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Rise Of A Legend, a new wrestling game, was released today:


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[/url] Review from PWSE.com


A new career sim written by Glenn Sharrock. The basic objective is to win matches thus gaining more skill points which then elevates your abilities and allowing you into better Federations. There are 20 enterable feds in ROAL, some are real and some are fantasy. First things first, you must enter your details to create your character, name, age, etc and then a limited number of personal attributes points, these will help you in the game. Your next job is finding a fed that will allow a wrestler of your skill to enter. Yes you begin with the jobbers in the lowest fed of all. Once you have beaten more and more wrestlers the better you get and you can go elsewhere. Lose and your going nowhere buster! The match engine is kinda tricky to begin with, you and your computer opponent both have a time limit in which you must perform moves, go to slow and your gonna get your ass whopped. Its kinda realistic but hinders you in the way where you don't really have much time to think about your move strategy, I found myself button bashing most of the time to help destroy my opponents energy level. Luckily the timer does fluctuate up to around 5 seconds, so you aren't going to give yourself cramp by bashing too much (no comments please). Overall its an entertaining sim which you aren't going to complete very quickly at all, you need quite a lot of points to get close to WWE so this isn't a 5 minute sim, a good save feature which stores all the info correctly. The layout is clean and professional and there appears to be no game ending bugs. ROAL comes with a built in "quick help" feature to help the "n00bs" understand how to play the sim. ROAL can become a little repetitive at times but luckily there is a scenario feature (which includes a nice PWSE scenario so you can wrestle me) its a nice way of distracting you from climbing the mountain. A career game with goals and ones that won't be achieved quickly, a slight let down in the match engine but at least you can see what moves you read the report of the match afterwards so your button bashing isn't always for nothing.


I've played it, and its a great game!

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at last- my chance to acheive my dream *dons mask, aztec T-shirt, Cusierweight Pants, hits rey misterio music, jumps up like him and runs out of the door*

Cool, I've been waiting for this one since it was first previewed on pwse.com.


It looks pretty good so I'll download it and take a look.

Nope, this genre doesn't appeal to me at all.


I really can't stand the way matches are "fought". Random clicking with a mouse over and over again is extremely repetitive, and there's no enjoyment to be had from this game at all.


I'm waiting for a Sim where you can control a character in a Wrestling promotion without either pressing the mouse button as fast as you can, or picking moves like in ESWF.


I'd prefer a more realistic approach to the game, where a booker tells you if you will win or lose your match, and it's more about entertaining the fans than winning your matches.

Thing is sim makers can't really win.


When Ryland created EWR people complained because you had to choose your own winner and it didn't do it for you.


Do people not understand that if matches are fought and not booked that it then isn't a professional wrestling sim, because that's not how pro wrestling works?


But then when a sim comes out where matches are fought rather than booked other fans complain.


Kind of a no win situation.


I do agree though that EWSF was crap, it never kept me interested for more than like 5 minutes.


I hope this game proves to be better, although the kind of game Russ is talking about sounds a lot better.


For instance imagine making yourself the next Triple H being able to hold down talent by refusing to job to them. Or when Vince asks you to put a guy over you could have him pin you, then destroy him after the bell with a sledgehammer. Would be very entertaining and much more realistic.


Or deciding to take the career path of Mick Foley, putting yourself at the mercy of promoters and putting yourself over by giving everything you can to entertain the people, not worrying if you are asked to job because you know the fans are clever enough to respect what you do.


Would be a great game, wish I knew how to programme

ok, i've played it for like an hour, and will probably never play it again.


the matches are crap, u simply click on moves, the more moves you can tap in your move time the more damage you do, so you basically spend like 5 minutes randomly tapping moves really fast to win matches. very boring


then there are the storylines which are also crap and don't have many choices to make. they are badly written and are worse than wwe's current angles.


i've already been in the three different type of feds and i would safely say this game isn't even as entertaining as eswf, and i thought that was a pile of poo too.


try it guys, you'll hate it

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