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Comments and Questions that don't need their own thread 2007 / 2008


I didn't know where to put this as It really doesn't need it's own thread, but Bah Gawd it's got one.


When is Zelda Phantom Hourglass out? Is it today?

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Probally going to hated but i hate Bioshock. I just found it boring and a basic first person shooter with the option to do hacking and other stuff like lighting, throwing people around ect (which isn't a first in games)

Out on the 19th Dave. Same day the silver DS's are out I believe, although they themselves could be already out.


And how can you be hated for disliking something? Not everything is for everyone.

Ah crap, I was really hoping to play it on my long trip to Galway. Recommend another DS game please, something to use the stylus with!
Ah crap, I was really hoping to play it on my long trip to Galway. Recommend another DS game please, something to use the stylus with!


Galway city? Full of lovely little college sl*ts :)


I just read somewhere Zelda was released on October 1st.


How about Pokemon!

I have all the Guitar Heroes now, I think Jam Sessions would be a step down. Plus I have a real life guitar. I was thinking Trauma Center, or Wario Ware?

Oh definately since you obviously don't have them. Too many good to great DS games really. The Phoenix Wright series warrants a mention (again), but is a little long winding if you're after the quick bursts of fun and is obviously text heavy. Elite Beat Agents deserves to be bought by more people, not as good as the original Ouendan and it's sequel, but hey it's good in it's own right.


Out of those two, I'd plump for Trauma Center myself.

Trauma Centre it is then, cheers.
Call me a dumbass, but is the Xbox 360 backwards compatible to old Xbox games...?
Yeah it is Popsi, i believe there is a list of the games which have been made backwards compactable :)
Here is the list
Marvellous, cheers!
Wooo i didnt know that Knights of the old republic was backwards compactable
Is KOTOR 2 understandable without playing the first game? Also on the DS games I'd add Settlers and Sim City DS to the list.
I really fancy playing Mercenaries: playground of destruction, but I dont own it :(
Is KOTOR 2 understandable without playing the first game?


It can be, they explain pretty much everything in KOTOR 2 that happened in KOTOR 1.


But I recommend playing KOTOR 1 before 2. KOTOR 1 is an awesome game.

I downloaded Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass to my M3 flash cart, and it seems okay... I'm not huge on controlling with the stylus, though.


Does anyone know the release date for Guitar Hero 3? IGN says "October", where as other places say the end of november... I'm SERIOUSLY hoping that it's october it comes out...

I really fancy playing Mercenaries: playground of destruction, but I dont own it :(


If you have a Xbox360 its on the backwards compatable list and you can get it via Amazon for about £15 (I got it since Mercenaries 2: World in flames was bumped to April). I got KOTOR2 and SW: Battlefront 2 for about the same price too, remember your 360 needs to be on the net to get the patches for Xbox games though.

If you leave The Orange Box on the main menu - after you get trailers of the actual Half-Life content - and it goes back to the main menu, the next trailer is of Left4Dead. Man, that looks sweet.
Just been reading this interview with James Thomas and Justin Cook from Rare, who worked predominantly on Viva Pinata. If you're interested click away here; from it Viva Pinata DS sounds very interesting and it raises some interesting discussion on Rare meeting deadlines and how they are having to ditch their renowned age of making games with their big owner. Thought it was interesting with the way we are seeing the purchases elsewhere such as the Bioware purchase, and how deadlines are getting strict for these previously independent companies. Raises the question of course, should these projects be forced to be meet a deadline, or left to their own? Rare is a good example, because of the way their projects change and adapt over time, hence the time they take/took to make. I'll stop rambling, but it is worth a gander.
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