In two days time you will get the opportunity to be a part of WrestleMania 23 as the Internet pre-sale goes live for a very brief period on . Tickets selling for $750, $250, $100, $75, $45 and $30 will be available for just 12 hours before tickets go on sale to the general public on November 11th. Over 70,000 seats in total are expected to be sold for this show, which is returning to Detroit twenty years after Hulk Hogan slammed Andre The Giant at WrestleMania 3 at the Pontiac Silverdome. A pre-sale password will be needed to purchase tickets at which is DANNYJ.
I know there's a few people here who were interested in going to WrestleMania 23, so if that's still the case, here's the pre-sale password for anyone who wants to buy tickets before they go on sale to the general public. Good Luck.
WWE Presale:
Start:Fri, 27/10/06 10:00 AM EDT (3pm UK Time)
End:Fri, 27/10/06 10:00 PM EDT (3am UK Time)
I know there's a few people here who were interested in going to WrestleMania 23, so if that's still the case, here's the pre-sale password for anyone who wants to buy tickets before they go on sale to the general public. Good Luck.