I got SmackDown for Christmas. It was a present off my Mum and Dad- so, having HATED with a passion the other SmackDown games I had already convinced myself to pretend to like it for the parents sake, with the long term goal of them paying for my car insurance- I digress.
So, it was settled- I knew the game would be shit, so would simply take it back to Game on about the 3rd or 4th of January, say my Gran got me the same game and have the delights of a GOOD game instead.
But, um...well, it hasn't quite worked out like that.
Y'see, I played it on Christmas Day morning and nearly choked on the Quality Street- it didn't seem that bad. Obviously the special matches were all there- SmackDown could never be faulted for that. A quick browse around the Create mode also impressed me, seeming almost stupidly extensive. Actually playing the game made me dance around the tree- I loved it.
The entrances of the wrestlers are incredibly good- graphics top notch, realism as good as (exception X-Pac and Triple H- who look very poor compared to the insane accuracy of Booker T for instance) the real thing; so I was delighted before I even stepped into the ring. When I did, my joy exploded.
Sure, it took a long, drawn out "Stand still! Stand still! Just stand near the corner...." type of match with my brother before I grasped the controls and different move sets (which now, to my embarrassment seem easier than Ulrika Jonsson.) but once I had gathered my suplexes and my planchas I was truly away.
Nearly a month on, I am still fully engrossed in my season mode that I am playing with, even if I do say so myself brilliant created character Mr. Honeysuckle. (!) Playing the season mode is really what SmackDown is all about, although playing with your mates is also just as fun- more so if you can convince the non-fans to be Shawn Stasiak on the basis that he "is like the best wrestler in the federation, he beat Rock y'know".
The storylines are amazing, and unlocking features, moves etc. only adds to your game and characters outside of the seasons.
Overall, I am completely convinced, it must be said. I LOVE the game. I cannot stop playing it- I find it that good.
I may be in the minority, but I really do find it has everything a wrestling fan wants. Or am I just mad?
Hi All
I got SmackDown for Christmas. It was a present off my Mum and Dad- so, having HATED with a passion the other SmackDown games I had already convinced myself to pretend to like it for the parents sake, with the long term goal of them paying for my car insurance- I digress.
So, it was settled- I knew the game would be shit, so would simply take it back to Game on about the 3rd or 4th of January, say my Gran got me the same game and have the delights of a GOOD game instead.
But, um...well, it hasn't quite worked out like that.
Y'see, I played it on Christmas Day morning and nearly choked on the Quality Street- it didn't seem that bad. Obviously the special matches were all there- SmackDown could never be faulted for that. A quick browse around the Create mode also impressed me, seeming almost stupidly extensive. Actually playing the game made me dance around the tree- I loved it.
The entrances of the wrestlers are incredibly good- graphics top notch, realism as good as (exception X-Pac and Triple H- who look very poor compared to the insane accuracy of Booker T for instance) the real thing; so I was delighted before I even stepped into the ring. When I did, my joy exploded.
Sure, it took a long, drawn out "Stand still! Stand still! Just stand near the corner...." type of match with my brother before I grasped the controls and different move sets (which now, to my embarrassment seem easier than Ulrika Jonsson.) but once I had gathered my suplexes and my planchas I was truly away.
Nearly a month on, I am still fully engrossed in my season mode that I am playing with, even if I do say so myself brilliant created character Mr. Honeysuckle. (!) Playing the season mode is really what SmackDown is all about, although playing with your mates is also just as fun- more so if you can convince the non-fans to be Shawn Stasiak on the basis that he "is like the best wrestler in the federation, he beat Rock y'know".
The storylines are amazing, and unlocking features, moves etc. only adds to your game and characters outside of the seasons.
Overall, I am completely convinced, it must be said. I LOVE the game. I cannot stop playing it- I find it that good.
I may be in the minority, but I really do find it has everything a wrestling fan wants. Or am I just mad?