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i would really like to get my hands ona PS3 at some point but it is very expensive so i will have to save a lot and was wondering is it worth it???


and also does it really have a lifetime guarentee??




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Dont know about the guarentee but I can say that I love it far more than I do the 360 and the WII. Though its each to their own and all that. :)
I'm getting my PS3 in a couple of months and then i cannot wait. My 360 is only getting the weekend and bank hoilday treatment

There are no games that make me desire one YET, i expect there will be only time will tell.


I would guess at a price drop pretty soon as sales are in all regions pretty poor in comparison to XB360 and surprisingly the Wii.(not in Japan where the XB shifts about 3 consoles a week, and two of those are warrenty replacements)


I have no doubt it will be a success but its very slow of the ground at this time the best is definately to come

PS3 is pretty rubbish to be honest, the online thing isn't great at the moment, it weighs a tonne and most of the games for it are out on every other console anyway. It doesn't offer anything to justify its price tag.


Get a Wii and 360, you can pretty much get both for the price of a PS3

yeh i am not worried by the online thing tbh i just want a console that is up to date


my brother has a 360 at my mums so there is not much point buying that my cousin has the wii as does my stepbrother so there is no need to buy that so ps3 for myself was the best option.


i am looking forward to the tna game and the new ufc game also will get the games i usually do such as madden and pro evo etc. but i need a good game that my mates can come round and play any ideas??

plus also i haven't heard a ps3 game being scratched to high heaven
Dont know about the guarentee but I can say that I love it far more than I do the 360 and the WII. Though its each to their own and all that. :)


Do you have a 360 and a Wii? If not and you've just had a quick blast on the others, what is it that you prefer about it?

Do you have a 360 and a Wii? If not and you've just had a quick blast on the others, what is it that you prefer about it?


Why can't it just ever end with "to each their own"?

Why can't it just ever end with "to each their own"?


Hey, I'm just curious. I was wondering to myself when I read DS's post how could you make a judgement over the other two if you hadn't played them, and if you had, what is it you prefer?

Hey, I'm just curious. I was wondering to myself when I read DS's post how could you make a judgement over the other two if you hadn't played them, and if you had, what is it you prefer?


Well, I'd guess he had played the lot or else he wouldn't have made the comparison. I've played them all and enjoy the PS3 more as well, it's just personal taste and what I'm looking for. The second someone says what they like about one over the other, someone much unlike you (meaning an a**clown fanboy) will make sure this turns into another console war thread.

The question wasn't meant to turn the thread nasty, DS had already made the comparisons (or at least mentioned the other consoles) hence my question. However, yeah, I am no assclown fanboy. On so may levels! :lol
I really dont think the PS3 it worth it at the moment,Maybe x-mas 2008 but not now.My ps3 can go mouths without me even looking at it.There's just not the games out yet.If you can sit on your hands for another year I bet there be a nice price cut and some killer games to go with it.

at the moment i think the main thing with PS3 is at the moment there isn't a killer title to come out and take the world by storm. However as Luke said 08 is going to be the Year of the PS3 with the release of the fourth Metal Gear Solid game.


However the thing i have noticed with the 360 is baring GOW there isnt a game for the 360 which has a 'come back to play feel to it and still find something new' which is really a let down personally.


However the thing i have noticed with the 360 is baring GOW there isnt a game for the 360 which has a 'come back to play feel to it and still find something new' which is really a let down personally.


Not that it matters though as you're 360 probably wont survive long enough to come back and play it anyway :good222:


I personally am a PS3 owner and wouldn't have it any other way. The Wii is great fun if you're playing with other people, but then the others are as well. That's about all it has for me really.


The 360 is a good console with some great games, but the PS3 is where I'd recommend you go for the most up to date next-gen option. Paying for online gaming (Xbox Live may be good, but PS3 network isn't that far behind and with things like Home it's not much between the two), and reliability (providing the PS3s don't start doing what PS2s did after a couple of years, but that's still better than having to send your console back several times in the first year of owning it) are two huge deterants for me. Also, if you do some calculations, the extras that bring a regular 360 to the closest level it can get to a PS3, the price isn't that much different.


I could go on, but I'll just say if you ask me, go with the PS3.

Bioshock has alot of replayability, IMO and yes the ps3 is worth it it has great technology and it is just getting started, once the games start coming thick and fast it will be hot property
The only reason Id get one is for GTA 4, but Id rather spend money on a new GTA: Vice City game. Because my old disc is wrecked, Im more interested in listening to Ray Liotta's voice over again instead of this new foreign guy to be honest. Plus when I got GTA: Vice City of my brother, I was about 10 (Too young, I know) So I could never complete any missions, but Ive become quite good on the GTA series now. Plus, the option to upload entrance music on SmackDown! 2008 seems pretty cool. But then again, I have my PS2 to play the game on. Which is the second one I brought because the new release of it was faulty (Which hopefully doesnt happen with the PS3, because I wouldnt be happy having to fork out that amount of money again because they made the same mistake with the PS2 and sold faulty versions of it.) Then again, it seems such a great console to buy and I had the option to buy one, but I just didnt because I know the games are just too expensive. Not saying that its a waste of money or anything, its just a bit TOO expensive.
it weighs a tonne
What does the weight of a console have to do with how good it is? It's not like you have to carry the thing while you play it.


The PS3 may weigh a lot, but all mine does is sit there, so I don't see why that should be an issue.


the games are just too expensive.
That's where the second-hand market comes into it's own. GAME has a great selection of second-hand titles for decent prices.
Actually i have worked it out that PS3 games are about £10 cheaper which then leads to the question of 3rd platform games (for example Pro Evolution soccer) If its release for all the next gen machines of course your gonna go with the cheapest.

I cant stand playing Pro Evo online on the PS3 as the lag is shocking players flying about the screen at some stages :lol but I cant hold that against PS3 as its a PS2 game.


I would probably prefer 360 over the other 2 as it has the best variety of games and the online is far superior to the PS3 (at this moment in time)


I cant wait to play Pro Evo on the Wii it will be a great experience.

I've always been a Playstation person, as soon as they came out. I could never get too grips with the Xbox control pad, it annoyed me.

The couple of times I've played on a 360, I've got REALLY anoyed with it, as none of the buttons are right, and the control pad doesn't fit in my tiny hands. I end up with blisters if I play too often.

The wii I've played a couple fo times also, fun, but too much like the eye toy. I couldn't play it for long, without starting to ache or get breatheless.


On both those consoles, I miss my singstars lke crazy. They are the main games I play, along with burnout. I've played the Xbox version of burnout 3 on a 360. The controls were just too weird, and everything was in the wrong place.


We have a PS3, which I absolutely adore, and recommend it immensly. I haven't tried it online yet, as I've lost my WEP key, but just general game play is cool! A lot of my fave PS2 games work on the PS3, which was a major relief! And they are bringing out a new Singstar disk that you download songs and videos onto. On the PS3 games themselves, the graphics are awsome! Waiting too get a HDMI cable, to see if it makes much difference to the already awsome graphics.

The PS3 Harry Potter game was crap, as every other HP game has been. I don't know why I was expecting more from it. Pretty much the same running round, with only just better graphics.


I highly rate the PS3, PS2 and even PSone. hehe!

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