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What are the stupidest things you have done in video games?


The stupidest thing I did in a video game was at least a year ago. I was playing GTA: San Andreas(PS2), and I had a parachute (can't remember where I got it from, probably a plane). I decided to drive up a mountain ('cause I was bored :lol), and I made it to the highest point. I decided to jump from the mountain, (I thought it would be okay, with a parachute and all), and I accidentally let the parachute go early. Panicking, I pressed the wrong button, and I lost the parachute. What followed was a freefall from the mountain, followed by an almighty splat. :lol


So, with that in mind, what is the stupidest thing you have done in a video game?

Featured Replies

I used to just find the highest points in games and usually jump off them. Mainly in WoW and in GTA, just seeing them splat was worth it. Getting a bike and launching off Mount Chiliad was always good.
Stupidest thing I have ever done in video games is renting Superman 64 when I was younger..
I used to just find weird ways to die in all of the Tomb Raiders. My favourite is the second level of the first game, there is a section up on a cliff. One swan dive later.....
In Oblivion I went amok in the capital city just to see how many guards I could take down before they killed me.
In Oblivion I went amok in the capital city just to see how many guards I could take down before they killed me.


That's not stupid. It's actually ALL I ever did in Oblivion... originally it was only to steal their armor, but then I got addicted to it. :(

Brought Haze :(
Call Of Duty 4. Where you have to put the C4 on that machine gun thingy. What happened was, i put it on, but wasnt sure what button to press to explode it. So i walk back it, press the button accidentally (R2 i think) and it blows up, blowing me up at the same time :(
Got bored in FM 2008 and played 5 forwards, 5 midfielders and my keeper pushing forward :P
Park a load of cars next to each other on GTA then throw a grenade at the first car.

My stupidest thing was trying to learn how to use the Windwaker in Link. Bloody wand I can't tell you how many times that stupid boat the Red Lion has lectured me on what a fool I am. :vio8:


All these years later I still can't do it so I'm still stuck on the 1st island and can't get off until I can summon the wind to blow me to the next one.:info7:


The disk is lucky I haven't used it has a Frisbee yet.

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I used to just find the highest points in games and usually jump off them. Mainly in WoW and in GTA, just seeing them splat was worth it. Getting a bike and launching off Mount Chiliad was always good.


Mount Chiliad was the mountain I dived off. I didn't use a bike though, I just jumped. :lol


Park a load of cars next to each other on GTA then throw a grenade at the first car.


That reminds me of the time I flew a plane right into a row of cars. :lol

Got bored in FM 2008 and played 5 forwards, 5 midfielders and my keeper pushing forward :P


What happened? :D

Trapped myself in a secret room in a cave in Oblivion. Lost 2 hours of gameplay.
I let Ashley die in Mass Effect so I could get some asexual alien nookie with Liara. Not stupid, so much as slightly perverted.

When I played worms a lot on my old PC, I built a box out of loads of Girders, had the maximum amount of worms on the screen, set all their lives to 1, put all of the worms in the girder box then used the next worm to Kamikaze and watch each of the worms then blow up and die one by one



followed by doing loads of hand brake turns in Carmageddon and taking out every cow i could find

Bought a Sega Saturn on launch day and paid £499. Beat that! :sad:


In terms of actual games, I accidentally pressed "y" when in the Apache in GTA4 at a few thousand feet. Of course on the Xbox 360 "y" exits the vehicle! I was treated to a surreal two minutes of Niko Belic freefalling!


But the all time number one has to be in a Goldeneye Deathmatch, in front of ten people. Having dropped a proxy mine, I decided to check by looking up at it! BOOM!! :lol



Also paid the price for showing off (or trying) at a Videogame exhibition on Smackdown HCTP on a huge videowall - no less in front of nigh on 300 people.


My wife Liz, a keen Triple H fan and myself as Lesnar. I was beating the tar out of her and I decided to taunt. Mistake. Liz decided to boot me in the gut, suddenly the screen whizzed round ala the Matrix to a "oooohhhh" from the assembled throng. Pedigree - 1....2.....3! :) Suffice it to say, I didn't hear the end of that for some time.

What happened? :D




I was managing Rangers, JUST to get that screen :D


EDIT: It was apparently FM 2006, not 2008. I can't even remember my own name, let alone what year :P

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