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Ok, so some people hate John Cena, most people hate Shawn Michaels, sane people hate TNA but those are all big, sweeping topics, I'm looking for the little niggly things about wrestling that annoy you ever so slightly.


For instance (and there are a lot more that I have once the ball starts rolling and I put some thought into it), I hate the indy standoff of moronic tomfoolery. That stupid ass thing that RVD and Jerry Lynn made famous where a couple of two bit indy wrestlers do some Headlock-Hammerlock reversal sequence or whatever and then do a standoff followed by the idiotic sheep in the audience applauding like they just invented the wheel.


I also hate that spot where one guy is laying on the mat close to the turnbuckle and the other guy is on the turnbuckle and jumps off with a 'Ok, I'm going to get you this time, sucka. Oh dear I appeared to have jumped straight into your raised boot' type thing. What the hell was the jumper going for anyway? It never ever looks good.



Edited by Naitch

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I actually think that's the one good thing Khali does. It's logic that if you're being punched, you try to cover. Taker used to do it too sometimes, and it makes things a little more realistic.
I'd praise Khali for covering up in the name of realism, sadly he does it because he is clueless and scared of getting hit :lol

Prepared for a rant: Okay here goes ....


The McMahons: Yep okay they basically made wrestling uber popular and we owe them gratitude for that but as I was discussing with Liz (my wife who is a huge wrestling fan herself) the problem is that the McMahons feel they need to be involved in every segment, also we have been landed with a midget being featured in almost every show too.

But my problem with the McMahons also goes "backstage" Because the WWE is "Vince's" (and of course no one can knock him because of it either) it seems to mirror what Vince wants rather than what the fans want (and of course Vince is entitled to do it too).

Namely that god awful "Main event" style and the proliferation of big meaty guys exchanging punch punch kick slam ad nausium when the electrifying and amazing abilities of the likes of Kendrick and London are reigned in and kept for heat of a Sunday evening.

Occasionally classic wrestling is allowed to pop it's head up over the parapet and dazzle us - but recently you can formulate a WWE main event on a postage stamp.


And this goes for the general creative staff. Wrestling has survived for the best part of a century because it was steered by wrestling people - nowadays WWE creative seems to be made up of "TV writers" Honestly by and large I bet most of us came up with better promos when we were little playing in the sandbox with our Hasbro WWF figures.

For the love of God, WWE in particular (I'll get to TNA in a bit) needs to employ it's former top guys and it's current top guys to bring the younger talent up to speed on promo delivery and creation. Watch Triple H, Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels when they're given the freedom rather than a script. Remember the verbal bombs the Rock could drop on the mic - remember John Cena's early cutting, scathing and right on the money promos?


In the early 90's, Wrestling took a "more entertainment soap style direction" perhaps now in the face of competition from the "real" UFC and MMA federations, wrestling should look to what made it in the first place - namely scintillating in ring action and engrossing fights.


TNA had the idea in the early stages (and then hired Vince Russo) Afterall isn't the product supposed to culminate in "money matches"?


Speaking of TNA, it highlighted another problem that has proliferated through wrestling. Following an excellent undercard at Genesis, TNA then proceeded to serve up a main event between "Top guys" whose peaks collectively were almost seven years ago (Barring perhaps Kurt Angle - who seems to defy Human anatomy). Samoa Joe was on the undercard and the awesome AJ Styles (who at one time was TNA's posterboy) is relegated to Christian Cage's comedy sidekick. And that's the problem with TNA now, they are doing exactly what WCW did and that's feed off WWE's scraps (barring the aquisitions of Hall, Nash, Hogan and Hart)


At least however Christian did put Kaz over nicely. But look at the former WWE midcarders who flooded the TNA main event recently. It defies common sense. You start a promotion that is based around young indy stars such as Joe and Styles and then when they are runaway successes and offer a genuine alternative to McMahonamania on the other side, you bring in loads of has beens and never was'es and bury them. Admittedly the star power of Angle and Sting were good moves, but why take Christian who had the aura of "not getting it quite done" in WWE and immediately give him the dominant reign - why not build him up first and make people think "here's this WWE bigshot who thought TNA would be a cakewalk and our guys are making him fight for it"


You see to me that says "Wow look at how good WWE's midcard is - way better than our top guys!" Clever Mr Jarrett, now would you mind lighting my cigar with a thousand dollar note?


Anyway this has a point - Wrestling suffers because the young guys can be blocked by the older guys not moving. Let me make a point here. Take football (proper football) Cristiano Ronaldo comes in to Man Utd at 18, dazzles with his skill and in a couple of years is United's best player. The older players skills diminish (Beckham in this case) and they retire/move on to allow the next generation through. Natural process yes?


But in wrestling it's different. Because Cristiano Ronaldo could and did make himself look good on a football pitch - as Sidney Crosby could and did with a hockey stick. But in wrestling "getting over" relies on teamwork and unfortunately there are too many instances of "political BS" in wrestling.


Take Samoa Joe, brilliantly talented and technically gifted but he'd never get a shot in WWE because he doesn't have the "look" for Vince's marketing machine. Also he'd be neutered by the "WWE style" issue again too.

The problem with TNA isn't the wrestlers. They try really hard to make everything work. Christian and Angle have made some young guys look better than they have any right to, and really work hard to elevate the people around them. The roster is absolutely nothing to do with the TNA issues. In fact, their roster is pretty damn excellent.




Seriously, everything else with TNA couldn't be more worse if it tried. The die-hard marks (and even they're starting to die out), the Impact Zone crowd, the bookers, the production crew, the owner, they are all the problem. The bookers can't book a decent storyline if one slapped them around the face and masturbated over their kids. The announcers have become by far the worst in pro wrestling. The production team needs firing, and then rehiring just so they can be fired again. There's no excuse for the mistakes they make on a RECORDED show. It's absolute bush league.

The problem with TNA isn't the wrestlers. They try really hard to make everything work. Christian and Angle have made some young guys look better than they have any right to, and really work hard to elevate the people around them. The roster is absolutely nothing to do with the TNA issues. In fact, their roster is pretty damn excellent.




Seriously, everything else with TNA couldn't be more worse if it tried. The die-hard marks (and even they're starting to die out), the Impact Zone crowd, the bookers, the production crew, the owner, they are all the problem. The bookers can't book a decent storyline if one slapped them around the face and masturbated over their kids. The announcers have become by far the worst in pro wrestling. The production team needs firing, and then rehiring just so they can be fired again. There's no excuse for the mistakes they make on a RECORDED show. It's absolute bush league.


It just smacks of mid nineties WCW in terms of production. Liz said the same thing watching Genesis.

Tried WWE Chat on a smackdown night. Not a good idea unless you want a bunch of unrelated garbage, like "you s***" at everything you've posted.


*ducks as he is sure someone will reply with the canned chat room response*


ECW just isn't the same. I don't want a bunch of smackdown losers on it. I thought at first it would be a good idea but now its lost what little identity it once had. Another thing, please give us an extreme rules match every once in a while.

Tried WWE Chat on a smackdown night. Not a good idea unless you want a bunch of unrelated garbage, like "you s***" at everything you've posted.


*ducks as he is sure someone will reply with the canned chat room response*


ECW just isn't the same. I don't want a bunch of smackdown losers on it. I thought at first it would be a good idea but now its lost what little identity it once had. Another thing, please give us an extreme rules match every once in a while.


ECW fails because of the mere fact it has "extreme rules" matches. The essence of ECW was that there were practically no rules in every match. Also I agree the WWE style has killed ECW and now it's an overspill for Smackdown which is the WWE "B" show anyway.


Its mostly because I watched it Live with my brothers, and it wrecked the whole PPV. We laughed at first but because it made the PPV look crap we were annoyed and it annoys me everytime I watch it.


Seeing as Umaga (Jamal) is in that video making it look even more obvious that they've messed up the match, one thing that annoy's me about Umaga is his make up. It never used to come off/as much back when he was managed by the Armandolio. But now its worse than Sting's, I know there are some dumb people about that wont even know he was Jamal but when his make up is off, its so obvious. They must not be using the same stuff, or maybe he's got bigger and sweat's more. Its just annoying when Face Paint comes off wrestlers. Its the same with Warrior and Sting.

When people with terrible saggy man-breasts insist on wrestling without covering their upper bodies (eg. Ric Flair)
Spandex and shaved chests....It just makes it far too homo erotic for my liking
Its mostly because I watched it Live with my brothers, and it wrecked the whole PPV. We laughed at first but because it made the PPV look crap we were annoyed and it annoys me everytime I watch it.


Seeing as Umaga (Jamal) is in that video making it look even more obvious that they've messed up the match, one thing that annoy's me about Umaga is his make up. It never used to come off/as much back when he was managed by the Armandolio. But now its worse than Sting's, I know there are some dumb people about that wont even know he was Jamal but when his make up is off, its so obvious. They must not be using the same stuff, or maybe he's got bigger and sweat's more. Its just annoying when Face Paint comes off wrestlers. Its the same with Warrior and Sting.

I don't mind the face-paint coming off a wrestler, usually because it shows that there has been an effort put forth and a good match has been had.
Exactly the facepaint never came off as much when Armando was with him because most of the time he was just having squash matchs anyway. Now he usually wrestles a lot longer.

Edited by dpddave

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When people with terrible saggy man-breasts insist on wrestling without covering their upper bodies (eg. Ric Flair)


Is here is something very homoerotic in people complaining about a guy who is too old/saggy/fat not wearing a shirt to cover up or is it just me? It strikes me that maybe buried deep in their argument is the point that they only want their shirtless wrestlers to have a nice oiled up tight and cut physiques or something.


I get why people don't like seeing it but also maybe Freud or someone would have a field day with the undertone of the viewpoint.

Is here is something very homoerotic in people complaining about a guy who is too old/saggy/fat not wearing a shirt to cover up or is it just me? It strikes me that maybe buried deep in their argument is the point that they only want their shirtless wrestlers to have a nice oiled up tight and cut physiques or something.


I get why people don't like seeing it but also maybe Freud or someone would have a field day with the undertone of the viewpoint.


In extreme cases like BDV, its just plain gross. My mother, for one, cant stand watching BDV anymore at all. There's a difference between seeing someone with a normal, non-cut body with no shirt, to seeing BDV's jugs or Flair's fried eggs.


Then again, maybe we're all just raving homos. I know my mother must be.


On another note, my biggest peeve is guys' knee and elbow pads falling down. Especially Flair. He's been wrestling for 400 years, surely he could have found a pair that fit by now?


And Diva Irish whips are hilariously badly done, I agree with whoever said that.


Something else that bothered me recently was Jeff Hardy on Raw a few weeks ago all "This is the closest I've ever been to the WWE Title!" Which just isnt true. I'm sure in real life Jeff has probably forgotten about something that far back, but someone could have reminded him. I mean "..the closest I've been to the title since I came back" could have easily made the same point and its, you know, historically accurate.

Edited by Jimmy Redman

I hate the way Jeff keeps saying "Dude"

The sheer volume of ad breaks during live RAW (this is more a criticism of american tv in general i suppose; but the only one i have to put up with).


Pre-watershed, where whenever anyone is hit with a weapon, it does that annoying thing where they freeze the picture. Seriously, if we're seeing the dudes beat the hell out of each other for 2 hours, what's the big issue with seeing them hit by a chair? Everyone knows what's happening. They wouldn't censor that **** on Rainbow.


The way anything marginally brutal in a TNA PPV is automatically cut out on Bravo.


John Morisson's slow-mo enterance. I dunno what it is, but it annoys the hell out of me. Oh, and his music too. Crap.


Stone Cold making "rare" appearances every 2 months.


The way they take the mick out of british stereotypes every time they come to this country.


The lack of PPV events in the UK.

On another note, my biggest peeve is guys' knee and elbow pads falling down. Especially Flair. He's been wrestling for 400 years, surely he could have found a pair that fit by now?


I don't remember where I read it but if my memory serves me well, Flair uses his knee pads like that to cover up his skinny calf's.

I also hate people not wearing belts around their waists, its already been said but the point needs to be stressed. Which is why I marked out when I saw guys like Batista and Punk actually wearing them.


Really Drake? That is just kinda sad.

I don't remember where I read it but if my memory serves me well, Flair uses his knee pads like that to cover up his skinny calf's.


I'm not sure if this is an old wives tale, but the reason Flair, Finlay, Arn Anderson and countless others wear/wore their kneepads as low as they did - was because it's the 'correct' way to wear them. I can see it from a point of landing on a bare knee doesn't hurt as much as getting whacked just below the knee.


Gorilla Monsoon once made reference to it when announcing with Alfred Hayes. Hayes mentioned Flair's pads, and Monsoon said "he's wearing them correctly", at which point Hayes said "I never wore them like that", Monsoon ask's why the Lord Alfred retired, and Hayes's pipes up; "because of my knees" :lol


Alot of guys don't wear knee pads, Triple H and many others wear knee supports.

"This is awesome" chants. They're just utterly redundant, thanks mostly to TNA. That's a crossbody block, it's not awesome, shut up.


there is a reason you never hear it in the E please there is nothing that they do that is, all they have is lazy wrestlers who maybe once in a match leave tere feet

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