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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


The current plan for DX is to go full steam ahead and there is no sign of WWE dropping the gimmick any time soon. Vince and Stephanie McMahon both are big fans of DX’s return.


There have been some complaints within the company about DX, saying that it has run it’s course and it is not helping to get anyone over. Vince and Stephanie are said to be not listening to any of these complaints nor the suggestions that they should add some younger stars to the group. Many feel that adding younger stars to the group would help create new big names, like with Batista and Randy Orton in Evolution.


There was talk of bringing back The New Age Outlaws, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, at one point. However after WWE saw a video interview with them badmouthing several major WWE names. Triple H was pushing for them to return until he found out that Billy Gunn said he would punch him in the mouth if he ever saw him, then he dropped the idea as well.

So DX are staying long term and HHH fears Billy Gun... your comments :)

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this made me laugh and I dont know why. :D

At least he would punch him in the mouth and not from behind.


But DX for the long haul :)

I'm in agreement that younger guys should be able to move in to the stable to help elevate them


As far as the situation with Billy Gunn goes; i would bet BOTH testicles that if WWE approached him about a return then he would jump at it - so i have no doubt that if this is the case, he's regretting those comments

C.M Punk In DX would rock but as he is in ECW it will never happen
C.M Punk In DX would rock but as he is in ECW it will never happen


CM Punk would be my perfect choice to join DX


However, WWE have continued the "straight edge" gimmick that he used in RoH and therefore DX's antics wouldn't fit

Ya..and think if Shannon More(sp) was not turned gay and if C.M turned Punk they would be the best Tag for DX

Nice to see Vince and Stephanie being so open to suggestions.


DX are awful.

I really don't mind the new DX as long as HHH and Shawn Michaels aren't going around making cockeral jokes and the sort of skits they were doing for the 4th of July BBQ - because they were plain awful.


Adding 2 or 3 younger workers to the name wouldn't hurt.


Maybe somebody like Carlito or Shelton Benjamin?


The only draw back will be all the "JEFF HARDY TO JOIN DX!!!" type of threads. :D


As for HHH or HBK putting over younger stars well, I can't see it happening - look at the way they buried The Spirit Squad.

Vince McMahon hardly wants to upset his son-in-law and his little princess by pulling them to one side and saying " This DX revival has run it's course and I'm pulling the plug on it now before the ratings go down even further ".
Big mistake Road Dog and Billy Gun bad mouthing HHH in that interview, just think, they would of most probably jumped at the chance of returning to DX once again, and let's face it, it would of been quite something to see not only HHH reunite with the Outlaws, but Shawn aswell, it really would of been quite something, and along with X-Pac aswell, that would in my opinion of saved the current DX, as long as it remains just Hunter and Shawn well the more boring it's going to get I'm afraid.
Vince McMahon hardly wants to upset his son-in-law and his little princess by pulling them to one side and saying " This DX revival has run it's course and I'm pulling the plug on it now before the ratings go down even further ".


Becouse Vince is soooo against the Dx angle. :roll

I think he was TRYING to be sarcastic.
I think he was TRYING to be sarcastic.


God help us if thats the case.

I don't believe anything in that above blurb. First of all, headlineplanet.com are notorious for spouting out BS and second of all, the rather biased approach in which the information is given leads me to believe it's just some numbnuts reporter looking to take another cheap shot at WWE's big players. Pathetic really.
DX really do need some new blood, to put over future Superstars for the company... There are many athletes in the WWF with talent and charisma who could do with decent gimmicks and angles right about now.
Vince McMahon hardly wants to upset his son-in-law and his little princess by pulling them to one side and saying " This DX revival has run it's course and I'm pulling the plug on it now before the ratings go down even further ".



I find it quite funny that you think either Stephanie or Triple H has that much influence.....

I actually dont think that putting new guys in DX would be a good idea. DX isnt like Evolution. DX is simply a nostalgic reunion, fighting with the boss for old times sake. Even if DX do continue, I wouldnt like it if they turned up at Raw with "Ohh look, we've made some new friends half our age, so now they're in DX."
How is CM Punk the perfect choice to join DX? I hear it now, I heard it 5 or 6 months ago and it's still a horrible idea. He doesn't suit DX and his run in ECW gives him the chance to get over on his own merits instead of being Ortoned to the top way too soon which is what it would probably lead to.
I find it quite funny that you think either Stephanie or Triple H has that much influence.....


Hmmmm,the daughter who is likely to inherit the company and the son-in-law who can do no wrong not having that much influence ? ;)

Hmmmm,the daughter who is likely to inherit the company and the son-in-law who can do no wrong not having that much influence ? ;)


Or the Chairman of the board for the last decade, who sits in Gorilla position for every Raw, Smackdown and ECW taping, the chairman of the board who personally watches every pre tape before it airs until it meets his satisfaction, or the chairman of the board who sits and produces each WWE brand show each and every week...


The key word in your argument is the daughter who is likely to inherit the company. At this moment in time Stephanie is an employee at her fathers company, and where she may have some authority, all her decisions have to go through Vince first.


As for Triple H, he is a wrestler. He is employed as a wrestler, and where his status and stock within the WWE maybe higher than someone like Booker T for example, this is mainy due to the number of years he has been with the WWE compared to any elevated position due to him being married to Stephanie Mcmahon. To suggest he marches around backstage wielding an axe to any potential storyline over Vince...is slightly ludicrous


There is sometimes a difference between fact and the fiction thrown around wrestling chat rooms, its knowing when to decipher the two....;)

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