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I would have to say Metal Gear Solid 2, beatiful, atmospheric game, with great graphics and a good story. The only glitch is the fact that the cut scenes are a little too long. :cry Bar that minor problem MSG2 is the best game I have ever played on. Resident Evil 1 and GTA 3 are also both fantastic games.


Post what your fav game of all time is and why.

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very hard choice...so it goes down to five


1. Soul Calibur- amazing that though i'm a fan of fighting games, but not so much that i spend hours mastering a character... so how does this be the best game (IMO)...well great graphics, cool music, excellent one and two player modes... all that one could ask for in a game.


2. Metal Gear Solid- great storyline, great graphics, awesome characters- MGS had all this, but there is one thing that did it for me- The Steath Suit... this lilttle thing made me play for even more hours. MGS is like a perfect dream that you just don't want to end.


3. Guardian Heroes- a game on the Sega Saturn, this was a agme that didn't look special (though the 2D graphics were quite good). but once you started playing, you knew the Gameplay was VERY special. add to that a awesome multiplayer, fantastic music and a rabbit that kicks ass and you have one hell of a game


4. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile- a 2.5D platforming game yes! so it should be simple and boring...well simple yes, boring- HELL NO! this game was unique and the characters were funny and cute. and the music was enjoyable (speical mention goes to level 3 boss - that is a awesome piece of Music). proof that namco aren't just good at making 3D fighting games


5. Ape Escape- a game that i enjoyed more then Super Mario 64- why well the music was catchy, the levels were great and varied. one of the weapons was a lightsaber (okay it was called a stun baton...but it looked similar) and it has one other great thing... Monkeys!. as a gaming rule- (most of the time) Monkeys beat gameplay.


there are so many other games that are my fave (hell i even have a top 20 list)

one choice and one choice only, MGS2 there is no better game ever to be created

I'd have to say Final Fantasy VIII (that's 8 for anyone who can't read roman numerals) It's truly the best game i've ever played. Even though there are newer and more advanced games out I still love this one. Great story, great action and great to play.

GTA3 is also very good but as soon as you start flying the Dodo and start really playing the game. The amount of bugs in it will piss you off.

I say Metal Gear Solid. Ive not played the 2nd one yet, but when i do, that will probably be even better.
Two words - Championship Manager.
One less word - Goldeneye for the N64.
Four words: Grand Theft Auto III

4 Words, A Full Stop, And A Colon:


Super Smash Bros.: Melee

I actually forgot about Ape Escape, that game is great! Although hard to control.


(And thats 13 words, one comma, one exclamation mark and one full stop) :xyx

daamit! forgot to include Mischeif Makers for the N64!

(that's nine words, two exclamtion marks, one spelling mistake and a whole lotta grammer mistakes)

Being a Nintendo follower through and through, the best game of all time (Personally) has to be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Final Fantasy VII, great story, graphics, gameplay and probaly the most addictive game ever, how many of us have spent whole days playing this game.


Personell choices would be Wrestlemania 2000, Tomb Raider II, Pro Evolution Soccer, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gran Turismo 3.

Edited by Tajiri

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