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I know this will probably be closed fairly quickly because someone will say that there is already a thread like it, but I consider this one different. It's pretty much what the title says. Who do you think belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame? Obviously, don't include those already in the Hall of Fame. Here is my list of some of the wrestlers who deserve and belong in the Hall of Fame and why:


Owen Hart- Even though Owen's career was unfortunately cut short, I think he deserves credit for what he accomplished in his career.


The Funks- I think the Funks (Terry & Dory, Jr.) have had a stellar career in wrestling and it is high time that they were recognized and inducted.


The Andersons- Though I think that they deserve seperate inductions, I believe all the members of the Anderson Family (Arn, Ole, & Gene) deserve to be inducted. I know there was a Lars Anderson, but I don't know if he's as famous as the others.


Tully Blanchard- I just think that Tully is another one of the greats. Not to mention he was part of the Four Horsemen, which is reason enough.


Brian Pillman- Again, another wrestler who's career was cut short, I think "Flyin'" Brian Pillman is long overdue for the Hall of Fame.


Barry Windham- A true legend in wrestling (not to mention the fact he already works for the WWE).


Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake- A flamboyant and always entertaining wrestler.


The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal)- I think that Hawk & Animal are one of the most memorable tag teams in history and deserve the spots as Hall of Famers.


Money, Inc. (Ted DiBiase & I.R.S.)- While they are good enough to be inducted individually, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster formed one of the most entertaining teams of the early 90's.


The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)- Another tag team that were big enough to be recognized.


Davey Boy Smith- A former Intercontinental & Tag Team Champion, British Bulldog had quite a stellar career.


I have more that I will probably add later.

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Now you're talking.


I know this will probably be closed fairly quickly because someone will say that there is already a thread like it, but I consider this one different. It's pretty much what the title says. Who do you think belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame? Obviously, don't include those already in the Hall of Fame. Here is my list of some of the wrestlers who deserve and belong in the Hall of Fame and why:


Owen Hart- Even though Owen's career was unfortunately cut short, I think he deserves credit for what he accomplished in his career.


The Funks- I think the Funks (Terry & Dory, Jr.) have had a stellar career in wrestling and it is high time that they were recognized and inducted.


The Andersons- Though I think that they deserve seperate inductions, I believe all the members of the Anderson Family (Arn, Ole, & Gene) deserve to be inducted. I know there was a Lars Anderson, but I don't know if he's as famous as the others.


Tully Blanchard- I just think that Tully is another one of the greats. Not to mention he was part of the Four Horsemen, which is reason enough.


Brian Pillman- Again, another wrestler who's career was cut short, I think "Flyin'" Brian Pillman is long overdue for the Hall of Fame.


Barry Windham- A true legend in wrestling (not to mention the fact he already works for the WWE).


Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake- A flamboyant and always entertaining wrestler.


The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal)- I think that Hawk & Animal are one of the most memorable tag teams in history and deserve the spots as Hall of Famers.


Money, Inc. (Ted DiBiase & I.R.S.)- While they are good enough to be inducted individually, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster formed one of the most entertaining teams of the early 90's.


The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)- Another tag team that were big enough to be recognized.


Davey Boy Smith- A former Intercontinental & Tag Team Champion, British Bulldog had quite a stellar career.


I have more that I will probably add later.


You wont hear any complaints with those choices. None at all. One name that I would add on that list would be Ricky"The Dragon"Steamboat.


Other than that I couldnt agree more with that list. Good picks.:xyx

I would say Legion Of Doom should be in it due to all their great achievements definately. I agree with the rest of your list too really
Legion of Doom should be in there for sure, how William Perry got in there ahead of LoD is a disgrace TBH, Vader is another wrestler who very much deserves to go into the HoF
Legion of Doom should be in there for sure, how William Perry got in there ahead of LoD is a disgrace TBH, Vader is another wrestler who very much deserves to go into the HoF


I dont know for the life of me how alot of guys got in there before people thats given so much more throughout their careers in pro wrestling.:) And The Legion Of Doom definately deserves to have been in the HOF a long time ago. I cant believe The Blackjacks got in before they did.

Edited by The Franchise

Beefcake will only get in if Vince needs some bargaining to get Hogan back in. Otherwise there is no way he should be there.


Ditto with Money Inc and Natural Disasters. 2 utterly rubbish tag teams who had a 2 year run before disbanding. I mean should the Beverley Brothers go in?


And I disagree with putting in people just because they died (Davey, Pillman, Owen) but compared to the previous lot, they are glowing entries.

Ulimate Warrior.


Randy Savage.

I think there is more chance of The Beverley Brothers going in than Warrior or Savage anytime soon.

Owen Hart is not HOF material, IF the HOF was actually credible. As it stands, Owen should go in, because they pretty much put anybody in.


WWE should have put in ONE guy per year, starting with Hulk Hogan.


If the HOF was credible, as it stands the only people in there should be Hogan, Flair, Piper, Andre, Sammertino, Thesz and Race. You could make arguements for guys like the Savage, Steamboat, Rhodes, LOD, Bret, Sting, Heenan, Tunney, Billy Graham etc if you wanted to keep it credible but add more than just the main candidates.


Also, you could make an argument to have Austin in there, but not for another 10 years at least. He is too much of a modern star to go into the HOF, IMO.

I'd have loved that idea, have an hour ceremony with classic opponents all saying words about the nominee, showing some classic matches and promos, before the man himself comes out at the end for a 10 minute speech thanking everyone.


That would have been great.


I mean for Hogan you could have had Vince, Flair, Slaughter, Piper, Rock, Bischoff loads all paying tribute throughout the night, like This Is Your Life stylee, show some classic Hogan stuff, then the big man comes out to the big ovation and has the big speech. Blinding.

I really like that idea Jung of a 'This Is Your Life' style induction with comments from the inductee's most memorable opponants (those who are alive anyway) before the final big acceptance speech from the person going in


Very good idea indeed

Exactly, but WWE want to merchandise DVD's, figures and shirts on the old guys so they cram as many in as possible. That is their perogative of course, and if it means money you cant blame them I guess, but its a shame as its taken away any credibility the HOF could (and should) have had.


An hour show for each guy per year with all of their main opponents and friends/colleagues saying their piece, with match highlights and topped off with a speech should have been how it was put together.

I dont know for the life of me how alot of guys got in there before people thats given so much more throughout their careers in pro wrestling.
This has come up a lot of times, and the answer is always the same. They can't put all the big names in at once, otherwise there'd be no-one of name value to put in after a few years.

Yeah could you imagine if they put all the big names at once?


And the HOF announcement for 2015...erm Koko B.Ware...Big Bully Busick...that one from Kaientai who gurned a lot...Max Moon...referee Chad Pattern...Kurrgan...and Sean Mooney.


Got to space it out a bit and make it mean something.

I really liked Koko and Mooney :lol
One person who deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame is Mr McMahon. He is the architect of what wrestling is today, and for him not to be in already is a bit of a travesty for me.

Legion of Doom


Ted DiBiase

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

"Ravishing" Rick Rude

Gerald Brisco

Tony Garea

Arn Anderson

Rick Martel

Mick Foley

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Big Boss Man


List goes on and on!

You are kidding about IRS right? Right????
No I aint kidding
Are you dissing one half of former WWF tag team Champions the US Express?! :lol
Now that you mentioned the US Express, I think Barry Windham should be in too!!

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