Guys, we're all pretty much in agreement that the G4 list of the Top 100 games was a joke. To counteract this, we'll be doing our own.
In this thread, you can each nominate any game you want. Even if someone else nominates, please submit it again with why it is one of your favourite games.
Rule: The game in question MUST have been released on console or PC. Facebook games etc are not allowed and will not be counted.
Each person can nominate 10 games, no specific order needed.
Try to write at least a line on why it's one of your top games.
Once we're all confident everyone's finished, the nomination period will end and the list compiled :)
Let's go.
Ok mine:
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (SEGA Mega Drive)
Whilst not the longest, first or most revolutionary of the Sonic games, perhaps the most enjoyable by a mile. The new powerups were a refreshing change to the Sonic formula, the levels were memorable and the story by and large was actually told more through cut-scenes.
Perfect Dark (Nintendo64)
Whilst I imagine there may be some votes for Goldeneye in this, another N64 game I played to death with my friends, when PD came out, it took up all of our time playing multiplayer. It took everything about Goldeneye and made it better without relying on a license. Fantastic game.
WWF No Mercy (Nintendo64)
Widely considered one of the best 2 WWE games ever made (Here Comes The Pain seems to be incredibly popular too), I have to admit still losing hours to this game. WrestleMania 2000 was a good game, but the branching story mode, editable roster and more modes made a greater game on a great engine.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (PS3/Xbox 360)
Granted I can be considered a Ghostbusters fan boy, I grew up with the films and Real Ghostbusters toys and cartoons. The game in 2009 was well worth the wait. The controls and handling of the proton packs and traps was pretty much spot on, the graphics were great (the proper CGI cutscenes made the engine run ones look weak) was fantastic and it was amazing to finally get a new GB story with all the original actors.
Streets of Rage (SEGA Mega Drive)
Of a similar vein to the heralded Golden Axe, but in a modern day. What a fantastic side-scrolling beat em up this game was. Time consuming and still great to this day. Whilst I played it many many many many times, I actually only beat Mr X last year when playing Co-Op.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3/Xbob 360)
Whilst a fan of PD/Goldeneye, those were the only real FPS' I ever played. The reason for this is simple. I'm crap at them, utterly horrendous and I have no problems admitting this, I camp a lot of the time. MW2 was the first FPS I really REALLY got into. I played the single player to death, the special ops took up hours of my time and shock/horror, I actually played the multiplayer to death, even with being crap, I got averagely decent on some maps. I prefer MW3 single player to any other FPS', but MW2 for me was the all-round package.
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Who didn't play and love Mario Kart. It set the absolute standard for character karting games that I don't think any have ever matches up to, although Crash Team Racing and Diddy Kong Racing came close. It's always seemed to be the easy thing to do was put any license on a karting game, but Super Mario Kart still holds up today as a great, enjoyable fun racing game.
Killer Instinct (Nintendo64)
Some may be saying, what is this game? Well it was a fantastic fighting game on the N64. While 2D, the graphics were rendered to look more 3D, it had fun little ends to fights, and it had gore without being excessive. The gameplay and controls were great, and I found it much more accessible and playable than other fighters like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
Gran Turismo 3 (PlayStation 2)
Gran Turismo used to be much more popular, and fantastically better. I havent played GT5 if I'm honest, but it didn't sell well. Everyone with a PS2 used to want to play Gran Turismo, and a PS1 too. I remember when my Mom got my PS2, she got me GT3 instead of GTA3 like I asked, and while the disappointment lingered for a while, I loved the hell out of GT3, the first game on PS3, the graphics were phenomenal, and the gameplay was just spot on. It had everything of the first 2 games but so much more being on PS2.
Alex The Kidd In Miracle World (SEGA Master System)
One of the simplest, yet hardest games of all time. I still haven't ever finished it, though usually I use all my lives getting over the spikes in the Jungle level and turn it off. You run, you jump, you punch. Easy as that, but then you also swim, collect coins, fight in Yanken matches, fight racing bulls, use powerup rings, ride a motorbike and helicopter, can fly. Such a great great title, none of the other Alex Kidds came close to this one.
Guys, we're all pretty much in agreement that the G4 list of the Top 100 games was a joke. To counteract this, we'll be doing our own.
In this thread, you can each nominate any game you want. Even if someone else nominates, please submit it again with why it is one of your favourite games.
Rule: The game in question MUST have been released on console or PC. Facebook games etc are not allowed and will not be counted.
Each person can nominate 10 games, no specific order needed.
Try to write at least a line on why it's one of your top games.
Once we're all confident everyone's finished, the nomination period will end and the list compiled :)
Let's go.
Ok mine:
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (SEGA Mega Drive)
Whilst not the longest, first or most revolutionary of the Sonic games, perhaps the most enjoyable by a mile. The new powerups were a refreshing change to the Sonic formula, the levels were memorable and the story by and large was actually told more through cut-scenes.
Perfect Dark (Nintendo64)
Whilst I imagine there may be some votes for Goldeneye in this, another N64 game I played to death with my friends, when PD came out, it took up all of our time playing multiplayer. It took everything about Goldeneye and made it better without relying on a license. Fantastic game.
WWF No Mercy (Nintendo64)
Widely considered one of the best 2 WWE games ever made (Here Comes The Pain seems to be incredibly popular too), I have to admit still losing hours to this game. WrestleMania 2000 was a good game, but the branching story mode, editable roster and more modes made a greater game on a great engine.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (PS3/Xbox 360)
Granted I can be considered a Ghostbusters fan boy, I grew up with the films and Real Ghostbusters toys and cartoons. The game in 2009 was well worth the wait. The controls and handling of the proton packs and traps was pretty much spot on, the graphics were great (the proper CGI cutscenes made the engine run ones look weak) was fantastic and it was amazing to finally get a new GB story with all the original actors.
Streets of Rage (SEGA Mega Drive)
Of a similar vein to the heralded Golden Axe, but in a modern day. What a fantastic side-scrolling beat em up this game was. Time consuming and still great to this day. Whilst I played it many many many many times, I actually only beat Mr X last year when playing Co-Op.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3/Xbob 360)
Whilst a fan of PD/Goldeneye, those were the only real FPS' I ever played. The reason for this is simple. I'm crap at them, utterly horrendous and I have no problems admitting this, I camp a lot of the time. MW2 was the first FPS I really REALLY got into. I played the single player to death, the special ops took up hours of my time and shock/horror, I actually played the multiplayer to death, even with being crap, I got averagely decent on some maps. I prefer MW3 single player to any other FPS', but MW2 for me was the all-round package.
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Who didn't play and love Mario Kart. It set the absolute standard for character karting games that I don't think any have ever matches up to, although Crash Team Racing and Diddy Kong Racing came close. It's always seemed to be the easy thing to do was put any license on a karting game, but Super Mario Kart still holds up today as a great, enjoyable fun racing game.
Killer Instinct (Nintendo64)
Some may be saying, what is this game? Well it was a fantastic fighting game on the N64. While 2D, the graphics were rendered to look more 3D, it had fun little ends to fights, and it had gore without being excessive. The gameplay and controls were great, and I found it much more accessible and playable than other fighters like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
Gran Turismo 3 (PlayStation 2)
Gran Turismo used to be much more popular, and fantastically better. I havent played GT5 if I'm honest, but it didn't sell well. Everyone with a PS2 used to want to play Gran Turismo, and a PS1 too. I remember when my Mom got my PS2, she got me GT3 instead of GTA3 like I asked, and while the disappointment lingered for a while, I loved the hell out of GT3, the first game on PS3, the graphics were phenomenal, and the gameplay was just spot on. It had everything of the first 2 games but so much more being on PS2.
Alex The Kidd In Miracle World (SEGA Master System)
One of the simplest, yet hardest games of all time. I still haven't ever finished it, though usually I use all my lives getting over the spikes in the Jungle level and turn it off. You run, you jump, you punch. Easy as that, but then you also swim, collect coins, fight in Yanken matches, fight racing bulls, use powerup rings, ride a motorbike and helicopter, can fly. Such a great great title, none of the other Alex Kidds came close to this one.