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GTA Vice City or Smackdown SYM: Which will you be getting first?

Well I am getting both for Christmas, but which one will you be picking up first?

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I'm gonna be getting Smackdown 4. I don't know if I'll get VC. I haven't really read about it so I don't know what is going to be different. I'm really looking forward to SD:SYM. I just hope I'm not disappointed by it.
I will be getting Vice City first, the only reason being that Vice City is out a week before Smackdown SYM. however both games will be fantastic and i cant wait to play either of them.
i'll probably get them on the the same day get them home toss a coin and play which ever comes up first. Or i'll put them on the sideboard and play some more pro evo 2

i'll be getting vice city first but only because it's out first!

damn- november is a good month to own a playstaion 2

Edited by Seabass

Do you not mean November? :D
yeah sorry- just so god damn excited about getting possibly two of the best games for the PS2
While we are on this subject, is Smackdown:SYM out on the 12th?
the 15th
With SYM out on the 15th, it is in the middle of a great 3 weeks for ps2 gamers, being that vice city is out the week before, and tony hawk 4 is due out the week after. looking good.
Cheers BRM, that'll give me something to do over next weekend.
whatever onei see first in the shop i`ll get but probaly rather get sd first its looks cool on that advert, but the guy with the american bandana on looks really annoying when it shows his his up close!

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