I never ever thought I would have to deal with the problematic time in a childs life that is the first girlfriend (I was never having kids ya see) but low and behold I had 2 and well my eldest at the tender innocent age of 8 has his first girlfriend. (she's very pretty)
Like all boys he's managed to keep it a secret its been going on since Christmas. Of course its never going to last they are 8 but its strange, I dont remember liking boys when I was that young I thought they smelled funny and ate rats and snails. Whats with kids these days eh? Surely theres better things to do than walk round holding hands with someone.
Today is a bad day for me to find out he's got this girlfriend as they are going on a school trip tomorrow for 3 days.
How old were you guys and girls when you had your first girlfriend or boyfriend.
I'm scared of doing the Mom talk because then I would have to sound all grown up and authoritarian and well I dont do that very well.
I never ever thought I would have to deal with the problematic time in a childs life that is the first girlfriend (I was never having kids ya see) but low and behold I had 2 and well my eldest at the tender innocent age of 8 has his first girlfriend. (she's very pretty)
Like all boys he's managed to keep it a secret its been going on since Christmas. Of course its never going to last they are 8 but its strange, I dont remember liking boys when I was that young I thought they smelled funny and ate rats and snails. Whats with kids these days eh? Surely theres better things to do than walk round holding hands with someone.
Today is a bad day for me to find out he's got this girlfriend as they are going on a school trip tomorrow for 3 days.
How old were you guys and girls when you had your first girlfriend or boyfriend.
I'm scared of doing the Mom talk because then I would have to sound all grown up and authoritarian and well I dont do that very well.