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As I say I want to do a bunch of these, and I like the symmetry of putting a new poll up every week, so here goes.


Both work the classic superhero babyface style.

They drew the biggest WCW buyrate ever together.

Both currently make a living cutting promos in TNA.


Who do you prefer?


Once again, I donr want any HOF arguments about business. Judge them on any and all aspects of performance you like - who do you personally think is a better wrestler?


State your reasons.

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Who is better? 23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is better?

    • Hulk Hogan is better
    • Sting is better

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This is just like Steve Austin vs. The Rock all over again for me.


Personally, I always preferred Sting. I preferred his match style, I really dug the Crow gimmick, and he was the man when I was growing up. Hogan's style was always a little wacky for me, and I was too young to really have that right-place-right-time connection with him like I had with Sting.


At the same time, I fully appreciate that, in the grand scheme of things, Hogan wins in the iconic/importance stakes hands down.

Yeah I think a lot of the time when faced with a choice, "the one I grew up with" is generally going to be the answer.

Hogan got me into wrestling, Sting kept me around.


Voted Sting.



I like Sting, but overall I find Hogan more entertaining.

Hogan, I've never really had that much interest in Sting but that's because I was never a WCW guy other than worldwide and that was rare. Also whenever Hogan 'Hulks Up' I still kind of love it no matter how many times I've seen it before.

I'm staying out of this one because...well...I never really liked either of these guys.


*runs and hides*



Haha, no, of course not.

Wrestling im a go with sting.

presence in wrestling hulk hogan



I was never really big on Sting & I grew up in the 80s as a Hogan fan

As for match quality Sting had classics with Flair/Vader/Foley and got good matches out of Luger.


As a whole though Hogan gets my vote.

Purely on who I've enjoyed for the longest then it's Sting. Also coolest gimmick of the two with the whole Crow-Sting thing. Sting was the only wrestler in WCW that I gave a crap about as a kid, total WWF mark. When Hulk left WWF for WCW I wasn't bothered as much.


If it includes who is bigger in the business then Hogan wins by a mile. As much as I have no interest in seeing him on a show if I met him in real life I'd wet myself like a little girl. I think, whilst I'd still be excited, I'd be able to contain my waters if I met Sting.

Sting, easy. He's a better worker in every aspect.
I was never a Hulkamanic as a kid but when Hogan returned in 2002 I marked out I love his music. I have never really been a fan of Stings as like others I rarely watched WCW. In later life I have but seemed to have missed the aura around Sting,

My personal preference is Sting.


Also, I'd just point out that phrasing the question as "Who is better" isn't the same as asking "who do you prefer". Asking "who is better" invites all those HoF arguments about business.

My personal preference is Sting.


Also, I'd just point out that phrasing the question as "Who is better" isn't the same as asking "who do you prefer". Asking "who is better" invites all those HoF arguments about business.


Not necessarily. Who is a better wrestler based on their performances, not who is a more successful wrestler. To me "who you prefer" and "who you think is better" are pretty much interchangeable, I have a feeling we disagree on this historically, but if you want to separate the two then above all I am asking "who you think is better". In the ring, on the mic, and etc. Who is better at wrestling.


Great Khali is more successful than Chris Benoit in a business sense. I would say almost everyone would think Chris Benoit was a better wrestler.


I'm not asking who the more successful wrestler is. Obviously in this case that is Hogan and there's no poll. I dont want business arguments, I want performance arguments. We can all separate the two.

sting my favourite of all time
Sting's work with Flair, Bret, Angle, etc. showers all over anything Hogan has done, with the likes of Warrior, Savage, etc.

Like we said at the start of this thread, there's really only one that you grew up with. And even though thats neither for me, I still got a taste of it anyway. I can clearly remember jumping up and down in my house going insane when Hogan ran in to save Eugene at WM21. Even though it was 2005, for five minutes it was 1986. I had never laid eyes on this guy before in my life, but five minutes with him and I completely understood. Sting has never done anything even remotely as significant to me. So Hogan has my heart.


For me their best matches are kind of a wash. Not much separates Flair/Sting and the Horsemen tag with Hogan/Warrior and Hogan/Andre. My thing with matches is mainly that with the 90s now being my major blind spot, I have not seen a lot of Sting's most pimped work - Vader matches, MNW stuff, and so on. Whereas I watched a whole heap of Hogan stuff for the 80s project. I can readily admit that I do not have the full picture on Sting.


I mean stylistically, in the ring I could see myself preferring Sting if I was more familiar with him. Cena, especially at his peak, is far closer to Sting (and Lawler) than Hogan even though people always compare him to the latter. So in five years when I catch up to all wrestling, ever, I might feel differently. But I like Hogan just fine in the ring and again, the guy just does something to you that nobody else can. He transcends everything.

I've always been a fan of Sting. I was never a massive fan of Hogan, so him in WCW wasn't the reason I watched.


I think a major factor of Sting's appeal, particularly in the mid 90s period, wasn't necessarily the strength of his matches, but the angle he was involved in. I mean, the guy didn't speak for over a year, just used to come down to the ring, bust shit up, then leave. And it never got old. Never. So that's why I love Sting, the whole character really worked. Anything post 2000 I couldn't tell you about because I missed 7 years of stuff. Didn't he have a massive fued with Vampiro around 2000?


I've only watched a little of TNA, mostly just Sting's debut and that's about it, so my little pocket of history, for both hogan and Sting, remains firmly stuck int he 90s.

I've never been a fan of Sting, to me he was always a WCW hybrid low rent rip off of Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior who was smaller and with crap mic skills and who always played second fiddle to Ric Flair.

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