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Though Microsoft isn't close to approaching the end of its ten-year plan for the Xbox 360, the hardware manufacturer seems to be staffing up to develop the heir apparent of the gaming console's kingdom. The company recently posted a handful of hiring ads for its Mountain View research facility, which is looking to add a design verification engineer, hardware architect and other positions to its roster to help with "defining and delivering next generation console architectures from conception through implementation."


If these "conceptual" positions really are for the Xbox 360's successor, we're probably a few years out from learning anything else about the next-gen console. All we can hope is that the team also publishes a help wanted ad for the position of "Making Sure the Console Doesn't Spontaneously Stop Working Technician."




The new Unreal Engine tech demo was shown last week too and it did look like a big jump into the next gen. It's a long way off for sure, but you can't help wonder what we'll be playing in 5 years time.

Featured Replies

I think the next big market will be 3D gaming.
Yeah, that's a given alright, much like HD was the big deal for the current gen.

I think everyone is waiting to see how the 3DS goes before they all dive in.


Actually, everyone is waiting for Porn to take on the technology, nothing yet though...

PS3 is all ready for 3D, but you don't hear much about it.

3D porn already exists.


also Arkham Asylum has some 3D stuff from what I have read. I guess they are waiting for people to bother developing the games before making a big deal out of it.

Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 are sorted for 3D, as is Black Ops. The problem is that it cuts the framerate in half since it has to send two alternating images to your eyeballs, making the game run like ass.


Batman isn't 'proper' 3D, if you're talking about the one with the 1950's style Zombies Ate My Neighbours glasses.

I suppose if you can get used to wearing the Xbox 360 headset, you can get used to wearing 3D glasses.


Getting back to your original post Dave, is there any link to the Unreal Engine tech demo?



That would be in game footage in 5 years.

That does look damn impressive.

The question is what type of media will they use?


Blu-Ray is a Sony baby and since it defeated HD-DVD I don't see Microsoft swallowing their pride and hawking over cash to use it. Is the public ready for download only games seen as that deprives them possibly of retail or will they go for cloud gaming?


Failing that will they just stick to plain old DVD?

Well, they can still use HD discs for their games, but they'll probably try to go a bit apple with a downloadable media store for HD movies.


Of course you could have rented a movie and watched it by the time it has downloaded, but that's probably the main thing they'll need to overcome.


I do hope if they use 3d they call it the XXXbox! :D

Well all X-Box games are currently on standard DVD as on the original models the drive that was built in was just a DVD drive with HD-DVD an add on.


So if they push the button on HD-DVD for games lets hope they build the god damn drive in this time rather then fleecing us.


As much as I love my X-Box the fact is to fully deck it out then you need a HDM-I cable, a HD-DVD drive, X-Box Live Gold membership and if you can't hardwire it to a router then you need a wireless internet kit as well. Oh and Play and Charge kits as well which can add up to, well, alot!

As long as people keep paying for the upgrades Microsoft are going to fleece you Gringles.

As much as I love my X-Box the fact is to fully deck it out then you need a HDM-I cable, a HD-DVD drive, X-Box Live Gold membership and if you can't hardwire it to a router then you need a wireless internet kit as well. Oh and Play and Charge kits as well which can add up to, well, alot!


I have got most of that stuff. Just the HD DVD Drive. I was wondering does that have any effect on standard movies.


Would there be any point in me investing in one? Even though I have no HD Movies and don't plan on buying any.

No point at all, get a blu ray player instead. They aren't that expensive anymore.

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