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I took this off another forum. It makes some points I agree with.


I don't think I've ever played a more overrated game in my life, and I'll be damned if I don't take some shots at this piece of **** (yet still somewhat addictive) game before anyone else is fooled into playing it. Let's just say, this thread has been a long time coming.


Frame Rate


The two previous THQ/AKI wrestling games, WCW/nWo Revenge and WWF WrestleMania 2000, both turned in a consistent frame rate of 60 FPS. At 60 FPS, the action was smooth, and the controls were responsive. WWF No Mercy, however, ran at an underwhelming 50 FPS. For every minute that passes on the game clock, over a minute passes in real life. It is painful to play at this rate, and the slow-down makes all of the moves in the game look just plain ugly. It wasn't just in ladder matches, either. Single matches were capped at this rate as well.


Character Models


For being the two men that carried the WWF in early 2000, The Rock and Triple H have some of the worst face models I've seen in any wrestling game. While the face models in WWF WrestleMania 2000 were by no means perfect, they gave a better representation of the wrestlers than the mutants of WWF No Mercy. Seriously, go back and look. Triple H looked like he was 70.




In WWF WrestleMania 2000, not only did wrestlers come down the entrance ramp, they had an in-ring entrance taunt as well. This was missing for no apparent reason in WWF No Mercy, and it made the entrances from The Rock and HBK look especially bad, considering how ****ing awesome they looked on the previous game.


Branching Season Mode


By converting from the calendar season mode of WWF WrestleMania 2000 to the branching title season mode of WWF No Mercy, THQ/AKI made one of the worst mistakes one can make in a video game. In order to unlock the different paths of the season mode, it wasn't about decision-making, it was about winning and losing. You shouldn't ever have to throw a match or two or five just to progress in a game. It's just plain shitty. The calendar season mode is the greatest type of season mode in wrestling video games (a fact SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain would later reinforce). Rather than improving on an already good season mode by giving us branching storylines based upon decisions, WWF No Mercy forced me to wait five minutes until Terri Runnels put me in a pin so that I could hold the down button and not kick out.


Ladder Matches


The big feature to WWF No Mercy was the introduction of the ladder match. Rather than make it really cool, the game made it have more or less the same controls of the cage match. There was never a point to splashing someone off the top of the ladder, because in the amount of time it takes to get to the top of the ladder, you might as well have it underneath the briefcase.

Featured Replies

Is it now that opinion was devised? Because those THQ N64 games were/are the best
Its always popular to go against the crowd.
No Mercy > Some dude off another forum.
I agree with this guys (underthought somewhat laboured) points. No Mercy was not a good game at all.

The first two things are to do with graphics, and if you're playing or judging a game for its graphics, especially one that's 6 years old, your opinion automatically becomes void.


The third thing is to do with such an inconsequential part of the game that it barely makes any sense in pointing it out. Seriously, when you judge a wrestling game, is "ENTRANCES" the one thing that matters most?


The final two things have slight points, but the fact of the matter is that if you're a wrestler, you LOSE. In many ways it's almost a kayfabe-breaking feature in the sense you have to lose matches to continue a storyline. Ladder matches are ladder matches, and SmackDown! 2 did very little better in its attempt.

I agree with the point about entrances that Chris makes. Even on all the Smackdown! games, the entrances are played in full once or twice, then you skip every one as you're bored of seeing them for the tenth time that day.


As for the guys argument about the season mode, I do agree with him, the Wrestlemania 2000 mode was the best ever. It's main point for me was the fact you went through with a CAW character, and when that season was over, you went through it again with a different one. The good part was, the first CAW you used is still in the season mode. After about twenty seasons, you would have a completely different roster to everyone else who owned the game, as it was your own unique version. Think about it like signing a new star from a rival company.

I kinda liked the branching season mode, it made it something unusual.


Hell, it's still better than most of the recent games where you get 1 year, and you can't choose ANYTHING on it, and if you lose then you have to re-play the match over and over again!


Picking on the graphics of a 6 year old game on a well-dead console is just a joke. This guy is "too little, too late".

Thats full of crap. No Mercy was and still is a excellent game. If those guys played No Mercy back then they would love it.
Thats full of crap. No Mercy was and still is a excellent game. If those guys played No Mercy back then they would love it.
Maybe they did Bub. And wether you agree with it or not, the guy has a right to say he thinks the game is crap, mainly as he has argued it with some decent, if petty, viewpoints.


I imagine going back to play it now, not having played it in around five years, I'd probably put the rose-tinted specs away and realise that time has passed the game by.

Maybe they did Bub. And wether you agree with it or not, the guy has a right to say he thinks the game is crap, mainly as he has argued it with some decent, if petty, viewpoints.


I imagine going back to play it now, not having played it in around five years, I'd probably put the rose-tinted specs away and realise that time has passed the game by.

Yeah everybody has their opinion. I just don't know why people hate the game so much I mean has anybody played Wrestlemania 21 on the XBox or Backyard Wrestling on the PS2 or any ECW games on the PS1 and the N64?


Those games in my view are worse than Mo Mercy.

Look its not perfect. But no wrestling game is. And lets face with fans of the intensity (anal-retentiveness??) of wrestling fans, then theres not LIKELY to be a perfect wrestling game. Because someone, somewhere, will pick fault with it, either because it will a: have some minor faults, or b: they think its cool. Simple. I believe only now are we approaching the stage where we have the technology to back up the ideas.....and it'll be interesting to see what xb360, ps3 and indeed wii bring to the table in the future. Most games have had at least one really good idea, let down by either execution or simply the fact it was too ambitious, and the technology couldnt quite handle it. I think instead of arguing over the past, how about looking forward to the future?
Yeah everybody has their opinion. I just don't know why people hate the game so much I mean has anybody played Wrestlemania 21 on the XBox or Backyard Wrestling on the PS2 or any ECW games on the PS1 and the N64?


Those games in my view are worse than Mo Mercy.

But no-one raves about those games, so if he posted a bad review of them, he would be joiniing a looooong list. He chose No Mercy because it is the "Golden Child" of wrestling games, and he feels it is overrated.
The reason I hated No Mercy was mostly to do with the control system, it was terrible. Graphics I care not about as my favourite WWF game is still Attitude.

I love the way he "picked on" the 50 frames per second - most games at that time were 30fps and a cinema movie is 24fps, so saying that 50fps is slow is a complete and utter joke.



As for the game itself, the gameplay was an innovation and an upgrade from WM2k - the "having to hit smaller moves before you can hit bigger ones" was a brilliant stroke - you can't start a match and hit the big suplexes because your opponent will block or reverse it.


Also some of the moves progressed as the match went on, so the rolling german suplexes would start at 3, and work their way to 5.


Take the SD games as an "opposition", you can start a match and hit a triple german suplex as the first move - your opponent would have to be a jobber (or Orlando Jordan) to take that as an opening move.

Clearly he wants to be different and try and look big on the internet by having a go at the greatest wrestling game of all time ever.


I bet he went crying afterwards to his copy of the game muttering that he still loved it, he did it all for the attention.


No Mercy > All.

Graphics I care not about as my favourite WWF game is still Attitude.


And you hate the No Mercy control system?

Yes, the control system on Attitude I loved. (Forward Forward Back x)
Even those some of those points are true, I still enjoyed playing this game more than any other wrestling game out right now. This wouldn't of had been said if it was in 2000, since it was only Nintendo 64, not the current consoles we have now. That's why there's always room for improvement, which you can say they have done in some aspects, but I still call No Mercy one of the greatest wrestling games of all time regardless of some minor features which I don't even care about.
I can't really say I like either the Attitude or No Mercy controls. So damn hard.

I hated the Nintendo 64 fullstop. The control pads were highly awkard.


Don't get me wrong there were good games but it didn't appeal to me at all. My 64 lasted about 5 weeks before I sold it.

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