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I never ever thought I would have to deal with the problematic time in a childs life that is the first girlfriend (I was never having kids ya see) but low and behold I had 2 and well my eldest at the tender innocent age of 8 has his first girlfriend. (she's very pretty)

Like all boys he's managed to keep it a secret its been going on since Christmas. Of course its never going to last they are 8 but its strange, I dont remember liking boys when I was that young I thought they smelled funny and ate rats and snails. Whats with kids these days eh? Surely theres better things to do than walk round holding hands with someone.

Today is a bad day for me to find out he's got this girlfriend as they are going on a school trip tomorrow for 3 days.


How old were you guys and girls when you had your first girlfriend or boyfriend.


I'm scared of doing the Mom talk because then I would have to sound all grown up and authoritarian and well I dont do that very well.



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I think i will of been 12 her name was Jean, she dumped me and broke my heart. As revenge i threw a stick for her dog knowing it would need to jump down the side of a huge wall. The dog survived thankfully.


I actully saw Jean last summer in the pub, bit of a hippy now.

First of all, I wouldn't worry about the school trip. I doubt he's gonna get her up the duff or anything. It's cute, if nothing else.


As for me, I was about 7/8 when I had my first girlfriend. Her name was Sarah and she was the popular girl/school bike, depending how you define it at that age. I sent her a Valentines Day card and she asked me out on the same day. She even came around to mine for tea and my Mom instantly didn't like her. We watched Home & Away at her request, and then we stood near the door where she wrote "Kiss Me" on the window. Typically, I couldn't make out what she was doing, so she had to do it a few times before I got the hint. So we kissed (pecks) and I pretended to pass out from how amazing she was, which she thought was cute. I forget how we split up or how long we lasted, but it wasn't long.


Amusingly, my next relationship ten years later followed similar patterns of child-like shy and cuteness. I don't know who was a bigger child, and I don't know who I was more mature with. Sometimes, growing older doesn't make things easier at all.


More amusingly, my Mom still has a letter that Sarah wrote to me when we were going out, telling me of her love for me. It got ripped in half but it's been cellotaped back together and is somewhere around the house.

8!? That seems really young to me.


I didn't even go to school with girls until I was 16, so I was a real late starter, but, yeah, I had my first proper "going on dates, sexual stuff, public, serious" girlfriend when I was 16. Before that, I messed about and randomly deemed people my girlfriend because we'd kissed, like, once, but I don't really count that as being in a relationship.


EDIT: Actually, I think you could count a girl who lived down my road as a girlfriend. We kissed and hung out together if that counts as going out. I was 7, she was, disturbingly, 11, which is a bit... perverse looking back on it. Yeah, she was my first girlfriend I guess, but I don't really count her. We were so young that's it's just stupid. I didn't even particularly like her, I just liked the idea of having a girlfriend and wanted one. If someone asked my to list my ex-girlfriends, I start with the girl I dated at 16.

Edited by John Hancock

23... yes I know i'm really really sad!


I did have crushes on girls (well a girl) from the age of around 9 though, that was when I first looked at a girl and thought wow she is really pretty so I wouldn't say 8 is that strange for that sort of thing Taki

I was eleven we went out for 4 years he broke my heart as he had been sleeping with a total slag behind my back for a year and got her preggers. I dumped him very quickly after i found out.
God what a question. I can't even remember that far back. I know it was after we moved to Canada and he had German Shepherd dog. That's about it I'm afraid.

She's nearly as big as me.



High School - Though she liked Randy Orton more then me, so I knew it wasn't going to last.
I was 19, and we were together for just shy of 3 years (we broke up about 3 weeks ago). Was never really interested in having a girlfriend before I went to uni, everyone at my school were the kind who wouldn't like twice at me, so it never bothered me. Then I went to Uni and it all changed!!

I had "girlfriends" from the age of about 10. Naturally, they weren't anything serious.

Then when I hit 15, I become a bit of a slag. An alcohol fuelled man slag to be precious. Didn't want to have a girlfriend, but wanted sex, a lot. So got involved with girls I knew to be "easy".


Then I decided that I needed to sort my life out (at 15, this may seem a bit crazy but yeah...) and when I went on a school trip to Paris (post GCSE exams) I made some freaking awesome friends, whom I knew before but hadn't hung out with any of them until Paris. Went back to Sixth Form, and remained friends with these guys, which lead to me meeting my current girlfriend, and the person I consider my "first" proper girlfriend, whom I've been with since October 2007.

8 or 9, Rachel Spencer, she turned into a right slapper in the end.


It fizzled out really when her camp as tits friend muscled his way in and I got jealous.


You know I think we had this question before as I am sure that I have mentioned this before!

I was 15 for the first one, then 17 for the first comitted one.


But for the love of God don't use my life as any basis to raise a child.

not yet. :(

16 for first serious relationship, the one I thought would be literally "the one" but I'm not the same person as I was when I was 16 so meh.


Hoping Mr 2009 will turn up someday soon, until then I'm enjoying being a single female 20 year old :)

I'm scared of doing the Mom talk because then I would have to sound all grown up and authoritarian and well I dont do that very well.




The HELL you don't!:P


Let's see My first girlfriend was named Jenny and we were both 5. She cheated on me ans I got in my first fight.


Dunno how a 5yr old cheats really. Was a long time ago!

I don't think these really early ones count. The fun starts at 15 to 18. That's the whole "I'm going to marry this one!"-cheating-drama-sex-love period. I miss it :(
The HELL you don't!:P


Yelling at adults how to live their lives (you being my most recent client) is different I'm good at that, being all serious in front of my kids yikes thats a damn scary thought.

Never had one. Never had any crushes on anyone. Maybe I'm gay :tban
I wanted to marry Debbie Keys when I was 10! so don't come that with me J-Rock :lol
I don't think these really early ones count. The fun starts at 15 to 18. That's the whole "I'm going to marry this one!"-cheating-drama-sex-love period. I miss it :(



I did marry the guy I met at 17 and he cheated

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