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As the title says!! Sorry, the original thread on this was closed, so I started another.


For more info:




Hopefully the link works!

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Brilliant! F**k you censors. *ironic eh?* Common sense comes through at last. i wondered why it appeared on play.com again right enough...

If it makes it i might give this a try to see what it is all about.


And somewhere in Leicester Mrs LePark has just died alittle and so have all the Daily Mail readers as well

I'm glad that this has finally got a release, I think the BBFC were wrong to ban this when the content is on par with stuff seen in films that have been released especially when you look at films like Saw and Hostel which I think are probably alot more graphic than Manhunt. I guess you could argue that with a game you are carring out the acts as such (especially on the Wii) but at the end of the day it's just a game and 99.9% of the people who play the game will not want to imitate the actions on screen.
Oooooh yeah!! Quiet Randy Savage, but your happiness is justified.
Common sense prevails in the end seemingly
They wouldn't censor a film of the same nature or prevent it from coming out so it was unfair in the first place stopping it from being released in the UK.
I was looking forward to this game and then realised its not coming out on the xbox 360 - someone please tell me i'm wrong. I just want the game to stick it to the BBFC now!!

Regardless if the game is any good or not then it will go to number one. I believe a lot of people will buy this if released because of the whole factor is has been banned and it will get to number one with ease which would stick it to the BBFC however if it did that then it would have ow a lot of thanks to the Daily Mail and the BBFC for being so anal about the game.


Also i am saying "If" because i wont believe that it will be released untill i walk into game or Game station and there is an official copy looking at me.

Edited by Al Stevens

They wouldn't censor a film of the same nature or prevent it from coming out so it was unfair in the first place stopping it from being released in the UK.
You'd be surprised. Very few movies serious horror movies get through without some scenes being cut down or eliminated altogether.


The Saw series, both Hostel movies, Vacancy, etc all had some kind of censorship placed on them before they were released in the cinema.

Glad to hear this news, even if the game sucks. Though the BBFC did ban a movie recently, but they didn't give a stupid reason like 'bleakness of tone'

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