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Yeah, it's alright s'pose innit.




Baah who am I trying to kid, it's f'n awesome. Easily the most fun I've ever had without a naked female present. Can't say I've played much of the single player mode. I did the opening level, which takes you to the beginning credits! After that I just moved to multiplayer for some online action.


Multiplayer is the sweetest thing ever. I haven't really noticed any great differences between this and the beta that came out in Aug. The only one thing seems to be the 'plus' sign flaggy thing that comes up if you wound somebody. At least that's what I think it is. It's quite cool, as when I see that I always try and hunt 'em down for the kill.


I've unlocked the M4 Carbine, which is my weapon of choice, and got the red dot sight for it. The only thing I now need is the blue tiger camo, which I love. Then I'll be happy.


I'm still quite horrified that I've seen people online with a level of 52 already. To reach that in such a short time (even given the US release was a few days earlier) is majorly impressive.


If anybody hasn't got this or is in two minds about getting it, I say get it, get it now!!

Featured Replies

Yeah, awesome game, best MP I've ever played. Love the perks, only 2 things I hate are killing a guy with martyrdom in a small space and the fact they have filtered out Baka as a clan tag >_<
Finding the rude clan tags is so very funny,you'd be amazed at how 4 simple letters can bring so much joy.Just no poo though,that to rude for actvison.lol
Baka isn't a swear word though :'(
Finding the rude clan tags is so very funny,you'd be amazed at how 4 simple letters can bring so much joy.Just no poo though,that to rude for actvison.lol


:lol I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Very funny stuff.

Multiplayer is the sweetest thing ever. I haven't really noticed any great differences between this and the beta that came out in Aug. The only one thing seems to be the 'plus' sign flaggy thing that comes up if you wound somebody. At least that's what I think it is. It's quite cool, as when I see that I always try and hunt 'em down for the kill.


I believe the '+1' you refer to is points for an assist.


Best multiplayer ever, pretty much sums it up.

Played the Gunship level this evening.



Hopefully shale be getting this tomorrow moring and then i shale blitz a damn good session on it :)
I'm really enjoying the single player so far, the multiplayer is also fantastic although it has been annoying the past couple of nights with the issues on XBOX Live which could be down to the game it's self rather than Live but still annoying.
Just got the game and i am looking forward to giving it a damn good play this weekend, However if anyone wants a really easy kill i should be online later :lol

Chenobyl flashback is just pure Gaming awesomeness.


Not enjoyed game this much since Half Life 2.

Is it better on 360 or PS3, or pretty much identical?

Personally i think COD4 is better than half life.


Also coolest thing ever i shot a chopper down with a handgun

COD 4 falls behind Half Life with the campaigns shortness in my opnion.


Not played multi-player as of yet but the general concensus i've heard is that it's the shizzle.


Much like TF2 then.........which comes with the Orange Box.

I have this on PC. I tend to complete it once every three days. It's that short/addictive. The set pieces are AMAZING, Saudi looks PERFECT (unlike the ridiculous semi-racist depictions of other games). It's just great, great fun. You can just sit down, turn it on, play any level and have a great half hour. I love it, my friends love and Jesus loves it. Amazing.

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