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I think an X Men RPG in trhe style of Final Fantasy 7 would be ecellent with people like Gambit acting like Cid, Rogue as Tifa, etc etc and having limit breaks which would be using their mutant powers. They couyld play against Magneto's 'corporation' and fight the mutant clones before fighting bosses like Sabretooth, Toad and Nightcrawler. I will probably get slated for sharing my ideas but hell I've come back from holiday and am covered with too much sunburtn on my shoulders to care at this moment.

Featured Replies

congrats on posting an idea that rips off Final Fanatsy 7 from the mutant breaks (limit breaks) to facing Magneto's Corparation (Shinra's Corparation).

all hail Sparky- the Vince Russo / Eric Bischoff of Gaming Ideas

Are you being sarcastic or what? I dunno if you're takin the piss outta me or not.
ahhhhhhh i was being sarcastic but in a joking kinda way (i.e. weird)- anyway your idea wouldn't be bad, but it would be coyping Final Fantasy 7 more then a bit
yeah but Square would produce it. With help from Capcom.

it dosen't matter who makes it- too many RPG fans would see it as a rip-off of final fantasy 7 and so wouldn't proababy buy it

i'm not saying a x-man RPG would be a bad idea- just under different circumstances.


now if you don't mind- i'm off to play ape escape

Coolest game with monkeys in it ever.
what super monkey ball or final fantasy 7
Ape Escape.

gah! i forgot what i posted


anyway - yeah i is- i will even go on to say it's better (IMO) then mario 64

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