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WWE has come to terms on the release of Boogeyman (Marty Wright) as of today 9/20/06. We wish Marty the best in all future endeavors.



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About time too.

It was a gimmick that wouldn't take the guy anywhere near the top; but just enough to get noticed


His ring work was very poor and as an investment he wasn't at all promising

I am very suprised as they have been showing hype videos for him on Smackdonw for the last few weeks.
Well at least he leaves with a Wrestlemania undefeated streak under his belt.

King Booker has succeeded. Thank you King, thank you.



I too was wondering why there was some vignettes and then nothingness. A bit of a waste really.
Wright had been out rehabbing leg injuries and was close to being ready to return to action when he was released. Management hadn't been happy with his commitment to return to action with the feeling being that he was doing the bare minimum to get back in shape. There were also issues with him not checking in with the doctors when he was supposed to. He was warned a few times and when he didn't change his behavior, he was let go.


Wright, originally an actor, came onto the WWE scene in October of 2004 when he was kicked out of the tryouts for Tough Enough IV for lying about his age. However, he was given a slot in OVW two months later, where the "Boogeyman" character was developed in the summer of 2005. He was put on the Smackdown brand live events, but suffered a knee injury and went back to OVW. It was during this time that he had his front teeth knocked out, which would become part of his look. He finally made his Smackdown TV debut in October of 2005 and feuded with JBL and Booker T. Shortly after Wrestlemania 22, where he defeated Booker T & Sharmell in a handicap match, Boogeyman was back on the injured list. A vignette was shown on Smackdown last month hyping his return, which obviously won't be taking place now.


from PWInsider.com




YUS! The Wrestling Gods are smiling on me once again.

I never actually saw the guy wrestle...not once..not one single move. I saw him enough but all he did was eat worms/facial diseases and wiggle.


Another embarrassing gimmick gone. Good ridance.

:tban :clap :partysmil :music1 :balloons :groov :jump .....................

I bet Tiny Craig is kicking himself at such a vital loss to the SmackDown! roster!:P

See a later boogeyman.


Useless gimmick, makes wrestling more laughable. I wonder if he'll turn up in TNA...

WWE has made a right decision in my opinion. Boogeyman wasn't going places and he was a terrible worker in the ring. So good call Vince for once.
He still beat the current World Heavyweight Champion. Just shows how short-sighted WWE's booking can be.
im honestly gutted! i enjoyed the gimmick and laughed like hell when he showed up, one of the only things i enjoyed on smackdown at the time!

I was suprised by Boogeyman's release. Especially with so many 'missing' superstars around (Psicosis, for example). If WWE has Khali return to WWE, I will be very pissed. Boogeyman is/was much better than Khali.


I fully expect Mr. Wright to go to TNA. Give him a different gimmick, he should be good (a nice "replacement" for Monty Brown).

Monty Brown could work, the Boogeyman cannot. Pretty crappy replacement right there. He's not going to TNA, he can't wrestle at all.

The only time we've seen Boogey talk is during his little "insane" vignettes, so we're not even sure if he's decent on the stick.


And he was horrible in the ring, re-watch any of his matches - people complain that Cena can't work, but Boogey's matches seriously only had about 3 wrestling moves!


TNA would be fools to hire him as anything other than a comedy act.

So, I guess it's safe to say that Wright is **** out of luck. Maybe he could be a bodybuilder or something, who knows? If it's true what is said in regards to why he was released, then he may've thrown away the only big job he'll ever get in televised pro-wrestling.

Edited by TPIB

Bah gawd, WWE will NEVER be the same! In all seriousness, he was fun at first but was never realistically going to last due to the limited shelf life of the gimmick.
Im so upset, what a great loss to the Smackdown roster.

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