As I say I want to do a bunch of these, and I like the symmetry of putting a new poll up every week, so here goes.
Both work the classic superhero babyface style.
They drew the biggest WCW buyrate ever together.
Both currently make a living cutting promos in TNA.
Who do you prefer?
Once again, I donr want any HOF arguments about business. Judge them on any and all aspects of performance you like - who do you personally think is a better wrestler?
As I say I want to do a bunch of these, and I like the symmetry of putting a new poll up every week, so here goes.
Both work the classic superhero babyface style.
They drew the biggest WCW buyrate ever together.
Both currently make a living cutting promos in TNA.
Who do you prefer?
Once again, I donr want any HOF arguments about business. Judge them on any and all aspects of performance you like - who do you personally think is a better wrestler?
State your reasons.