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Here's the new currently playing thread for 2010.
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Got Crackdown for £4.98 so I'm having a rip on that. Quite enjoying it at the moment too.
I recently got back into FIFA 10. I played a season as manager of the New York Red Bulls, and now I've moved on to a Swiss League team who's name I can't remember. I'm to genuinely work my way to the top clubs, rather than just starting the game straight off managing Chelsea, which I did last time, which is fun enough, but a little boring, as there's no where to go but down.
I've had Call of Juarez 2 sat on the shelf for about three months and never touched it, decided to take a look earlier and played it for about 3 hours, its great!
Still Assassins Creed 2. doing all the side missions etc.
Fingers crossed, but the PS3 could be in working order (fixed or replaced) by the end of the month, so I'll be playing something on it then. Tonight, I'm going to have a go on the new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii.

Sega Mega Drive games on PS3


PES 10 on Xbox 360


Empire: Total War on PC

Had a quick blast on the new Mario game and it's awesome.
Finished Blacksite, online achievements are near enough impossible due to no one playing the game online anymore so gave up on it now.
Darksiders. GREAT!!!
I've not long finished on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, going to check I finished Justice For All then wait for the Miles Edgeworth game to come out. In the mean time I have Cooking Mama 3, Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno coming before it and I also have Bioshock 2 to look forward to as well.
Bayonetta will make you cry.
In a good way or a bad way?

Bad. Its pure shat.


Put it this way, I'm gutted that I spent £5 on it...if I paid £35-45 or whatever its RRP is going to be, I'd be considering suicide.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Assassins Creed 2

Forza Motorsport 3

Virua Tennis 2009

Left for Dead 2

DJ Hero

Gears of War 2


I have mowed through Lego Rockband and to now have that sack of Christmas Presents to destroy which is proving difficult because I am constantly jumping about on them.


Should be fun though.

Well Im currently stuck on Saw (im too thick to work out one of the puzzles) and even after tons of practice on SD vs Raw 2010 i cannot beat my friend in a match :( lol im hopeless!

Just been playing Jewel Quest and im even stuck on that lol.

SD vs Raw 2010, just ploughing through the RTW's.
Well Im currently stuck on Saw (im too thick to work out one of the puzzles) and even after tons of practice on SD vs Raw 2010 i cannot beat my friend in a match :( lol im hopeless!

Just been playing Jewel Quest and im even stuck on that lol.


I wish to play you at SDvR 10. :devil

Im embarrassingly bad :( lol!! and my xbox always lags loads when i play it on live! so that doesnt help me either! lol
Im playing through SD vs RAW 09, RTWM's. Shocking how much more the game draws you in if you play on legend, every move has you on edge.
Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis ;)
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