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Broadband Gaming


In the spring of 2003 both sony and microsoft will launch there online console gaming networks in the uk.

I think that this is very exciting with what i think is a relative low cost. If you already have a braodband connection it will only cost 40 pounds for a starter kit with headunit and 2 games with a whole years subscription to connect to the x-box network. The sony Pack will cost a bit more as the x-box is a bit more advanced machine.


With a msn like list you are able to find out when your friends are online so that you can challenge them to a game. So i would be able to play say pabster at smackdown 5. Or we may be able to set up our very own TWO pro evolution football league. As long as it's handled in the correct way it is a very exciting time for console gaming. Gone are the time in online gaming when somebody has an unfair advantage due to there pc specs. It's time for casual gamers to give it a go.

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i think the two games are demos

anyway when i get the cash i will definatly be playing broadband on either one

Re: Broadband Gaming




Originally posted by BRM

So i would be able to play say pabster at smackdown 5.


Which you would get your ass kicked on mate! :P :D


Seriously, the online gaming for the X-Box and PS2 is exciting. I didn't know it was going to be available in the UK that early.


I can't wait for the new CM4 for some online action on that too.



  • Author

Well if you could get your hands on the equipment you can actully go live now.


But microsofts official date is march the 14th in the uk i think, already totally live in the us, if you buy x-box games now you will see that some of them say x-box live on them, as you may guess this means taht they have online utilities. I don't think that sony have actully given a date yet.


oh And Pabster I'm a class act on smackdown and i take some beating Boy!

Would you have to have a Broadband connection which come's down a BT phone line (ADSL I think) or will you be able to use a Cable modem from NTL/Telewest?


I think it will be ADSL only.

  • Author
You can use both, however the ADSL is a far easier to install if you don't alraedy have cable.

Online Gaming sounds great. I can see it now...finally shutting Russ up about how great he is at Fire Pro...wait Fire Pro is GBA. Dang!


Anyhoo, maybe when everyone gets online we can set up some sort of gaming league at TWO. I dunno, might be a good idea for a pass-time.

Sounds really good, i still dont understand some of it but its really beggining to look good, i was reading in the PS2 mag about the rez evil game coming out on there, whooo does it look good, and u can like go around with mates and play the game and storytlines together it really sounded intresting.
It is fun. Nothing better then knowing that guy you just wasted was not just some A.I. jocky.

The launch: Spring 2003. The most iventive move in video gaming could be upon us...


The question is... do we care?


What a stupid question! Of course we care!! It`s some thing to look forward to @ least!!


Think about it, the ability to have huge multiplaye games over the net!! Talk to each other!! Everything!!


And it doesn`t clog the phone line up.


Some game companies are getting in there early and are getting their games involved. The complete list of games announced are below:


1. Tony Hawks 4

2. Resident Evil online

3. Auto Modellista

4. Madden 2003

5. Socom: US Navy Seals

6. Twisted Metal Online

7. Frequency Online

8. My Street

9. ATV Offroad 2

10. Everquest Online Adventures

11. Sega Sports

12. World Rally Champ Online

13. Bomberman Online

14. This Is Football 2004

15. Tribes: Aerial Assault

16. Star Wars Galaxies

17. Final Fantasy X1


Have you heard anything different?

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