Posted September 6, 200816 yr This discussion has been inspired by the general debate on the Undertaker streak thread about John Morrison's main event potential. Does John Morrison have what it takes to be a main eventer in the WWE?
September 6, 200816 yr In my opinion, he does. He has the look, the mic skills, the wrestling abililty, the charisma, he has it all. He still needs to time to develop and perfect his character but in 5-10 years time, I can see him main eventing Wrestlemanias. I would love to see a Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison match for the US title. It would be a fast paced, high flying and entertaining match between two of the most athletic and talented superstars currently in WWE.
September 6, 200816 yr 10 years?! He wont even be in WWE in 10 years, I guarentee it. Who gets a 15 year run in WWE? Taker, HBK, HHH...thats about it. You get the odd person they hang on to and use for jobs because they have a name like Bob Holly, but its very rare. Morrison, after being there for 15 years to start main eventing in his late 30's? I dont see it.
September 6, 200816 yr I said 5-10 years, I don't actually think it will take him 10 years to main event Wrestlemania but if it does, I don't think he has what it takes. I honestly think if Morrison keeps his head down and works very, very hard, he could become one of the biggest stars in WWE. If Batista can do it, surely Morrison can! :lol
September 6, 200816 yr But Batista is massive, and morrison is tiny. The only small guys who gets runs in the main event are ones that are veterans of the business, who's style far surpasses everyone elses. John Morrison certaintly doesn't come in that category, and he can't get in under entertainment merrits as his mic skills aren't even average. So no, unless John Morrisons goes to another company he will never be a main eventer.
September 6, 200816 yr Voted NO because I just can't see anything in Morrison which say he can break into the main event on any other show then ECW which isn't really main eventing as the ECW title is about on apar with the US and IC title I really like Morrison but there is nothing about him which screams WWE main eventer. In a different company maybe but not WWE, if you are small (by main event standards) you have to have something to make you noticed and Morrison doesn't have it. Punk and Mysterio only got the belts because they sell merch by the bucket loads so WWE simply are capitalising on that, Morrison doesn't have that going for him. He has been a job boy who turned into a midcarder and thats about it There is far more poeple who will become main eventers over Morrison, many of whom probably haven't even debuted yet, but they will be huge muscle men which is what Vince loves as main eventers
September 6, 200816 yr In this case, I must quote Dragons den... "I'm sorry, I don't see anything in here I can invest doesn't interest me, so for that reason...I'm out!" Way out. :P
September 6, 200816 yr I voted no. He's just not big enough body wise. I think with his mic skills after wrestling he could become another JBL on colour commentary. He could take over for JR in a few years.
September 6, 200816 yr I couldnt care either way, Morrison does have talent, but I dont forsee him becoming a main event player, maybe intercontinental or US or tag, but not WWE or World Heavyweight.
September 6, 200816 yr I couldnt care either way, Morrison does have talent, but I dont forsee him becoming a main event player, maybe intercontinental or US or tag, but not WWE or World Heavyweight. Rudie he has already held the IC and Tag team belts and also he was ECW champion. The only titles he hasn't held are the US and WWE and WHC belts. I just don't see him having the top two.
September 6, 200816 yr That's the problem with WWE nowadays. They'd rather have a huge, talentless former bodybuilder like Batista in a Wrestlemania main event than a average sized, talented superstar like John Morrison. Would you rather see Batista vs Shawn Michaels or John Morrison vs Shawn Michaels?
September 6, 200816 yr Quite frankly I'm getting sick of the lot of them. I want to see something new. Don't know what just something new.
September 6, 200816 yr I voted yes as I can't see any reason why he definitely won't be. Certainly if you look at today's climate in wrestling, big guys don't draw. Wrestling is fake and it's well documented, kayfabe is dead as they say so people only look at wrestling as show and nothing more.. So! With that being said, the whole 'big guy' thing doesn't draw a dime these days. What draws is the fued and the characters.. That's why you have CM Punk getting more cheers than Batista or Cena and why Jericho is probably the 2008 MVP. Morrison if given some work could probably work his way up in my opinion. I don't particularly like him, in fact I was disgusted when they put the ECW title on him instead of Punk but stranger things have happened. He's going to need to start getting alot more over though, as at the moment nobody cares. So I voted there's no option for 'could go either way'
September 6, 200816 yr i voted yes because he is quite talented he does that type of style that i just forgot, um...that high flying style, anyways he is talented former multiple time tag team champ, ecw champ, intercontinental champ. already quite a few there.
September 6, 200816 yr Seriously, I cant believe how many votes for yes he is getting. You people voting yes really dont understand pro wrestling, specifically WWE and Vince McMahon. Punk is world champion, but is he the face of the company? Dont be ridiculous, or course he isnt. John Cena is. Morrison might get a world title run like Punk is, but he wont headline WrestleMania in the show closing match and he will never be the face of the company, anybody who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves, really.
September 6, 200816 yr He's talented enough and has decent charisma but I feel that if he was ever going to be up there he'd have been on his way by now but it's like he's stuck in the same cycle on ECW. For him to get anywhere he'd need to be moved off ECW so he can be built more legitimately.
September 6, 200816 yr I don't see any reason why a guy like CM Punk can't main event Wrestlemania if he's over more than Batista, Cena etc.. HHH wasn't a popular choice back in 1999 but come 2000 he was the best heel and deserved to be in that spot.
September 6, 200816 yr I don't see any reason why a guy like CM Punk can't main event Wrestlemania if he's over more than Batista, Cena etc.. HHH wasn't a popular choice back in 1999 but come 2000 he was the best heel and deserved to be in that spot.Punk isnt more popular than Batista and doesnt get the reaction that Cena gets. He isnt on there level, not yet anyway, plus they have other things going for them that Punk will never have: huge physiques! And Comparing Morrison to HHH is crazy, even in terms of a comparison of placement on the card. HHH was ALWAYS a Vince McMahon favourite, plus he is and was jakked to the max on steroids. On top of that, he worked the WWF/WWE brawling style in the main event. Morrison doesnt. Morrison has nothing going for him that screams WWE main eventer, Punk doesnt either but he is getting a caretaker run and nothing more.
September 6, 200816 yr o yeah i remember that style morrison does its capoiria i think i spelt it wrong but that style i think is really kool
September 6, 200816 yr Ok, I'm not saying he will be but I think that he could be. I've followed this mother****ers career since he was on TE 3. At first he came into the seen as part of MNM and everybody took notice of the tag team, sure, neither him or Mercury talked, and that was a good thing because they both sucked at the time. To be fair, they were never given any time too. They were regarded as one of the best tag teams to come out lately and were pretty successful as a tag team until eventually breaking up. Later he went on a big decline, going to RAW, becoming another jobber and eventually tagging up with Kenny f'n Dykstra (WTF!). If that didn't show that they nothing planned for him then I don't know what would. After that he won the I-C title and had IMO, a TREMENDOUS feud with a certain guy known as Jeff Hardy. This IMO, had the potential to become a big time feud with try and restore a little bit of respect back into the I-C title, but sadly it didn't last as long as I would have liked to. Morrison then went to ECW where he became the ECW champions after Benoit went ape-**** on his wife and cripple crossed faced his son into oblivion. Not the kind of luck one wished to have but the fact of the matter is that he had an opportunity to try and establish his name. His win basically came out of nowhere and all of Punk internet fan where going apeshit about Vince "burying" Punk, I for one didn't care at ALL! I was one of the happiest men alive at the moment. J-MO eventually got a gimmick change and went from Nitro to Morrison. At first I hated it but I got used to it as time passed. He started to get more mic time and start to get better little by little. Later on he got suspended by breaking the wellness program, which IMO is bullshit because the top tier guys will NEVER EVER get busted, but anyways, he got suspended and came back. After a while he got paired with THA MIZ and the rest is history. They have become the most entertainment tag-team since Edge & Christian. They created, IMO, one of the best shows ever, known as the Dirt Sheet and have come up with some f'n great episodes. IMO, he really has the potential to break into the ME scene in 5 years time. He certainly has the in-ring ability, not that this matters at all nowadays and he has become a lot better on the mic, now it depends on whether he is given the opportunity and how Vince decides to push him. Plus, we all know how Vince loved to create starts out of his own grown talent. Also, he has been compared to Shawn Michaels quite a few times on T.V by his athleticism and flamboyant gimmick, not saying that he will become the new HBK because I don't think he will, but that's something they could ride on if they wanted to give him a proper push. Edited September 6, 200816 yr by Drake
This discussion has been inspired by the general debate on the Undertaker streak thread about John Morrison's main event potential.
Does John Morrison have what it takes to be a main eventer in the WWE?