October 13, 201212 yr It also depends on the gimmick. 450 is a prettier move, so it's better for a sort of unrealistically-beautiful Masacara Dorada sort of super-human luchador, whilst the Swanton Bomb, because of the angle, has a more suicidal, dare devil edge to it, hence it suiting Jeff Hardy to well.
October 14, 201212 yr Try to come up with something original. Also never get the color or do crazy spots without getting paid extra. Learn how to wrestle properly and respect the business before dedicating yourself to a handful of things you've seen others do.
October 14, 201212 yr Abyss might be the worst example of a wrestler it's possible to emulate. He's fig 1. in the text book of how to avoid getting any sort of heat.
October 14, 201212 yr Are you wanting to know whats a better finisher to perform yourself? If so I'd go for something thats gonna keep you healthy for as long as possible. If you're determined to do the pin thing I suppose a top rope move could be called the pin drop, whatever. Like others have said though, try to be original. I've never wrestled and never will but I wouldn't be thinking too much about finishers at the minute if I were you. I'd just concentrate on learning how to work and if you can.
October 14, 201212 yr No one is oing to let you do the Michinoku Drivr on them as an untrained rookie, any driver move requires the person performing the move to protect the f*ck out of whoever is taking it.
October 14, 201212 yr Yeah, also, very few big-time wrestling companies allow the Michinoku Driver anymore since the Pile-driver ban.
October 14, 201212 yr Yeah, well, he's a trainee, he's not about to walk into a big time company. But anyway, best thing to do would be to find out a finisher as you go along, work out a speciality move or hold for yourself.
October 14, 201212 yr Who said he was dumbass? Everyone said that he's not ready to perform that move because it would be dangerous. Jesus, you troll hard but fail harder. The best thing you can do mate is get trained and then decide, no one is going to take a finisher from you until you can do the basics. turn up, learn your craft, do all the sh*tty jobs and get all the experience you can on the side. Expect nothing to come easy.
October 14, 201212 yr If your trainer's any good you won't even need to think about a finisher for at least the first 3-6 months. You'll be spending that time learning how to wrestle first.
October 14, 201212 yr You say that until it happens for the first time. :lol Honestly, I've seen more than a few folks take a bad bump and just decide to quit there and then. I'm not saying you will, just saying sometimes sh*t happens. It's also worth looking into getting yourself insured if you do start working matches. Better safe than sorry.
October 14, 201212 yr i wont quit, i've never quit and i never will, i don't know the meaning of the word quit
October 14, 201212 yr i'm gonna do whatever it takes, if i get hurt i will just keep getting back up Yeah, the point about a serious finisher like the piledriver is that it's not about you getting hurt, it's about you killing someone or leaving them crippled. Not a hand in the house is taking that kinda move from anyone with less than at least two or three years experience under their belt.