Posted February 22, 200321 yr Hey, I was wondering if any TWO members have had any injuries. Whether they were minor/major still list them. Also, how did you gain the injury? Cheers.
February 22, 200321 yr The worst ive ever had was just a sprained arm and that was off getting run over at the age of 7
February 22, 200321 yr I have been really lucky and never had a broken bone or bad illness. The worst i had was a sprained ankle, that happened on one New years eve (before i'd had a drink!) so it ruined my evening as i had to stay in! :)
February 22, 200321 yr I badly damaged my right calf muscle playing football in October 2001, a very malicious tackle from some gippo, I was out of action until Feburary 2002, however I was never the same upon my return and I retired at the end of last season.
February 22, 200321 yr When I was like 5 or 6 and I had just learnt to ride my bike without stabilizers (sp?), I tried to go down a hill without using my brakes, ...I was doing well until I smashed my face into a telephone pole thing and nearly broke my noise. Bled a box of tissues worth of blood that day... Then when I was 11, I was playing pool with a friend, and rather simply, I got the chalky end of the cue jammed in my eye which it caused it to bleed, and require stitches. And the last was just a few weeks ago, as I had just broken into my grandparents' shed, the door wouldn't shut as I was leaving, so I slammed the b*astard as hard as I could (forgetting the broken pane of glass hanging loosely from the top of the door...) and almost sliced my skin right off my finger when the glass went straight through. Fortunately the skin just barely hung on and I got stitches to fix it. They gave me laughing gas as they stitched me up, which definitely ranks somewhere in the 10 coolest moments of my life! :) That's about it.
February 22, 200321 yr If it counts as an injury, I cut my arm severely on barbed wire when I was 6 (still have the scar across my arm to prove it). I also went head first into a spike at the side of a rafiator, and cut my head open real bad. I suffered temporary paralysis (well, I call it that - don't know what the technical term is, but I couldn't move or feel anything in my body for 3 minutes) while 3Ding a mate, which shows ya how real the effects of wrestling really are. And I've suffered pulled muscles and a dislocated wrist a few times. Nothing major.
February 22, 200321 yr I've had a broken wrist which happened last year I think when I fell off a rail off doing a grind,skateboarding and also I bruised my ribs on the last day of Junior school when a fat kid powerbombed me
February 22, 200321 yr had to get stitches in my head when i fell off a wall (was about 7) broke my thumb right near the wrist after haymaker-ing someone and finally badly sprained my coxic when messing around with my mates and was trying to get free while my mates were kneeing me in the coxic
February 22, 200321 yr my injury has a back story so bear with me. i play rugby and in April 2000 i got kicked on my right knee and it went too far back - by that i mean it straightened but too much - and it swelled loads but i kept playin on it for a few more months until i eventually had phsyio on it. she told me one of my medial ligaments had torn and physio would solve it. i went back to rugby in the sept of that year and through sheer hard work got selected for the Wales womens U.19's even though my knee still hurt. i played one game just one game and then told the coach my knee hurt and he sent me to the WRU specialist. one appointment with him and he told me that i had infact torn my anterior cruciate ligament in my right knee (the same injury as jazz and kanyon) and that i needed surgery. i had the surgery in july 2001 where they replaced my ligament with one of my ligaments that hold my knee cap in place and i was on crutches and in a knee brace for three months along with physio for 8 months. so i went back to see my surgeon in august 2002 for a final check up and told him that i had been having pain whenever i knelt down on the knee and that i couldnt straigten it fully. after many xrays later he told me that one of the pins that held a bone graft in place was to close to the surface and that whenever i knelt down it was pushed into the bone - that is pain boys and girls. so now im waiting for an op to take the pin out and to do some scraping behind the knee cap so that the knee will be straight. im just gutted cos ive not played rugby since March 2001 and it was my big chance to make a name for myslef in international rugby
February 22, 200321 yr Two minor concussions, once I stood up in a sleeping bag and went head first into a chest of draws, other time got KOed by a cricket ball :( Illnesses: Conjuctivitus (eyes closing uncontrollably and making loads of gunky stuff), Appendicitus, Severe Chicken Pox, and some virus or other. Broken Bones: Big Toe, Little Finger. One of my friends once cut the top of their thumb and severed an artery :roll
February 22, 200321 yr Its ironic that this thread gets posted on the same day as I manage to mess up my hamstring playing football eh? But whilst I got a bad hamstring just now, other than that I've only ever really had minor injuries in my life. I broke my wrist a couple of years ago, but other than that, never really had to go to hospital for anything.
February 22, 200321 yr I've sprained my foot playing football. I've also stubbed my toe when I kicked it against a wall out of anger!
February 23, 200321 yr i sprained my arm when i fell before, and one time when i was about 10 i was trying to cut a banana and had a chefs knife and it sliced the skin beside my thumb in half, lol you could see inside my hand a bit that was definitely the worst that has happened to me, so far.
February 23, 200321 yr Thankfully I haven't had any bad injuries. Infact the worst one was when I was about 8 or 9. A friend and myself had built a hut and we thought we'd test it out to see if the roof would hold up it some wally started throwing stones at it. So to fully test, for some strange reason I decided it would be best if I sat in the hut whilst my friend threw a stone. You can guess the outcome. Yep thats right, my mate picked up the biggest stone he could get his hands on and preceeded to launch it towards the hut. It hits the roof and goes straight through it. I end up with a crimson mask as JR would put it and I had to get a load of stitches in my head.
February 23, 200321 yr Here we go - At Work : Made my leg go green for 2 weeks after "The human train of danger" incident at work. Basically this was me in a wheel chair, two mates on rollerskates behind me, and one guy pushing at the back. We went across the back of the store I work at real fast, tried to turn a corner, the wheelchair tipped over, I was thrown out and landed on a big stack of wood. I nearly broke my arm performing a flying kick, I ran, jumped off a wooden pallet, did the kick (great I was told), but then I realised I jumped too far, landed on a pallet of concrete bags lost balance and fell over, bashed my arm on the corner of the pallet and rolled for miles..... Sent my neck muscles into spasm suplexing a friend in the infamous "cardboard skip". Made a nasty gash in my leg from jumping from the top of a bunk bed onto a sofa quite far away, bashing my leg on the edge of the sofa. Nearly broke my hand trying to break a bit of MDF by punching it, I was breaking wood for a few minutes, so I thought i'd try my luck with the MDF. Accidently stapled my finger to an open package = PAIN ! Hit self in the ankle with a 14lb sledgehammer while demolishing a mouldy door. Bled from head after breaking some glass baubles over my bonce. At work we sell cast iron chairs that look very much like the chairs used in wrestling. However, these were much harder. My mate thought it would be cool to hit me over the head with it ........ Twisted elbow in more matress wrestling antics with my work chums. Nearly KO'ed self breaking bits of wood over my head. My 20 foot drop from the top of a forklift into the cardboard skip, where my shoulder landed on a corner of an unflattened box...... The Sainsburys store across the car park provide trollets with a little yellow car for the kids to sit in at the front, me and my mate messed about with one, one evening. He took me over a speed bump, and the thing tipped over with me landing on the wet road Other : When I was young, I got on my mates bike, saddle high, handle bars low, lost control and bashed my knee into a garage wall (covered in tiny stones!) which took a rather sickeningly large chunk of flesh out of my leg. When I nearly broke my knee cap trying get myself out of one of those ice cream van thingys in a branch of Mothercare once, you know, the ones you put 30p in and it moves about for a bit. I managed to get my self into it, which was an achievement in itself, but had trouble getting out agian...... Got into a fight, where I was hit in the face by a hockey stick. Kicked in the head, jaffas and chest during rugby training/matches. Falling backwards off a swing, onto a hard wooden board underneath, split my head open down the center from just above my forehead to the back of my head. I lost alot of blood that day, fatal amounts. If I think of anymore, i'll be sure to let you know *~* Amazingly, I have yet to break a bone......
February 23, 200321 yr I fell off my swing and took a couple of chunks of skin out of me back, that hurt, and I trapped my hand in the swings at the park (in the chainy part) while my mates were twisting it. I thought I had lost the top of the finger it hurt that much
February 24, 200321 yr The only injury I've had is a back injury due to posture (e.g not sitting straight). Due to the help of physio, the pain is fading away now. Cheers.
February 24, 200321 yr Today at work i turned round too quickly while only being half awake and as a result lost my balance and as i stumbled i whacked the top of my ankle against the corner of a wooden pallet. I thought nothing of it at the time but then i came home and fell asleep for half an hour and when i woke up i couldnt walk because it had stiffened up so much and now i have a MAJOR limp. :(
I was wondering if any TWO members have had any injuries. Whether they were minor/major still list them. Also, how did you gain the injury?