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Mayweather to get $20 million to wrestle


LOS ANGELES (Associated Press) - Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a champion boxer and has tested his moves on "Dancing With the Stars." Now the man many consider the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world is preparing to drop the gloves and do some wrasslin.'


A $20 million payday awaits the undefeated WBC welterweight champion when he takes on Big Show as part of WWE's "WrestleMania XXIV" at Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., on March 30.


"It's entertainment. You have a chance to just be you and do what you want to do," Mayweather said Monday after a chaotic Staples Center event that masqueraded as a news conference.


The boxer nicknamed "Money" clearly likes the way WWE does business.


"Wrestling takes care of business right on the spot," Mayweather said. "Whatever they say they're going to do, they do it right on the spot. There's no waiting three, four, five months. Quick results, quick money. Quick big money, too."


His manager Leonard Ellerbee and WWE executive Shane McMahon confirmed Mayweather's eight-figure payday for the outdoor match to be shown on live on pay-per-view.


Mayweather incited the couple hundred of already hyped fans at Staples Center by whipping out a thick wad of cash and repeatedly tossing $100, $50 and $20 bills into the crowd that had nearly as many women as men.


A mad scramble ensued, with a light pole nearly getting knocked over and two small children caught in the chaos. One lucky man emerged from the pileup clutching six $100 bills.


Mayweather played to the frenzied crowd after appearing from behind a black curtain wearing a New York Yankees jacket and cap. Fans shouted insults and the name of hometown hero Oscar De La Hoya at Mayweather.


"I run Vegas and I run L.A. and I will run the WWE," he boasted.


At 5-foot-8, 150 pounds, Mayweather gives up big numbers to the bald Big Show, who stands 7-feet and weighs 430.


"I weigh three times as much as he does," Big Show crowed. "It's not fair, but I'm a businessman and I see an opportunity for business."


Then he picked up the wooden podium and tossed it to the floor, where it splintered and the attached two mics lay like broken sticks. Clearly, Staples Center officials hadn't expected the move.


Mayweather hopped onto a chair and exchanged glares with Big Show while WWE regulars Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H and Edge looked on, witnessing a newcomer who clearly understands the theatrics of modern-day wrestling.


"WWE is the biggest it gets," Mayweather said. "This is going to be an event like none other."


Ellerbee scoffed that hard-core boxing fans won't take Mayweather seriously after his WWE antics.


"After March 30, when Floyd goes out and takes care of his business at WrestleMania, he's still going to be the best fighter in the world and the face of boxing," he said. "Tell me what changes about that? Nothing changes."


The wrestling gig is another part of Ellerbee's carefully crafted plan to expand Mayweather's fan base.


"Either I'm going to be a genius with this or I'm the biggest idiot," he said. "Boxers have such a short window of opportunity. He can't become any bigger in boxing."


That's why Ellerbee snagged Mayweather a spot on ABC's reality hit "Dancing With the Stars." Mayweather didn't win the disco ball trophy, but he wasn't the first one voted off, either.


"It crossed him over and took him into the households of many middle-aged Middle Americans and turned him into a mainstream superstar," Ellerbee said. "Now when Floyd goes into the grocery store, the first thing 65-year-old ladies say is, `You're Floyd from `Dancing With the Stars.'"


Mayweather plans to train with WWE Latino star Ray Mysterio, who wears a mask on his face.


"I'm outside the box," he said, lapsing into the third person. "Floyd Mayweather is not just a fighter, he's an entertainer. That's what the world must know."


But he hasn't forgotten his night job.


Mayweather alluded to a possible rematch with De La Hoya in September. De La Hoya lost a split decision in their last bout May 5.

I can understand Hogan getting p*ssed for pulling in $190,000 for SummerSlam 05 now...$20,000,000?! Jesus, last years WM was the highest money card ever and WWE grossed $31,000,000...if they draw less this year and have to give $20,000,000 of it to Mayweather, thats crazy.

Edited by The Beltster

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Why is he "dropping the gloves"? Surely the best way todraw money for this is to have a legit boxing match?


Show won't be allowed to throw him all over the place, if this is a wrestling match, it will be hideous!

Also if it was a boxing match it may garner more attention due to the fact that people may think Mayweather actually has a chance of winning, whereas if it was a straight up wrestling match people will probably assume that Big Show will beat him easily so not as much interest. $20m does seem a lot of money

A fun little fact. Mayweather earned around $35m against De La Hoya. He then added another $20m for the Hatton bout and should make another $20m for this. Assuming this lasts around 10 minutes, which it will, he will have made just under a million dollars per minute of action. About $16,000 per second.


The biggest amount I've ever seen per second was from Mike Tyson who made $22m against Michael Spinks. The fight only went 91 seconds, which means that he earned just over $241,000 per second. I think I'd go 91 seconds with Tyson for the $13.5m Spinks earned, even though the majority would end up going on reconstructive surgery.


An insane amount of money, anyway. If they carry on promoting it like they already have done, they are going to lose a load of money. There isn't much time to sort that out, either.

That's a staggering amount of money to pay to Mayweather for Mania. I hope he's a better wrestler than dancer. I watched him on Dancing with the Stars and he was horrible. Mainstream superstar my rear. Big Show will squash him in seconds.:roll
$20 million? For crying out loud...

That is ridiculous. WWE must really be hoping that the boxing fans buy the PPV to see Floyd "in action".


WWE will either have egg on their face or set records and be able to crow about it.

Gigantic risk.


They are going to have to hope that this Mania draws an absolute shedload and bring in the Boxing fans. Unfortunately I think if they are trying that they have stuck him with the completely wrong opponent.


I mean what boxing fan will want to watch Floyd against the 7ft 2 500 pound Big Show? What boxing fan will think "yeah this clearly isn't fake". I mean they surely can't do a boxing match and well how will a wrestling match work?


If Floyd was ever going to look serious in a wrestling match it would have to be against someone mildly near his side like Rey, Jericho etc. But now they expect boxing fans to all tune in to watch Floyd wearing jeans and pads hit Show with trash cans and chairs?


Well lets all look forward to the myriad of releases this summer when they have to make up that wasted 20 million dollars.


Almost makes you glad they didn't bring in De La Hoya doesn't it? Or else they'd really be f*cked.

I'd be pissed if I were a guy like Kane who put in 11 years and counting to the company, night in and night out on the road, running houses and appearances and probably not getting a spot at WM, and even if I do, I'm probably making $10,000.



I'd be pissed if I were a guy like Kane who put in 11 years and counting to the company, night in and night out on the road, running houses and appearances and probably not getting a spot at WM, and even if I do, I'm probably making $10,000.




Thing is I imagine those guys will be ok for now, cause of Floyd does bring in a monster buyrate it means they all get paid more.


However if he doesn't and it's say similar to last year's, then the sh!t will really hit the fan because that money will probably come out of their bonuses.

Even if they do get paid more, WWE dont give much...an extra couple grand and thats only for those who get a spot on Mania.


Just think, WWE would give $1,000,000 to TWENTY performers, reward 20 guys who have been there for years and make them millionaires over night if they wanted to, imagine what that would do for morale. Or even give $500,000 to forty guys, or $250,000 to eighty guys...$20,000,000 to a non-wrestler is not only insane, but morale will be worse than even I bet.

It's astonishing really considering guys like Hogan and Austin at the height of their success weren't making 20 million from wrestling in a year let alone working a few dates.

Agreed, I read somewhere that Austins best year was about $10,000,000, thats A TON of money, but thats for an entire year of being the biggest ratings draw in history.


Hogans best WWF year was supposedly 1989 where he made around $8,000,000, and thats for an entire year as the biggest ticket draw in history and including his $1,000,000 payoff for WMV, which means for the year outside of one night he made $7,000,000.


Hogans best WCW year was apparently ridiculous, something like $35,000,000 for doing barely f*ck all. Even with his extremely lopsided WCW contract, he only made a little more for an entire year than Mayweather will for one night and a handful of RAW's (which I'm sure he will get paid extra for aswell).


Its just out of whack.

Agreed, I read somewhere that Austins best year was about $10,000,000, thats A TON of money, but thats for an entire year of being the biggest ratings draw in history.


Hogans best WWF year was supposedly 1989 where he made around $8,000,000, and thats for an entire year as the biggest ticket draw in history and including his $1,000,000 payoff for WMV, which means for the year outside of one night he made $7,000,000.


Hogans best WCW year was apparently ridiculous, something like $35,000,000 for doing barely f*ck all. Even with his extremely lopsided WCW contract, he only made a little more for an entire year than Mayweather will for one night and a handful of RAW's (which I'm sure he will get paid extra for aswell).


Its just out of whack.


Lol 35 mill? You sure he earnt that much? I remember reading in 1998 that he was on a flat 4 mill a year but well if you include merchandise, bonuses and everything else I'd imagine it's a lot more.


But it's ironic considering one of WCW's downfall was paying way too much with unlikely chances of getting it back and now WWE are going for this huge risk.

He was earning near on $1,000,000 per PPV in his salary, add in whatever percentage of the PPV gross he got plus something like a $150,000 appearance bonus. On top of that I read he was pulling in $250,000 per Nitro, and he was on 52 per year, so add that and his flat PPV money before percentage of gross and he is upto 26,800,000.


Now, on top of that, all his merchandise, plus I'm 99% sure he got a percentage of everybody ELSE'S merchandise sales aswell, plus shares in Warner and percentage of all ticket sales of EVERY WCW PPV, TV and house show, even if he wasnt on there.


$35,000,000 isnt hard to believe once you break it down.

A complete and utter disgrace for him to get that kind of money.IMO Vince will have alot of egg on his face when the buyrates come in.

Ah yeah when you break it down like that I see what you mean.


But even still as enormous that figure is it pales in comparison to what Floyd's getting for just appearing at a few shows.

Exactly, and Hogan's WCW deal was THE most lopsided and ridiculous contract in wrestling history. He wasnt even under WCW contract, his deal was with Time Warner because he was on so much cash. Yet, it doesnt even compare to Mayweathers money, its baby sh*t in comparison.


I think Tyson only got about $3,000,000 for his thing in 1998.

Blessing in disguise maybe, if Vince has to make up the money somehow it could lead to releasing classic WCW and ECW events. Generate the revenue!
Its more likely they'll release nobodies and everyone gets a pay cut. Except Triple H of course.
$20 million is an insane amount of cash to spend... Vince will to be fair get more wide spread media attention going into the biggest show of the year... but i doubt if he will make anything near what he has spent... guess it will be bye bye to alot of the under card when he gets the figures in and realises he has made a massive error in judgment.

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