos etc, cost $2 million at best.


Now remember that WCW was, even in 2001, double, if not triple as popular as TNA is right now, and that they have an insane amount more of video library which is of far more worth than TNA's library.


And keep that $2 million in your mind whilst working it out...

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