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I was thinking about this the other day but completely forgot to do this thread and it just popped back into my head. Many things have happened in the wrestling business that had a massive impact not just on one company but the whole industry, but what if those things never happened. For example what if The Montreal Screwjob never happened, or Owens passing, what if Triple H and Steph never started dating or Stone Cold didn't say the words "Austin 3:16 says i just whooped your ass!". There are a load more examples that i haven't mentioned or don't know about that are probably bigger than the ones mentioned and i'd like to hear them and for you to give your take on what the world of wrestling would be like if those moments, deaths, real life fueds (i.e McMahon/Savage) etc. never took place.
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Two biggest what if's I can think of immediately: What if WCW didn't give out creative control in their contracts and what if the AOL/Time Warner merger never happened.
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Two biggest what if's I can think of immediately: What if WCW didn't give out creative control in their contracts and what if the AOL/Time Warner merger never happened.


The other interesting one would be, from what i can remember when i watched The Monday Night Wars DVD a few years ago is that had Bischoff known how cheap WCW was going for he would have bought it, same goes for people like Goldberg who would have done the same thing had they known the final asking price.

Assuming everything else was the same either Bischoff or especially Goldberg in charge would have been awful. Bischoff is not the man to lead a wrestling promotion and Goldberg.... well, he was a footballer turned wrestler I doubt he really gave enough of a crap to waste his money on WCW. The promotion was probably dead at that point really, all the people who could had saved it had given up on it.

What if Vince McMahon could control his ego?


1: There would have been a proper Invasion angle which would probably still be echoing through WWE today.

2: The XFL would have been filed as a bad idea.

3: WWE might actually be full of original characters and promos. By letting wrestlers create their own catchphrases etc.

4: Vincent Kennedy McMahon would be a Billionaire.

What if chris benoit never had gone and murdered himself and family? Would there still be this pg system in place? How much would the landscape of wwe look different if benoit was still going? In my opinion he would still be a part of the company 2day, he was still a top bill, and over with the audiences.

What if Jeff Jarrett never started tna?

...wwe would be a whole lot bigger!

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1: There would have been a proper Invasion angle which would probably still be echoing through WWE today.


11 years later? Would have been abit stale by now don't you think.


What if chris benoit never had gone and murdered himself and family? Would there still be this pg system in place?


To be fair the Benoit incident has nothing to do with WWE still being PG.

The other interesting one would be, from what i can remember when i watched The Monday Night Wars DVD a few years ago is that had Bischoff known how cheap WCW was going for he would have bought it, same goes for people like Goldberg who would have done the same thing had they known the final asking price.


Bischoff DID try to buy it. He was *this* close to buying it, had financial backers, bought domain names, the works. I think it was only when they lost the TV timeslots that his investors scarpered and he lost interest. Of course this is all from my vague memory.


I think you're thinking of Jericho saying that he could have paid for WCW out of his own pocket.

What if Vince listened to the fans?


WWE would fail.


He's a business man who may make bad calls but still is a multi millionaire.


The fans are sometimes one sided, short sighted and have no business expeirence.


Thats just my opinion.


Do u think WWE would work better if Vince listened to the fan?

Do u think WWE would work better if Vince listened to the fan?


No. Because we're an overly fickle bunch with rubbish attention spans and unrealistic expectations. I would go further into this, but I'm hoping to write a W101 article about it, so I'll leave it until then.

It depends what you mean by "listen to the fans". For one thing, listening to the vast majority of his fans is a lot different to listening to the small but vocal minority that inhabits the internet.


And it depends if you mean "If we all got to fantasy book WWE the way we'd like it", or if you just mean that Vince should try to give the fans what they want to see in a general sense. Because the latter is utterly sensible. But that doesnt mean he should bring me in to book his shows for him because as a person of the internet I know better than he does how to run a wrestling company.

If I ran the dobble dobble the way I thought it should be ran. I'm sure I'd ruin everything.


Sometimes the majority of what people want isn't the same as you think it is even if it seems that way.

What if Brock lesnar beat Cena at Extreem Rules and Lesner was allowed to be the face of the WWE?


Would it be a better show?

Either way he still doesnt have enough dates to be on the show enough to make a difference to the product as a whole.
what if the rock had not left to begin a movie career and remained with wwe as its franchise guy and was still on the fulltime roster?
What if wcw won the Monday night wars? Or if stone cold didn't lead team wwf? Also what if tna does an invasion?
what if the rock had not left to begin a movie career and remained with wwe as its franchise guy and was still on the fulltime roster?


He'd be where Michaels, HHH and Stone Cold are which is doing a small amount of dates to pop the older crowds.


What if wcw won the Monday night wars? Or if stone cold didn't lead team wwf? Also what if tna does an invasion?


Honestly, if WCW had won the Monday Night wars I actually think we'd have a worse product today than we actually do. Can you imagine if all the crap, insider, policting, wrestlers with creative control had become the norm for the wrestling business? God, people complain that McMahon pushes Cena down your throats... Can you imagine if Kurt Angle had full creative control in TNA...shudder.


The other two points are just angle based kayfabe stuff and don't really mean anything. Though I honestly can't ever see a time when Austin wouldn't have ended up leading team WWF, there's simply no payoff to it.

What if WWE didn't screw Christian out of the world title, just five days after winning it.
What if WWE didn't screw Christian out of the world title, just five days after winning it.


Nothing. It's simply not that important. He'd have lost it to Orton soon enough anyway and the world would miraculously keep on turning. Christian just isn't a big deal dude.

Yeah it depends on what Jam is saying would happen if not a five day reign. But if you go with "What if Christian had a three week reign instead of a five day reign?" then the only difference would be that the world loses the great TV match they had on 6/5/11.

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