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Wrestling's landscape changes more and more every week. Even though I see Cena, Punk, and Batista main eventing future wrestlemanias for a long time. Who do you think is gonna be a future Wrestlemania main eventer?


Swagger, Dolph, Daniel Bryan, Shaemus, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, A-Rye, Sandow, Aries, Bully, Crimson, Miz.

These guy are just my opinion, I feel Aries and crimson will end up jumping ship soon.

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Crimson is never going to get anywhere in TNA, let alone in WWE.


Bully obviously not. Miz already has.


Sheamus seems pretty clearly the most likely. Cody, Barrett, Bryan, etc. all have the potential to do so. Swagger was an obvious choice in '09 but he seems too far fallen now and probably wont ever get to that level.

Sheamus and Bryan are the only two I can reasonably put any credinility to headlining WM in future. Doplh could but since he;s not had a run with the world title in his current iteration it;s a total guess that WWE will ever pull the trigger with him.

I think you have to remember that it's not a case of now or never. Edge was there nearly 10 years before he eventually got his WWE Championship and Main Event push. It's the old addage, Rome wasn't built in a day.


Dolph, Cody, Barrett all have the potential to one day be Main Event material. That's not saying it has to be in the next 12 months, or even 2 years or whatever, it'll take time. But whilst Cena and Orton will eventually phase out in the next 5 or so years, along with the likes of Punk etc, you have to think WWE at some point will make a star of similar ilk to Cena. Someone that will do their media days, be the face etc.


The roster may appear to lack depth, but there's such a wealth of talent that they have available that are going to shine at some point. Besides the obvious people have pointed out, you've got the likes of Seth Rollins, Cassius Ohno, Bray Wyatt, Leakee, Richie Steamboat, Xavier Woods etc.

Wade Barret definitely. He's got everything in his locker. No one keeps my eyes glued to the screen like Wade does. His promos are amazing.

Yeah there is something different about barrett, he will main event some wrestlemanias in the near future. Shaemus is a safe bet as long as he is buddy buddy with triple hhh. Cody rhodes is gonna have a long successful career and will be a main eventer as well.


All the real new young talent that have been mentioned is so hard to say because you can look so good at the beginning of a career but then there are so many factors like bad booking and injuries.

headlining mania is something else none of the mid carders have what it takes to draw money they way the rock did most mainia main events have superstars in them the mid card crew haven't the ability or talent to get over that much.

I wonder how many people thought the blonde mullet-ed tag team guy would go one to be one of the biggest stars in the WWE? Or the guy who came in looking like a blue macaw as a babyface and got boo'd out of the building would go on to be one of the biggest draws ever? Or even that the goofy kid wearing tighty shorts in the colours of the home town sports team would be carrying the company?


Long story short you can't dismiss the current crop of mid-card guys out of hand.

its a whole different world megs, soo much TV, not enough real development, people pushed far to soon


Long story short the WWE has made it very difficult for themselves to breed the type of star need


I don't see anyone in WWE now from the group below that have the ability to step up and be the big next thing (i maybe wrong) but i just don't see anyone at all. WWE is in real trouble when it comes to star marking

I don't know why I keep bothering to respond to anything you say, you give me a f*cking headache. Why exactly can't WWE make a headliner? They made Cena, for better or worse, from a mid-card guy with a white rapper gimmick. If they chose to the could make someone else a star if they considered it. An argument could easily be made that they've turned Punk into a mainstream wrestling star (even if he's not drawing as they want him to) and he was a mid-card indie darling his whole career until then.
I don't know why I keep bothering to respond to anything you say, you give me a f*cking headache. Why exactly can't WWE make a headliner? They made Cena, for better or worse, from a mid-card guy with a white rapper gimmick. If they chose to the could make someone else a star if they considered it. An argument could easily be made that they've turned Punk into a mainstream wrestling star (even if he's not drawing as they want him to) and he was a mid-card indie darling his whole career until then.


Cena was different, they have made one real star in 12 years they made two stars in the 90s, WWE in the 00s don't have a good track record of making massive stars

Cena was different, they have made one real star in 12 years they made two stars in the 90s, WWE in the 00s don't have a good track record of making massive stars



So they didn't make Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Edge, Jeff Hardy etc? I've just read the back log of posts from you and Megs, and I can see why he's got a headache.

Cena is a standard bearer in terms how big someone can get and carry the company if they work hard etc. He's the face of the company, but he's not the only star they've made at all. The fact so many guys get mainstream media attention shows how very naive you are. Cena's the biggest, not the only. You think the only stars of the 90s were Rock and Austin, then you're seriously misguided and delusional. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Mick Foley to name just a few.


You're saying there's a lack of development now, but if anything, the development now is a billion light years ahead of what it was. FCW is a fantastic place to learn their craft. They put on live shows to gain experience and work matches, they train DAILY, they now have a great TV show (let's not forget they did have FCW TV too), in the form of the new NXT to give exposure and experience and seasoning. What's changed is the landscape of pro wrestling in general in North America. There aren't territories now like there were in the 80s for guys to go gain experience and move around before hitting the big time and learn different styles. If they want to do that, they have to travel to places like Mexico, Europe and Japan, but let's not just think people are coming in off the streets and going straight to TV because they arent. Dolph Ziggler was in developmental for a fairly short amount of time, now he;s regarded as one of the best on TV. Some guys do have experience, Punk/Bryan and look where they are. Main Eventing PPVs.


The entire business is nothing like it was in the 80s, you can't on one hand say they're getting overexposed, then saying theyre not getting the experience and opportunity on the other. WWE made big stars, maybe not to the extent of Hogan, Rock and Austin, but it's a slow process. If think Cody Rhodes is going to overnight be the biggest draw in history when he's been a singles guy and working solidly for about 2 years, you're insane. Rock wasn't an overnight success story, it took years. Austin the same, and Cena.


Please stop posting in this thread, it's inane rambling.

So they didn't make Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Edge, Jeff Hardy


None of them are massive stars, maybe lesnar but more for MMA than WWE


Dolph Ziggler was in developmental for a fairly short amount of time, now he;s regarded as one of the best on TV


I am not sure that is a valid example for the process really "Best on TV" says a lot about the difficult task they have to create stars


Rock wasn't an overnight success story, it took years. Austin the same, and Cena.



those three guys had IT, an IT factor which no one has these days (new guys that it) the wrestlers these days tend to be reharsh of of older generic gimmicks that sucked in the first place.


I would love WWE have a next hogan or Austin but i can't see it happening soon and i can't see any IT factors in the current line up sorry I just can't

So you saw the IT factor in The Ringmaster or Shawn Michaeles pre-hbk or in Rocky Maivia?


No, thought not.


The reason you didn't see it is because they hadn't been presented with either the gimmick or opportunity to show they had the IT factor. WWE these days is so scripted that no one can break out of the mould, the only person given any vague freedom was Punk and even then what he said was pre-approved. The talent is there it's up to the WWE to bring it out but to assume it's not or that they can't is stupid.

I dont see Batista headlining Wrestlemanias for a long time in the future, or ever again.
I was waiting for someone to bring up 3BigDen saying Batista.
So you saw the IT factor in The Ringmaster or Shawn Michaeles pre-hbk or in Rocky Maivia?


I actually really liked the Ringmaster gimmick. He was over with me at least. :lol

I actually really liked the Ringmaster gimmick. He was over with me at least. :lol


I liked The Ringmaster as well. I liked his whole run with Ted Dibiase & I actually preferred that entrance music to the glass shatters one

I actually really liked the Ringmaster gimmick. He was over with me at least. :lol


Yeah but I bet you didn't think "Hey that's the guy who's going to be bigger than Hogan".

I actually really liked the Ringmaster gimmick. He was over with me at least. :lol


Yeah but I bet you didn't think "Hey that's the guy who's going to be bigger than Hogan".


WWE and VInce didn't think so either til dibiase was gone and austin was allowed to put a part of himself into the character which is what everyone is trying to point out that wants the pg system to return to pg13

Yes, that really just re-inforces my point that just because you haven't seen wrestlemania level performances from guys like Dolph or Barrett or Bryan doesn't mean that they aren't capable.

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