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Meanwhile at San Diego Comic Con







[Man of Steel director Zack Snyder just came out and rocked our worlds at Comic-Con. Not just announcing that Batman will be in the Superman sequel — which he did with a cool-looking metallic Superman-Batman logo that drove the crowd nuts. But that was not the biggest deal.


Spoilers ahead...


They're doing a Superman/Batman movie... but that's not the big news!

The biggest deal was, Snyder brought out Man of Steel actor Harry Lennix (General Swanwick) to use his cool voice to read the following piece of dialogue:


I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.




Yup. Batman's speech from Dark Knight Returns. Snyder said the movie won't be an adaptation of this film... but it will be inspired by it. The crowd lost their shit.



BURBANK, Calif., Jul 20, 2013 — On the heels of the worldwide success of “Man of Steel,” director Zack Snyder is bringing together the two greatest Super Heroes of all time–Batman and Superman–for the first time on the big screen. The announcement was made today by Greg Silverman, President, Creative Development and Worldwide Production, and Sue Kroll, President, Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures.


The current hit, “Man of Steel,” has taken in more than $630 million at the worldwide box office to date, and climbing. Along with its star, Henry Cavill, the upcoming film brings back Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane. The new Batman has yet to be cast.


Snyder is co-writing the story with David S. Goyer, who will then pen the screenplay. Production is expected to begin in 2014, with an anticipated release date in Summer 2015.


Silverman stated, “Zack Snyder is an incredibly talented filmmaker, but beyond that, he’s a fan first and he utterly gets this genre. We could not think of anyone better suited to the task of bringing these iconic Super Heroes to the screen in his own way.” Kroll added, “We are thrilled to be back in business with Zack and his team on this next movie. The success of ‘Man of Steel’ is a wonderful testament to the love and support that both fans and new audiences, worldwide, have for these characters. We are very excited to see what Zack has in store for all of us.”


Diane Nelson, President, DC Entertainment, noted, “Superman and Batman together on the big screen is a dream come true for DC fans everywhere. All of us at DC Entertainment could not be more excited for Zack’s continuing vision for the DC Universe.”


Zack Snyder, who made a surprise appearance at Comic-Con today, breaking the news to audiences there, later said, “I’m so excited to begin working again with Henry Cavill in the world we created, and I can’t wait to expand the DC Universe in this next chapter. Let’s face it, it’s beyond mythological to have Superman and our new Batman facing off, since they are the greatest Super Heroes in the world.”


The new film brings back Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder as producers. This time, Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas are serving as executive producers, along with Benjamin Melniker and Michael E. Uslan.


Thomas offered, “Whilst our ‘Dark Knight’ trilogy is complete, we have every confidence that Zack’s fresh interpretation will take the character in a new and exciting direction. His vision for Superman opened the door to a whole new universe and we can’t wait to see what Zack does with these characters.”


The film is based on Superman characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, and Batman characters created by Bob Kane, published by DC Entertainment.



Edited by BRM

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F*ck off Batman....urgh, way to ruin my Superman love fest. Batman got his own trilogy, why cant he f*ck off back to the Batcave and leave us in peace?!
Justice League that's why.
They'll have a tough time making a movie of Dark Knight Returns that isn't Dark Knight Rises, seeing that they're kinda the same already. This close to the Nolan trilogy, old Batman is just about the only sort of Batman I'd have time for for the next decade.
Justice League that's why.
Having a Batman cameo to help set up JLA is one thing, having him as just as big a part of the movie as Superman is another.


Batman needs to f*ck of out of it.

Batman is a cash cow right now. They'd be stupid not to include him in a major role. It'd be like Iron Man making a cameo in the Avengers.

Superman Vs Batman??


Mod edit 'cause that's what I do.



Edited by Maxximus

Batman is a cash cow right now. They'd be stupid not to include him in a major role. It'd be like Iron Man making a cameo in the Avengers.
Not really a good comparison mate. A better comparison would be saying it would be like Iron Man having a cameo in Thor....and where would the problem be there? Its the Superman sequel, not a Batman movie. I'm all for them having some cameos to set up THE JLA movie, but I dont want Batman as the focal point of a Superman movie, if I did, I'd have just gone to see a Batman film.


Hopefully there isnt Batman overkill, but by having his insignia as part of the promotional artwork for the film, looks like its gonna be full of Batman nonsense.

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I can understand your frustrations Belty.


But 2015 is shaping up to be a tough sell for cinema goers, with increased ticket prices and people picking and choosing their films could a simple MOS sequel where Lex Luthor tries to defeat Superman with Kryptonite whilst several insurance companies go bust compete with the treble pronged Disney assault of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars IIV and Finding Dory?


Batman in my eyes gives it a chance of competing, but unless they can get Bale on board I think they could struggle.

Yeah fair point but Lex Luthor and Kryptonite dont even need to come into it, they didnt mention either or rely on either for MOS and it was awesome. All they have to do is announce Doomsday or Darkseid and that trumps having Batman, at least in my eyes. And MOS has made what? Like $650 million, and its still in cinemas and it still hasnt debuted in some countries. The original Batman made like $350 and the original Iron Man $580 million. MOS has blasted them both, I dont think its a franchise that needs something like Batman to be able to compete when its already shown it can trounce other films on its own merits.


I'm not saying this will hurt the franchise creatively or financially, I'm just saying as a massive Superman mark who hates Batman, this really isnt something I wanted to hear. I'll still go see it though, and look forward to it just because its Superman.

My hope is that it has a short team up, and then introduces a new threat in the credits which basically leads to the JL movie
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Rumours suggest that we'll see a Flash movie in 2016 and JLA in 2013.



But as with everything with the the DC cinematic universe take It with a pinch of salt.

Not really a good comparison mate. A better comparison would be saying it would be like Iron Man having a cameo in Thor....and where would the problem be there? Its the Superman sequel, not a Batman movie. I'm all for them having some cameos to set up THE JLA movie, but I dont want Batman as the focal point of a Superman movie, if I did, I'd have just gone to see a Batman film.


Hopefully there isnt Batman overkill, but by having his insignia as part of the promotional artwork for the film, looks like its gonna be full of Batman nonsense.


I gotta admit, I'm with you on this.


I get that you don't care for Batman and that's fine. I'm kinda burned out on him myself. I don't really think he should be the focal point in a Superman sequel unless of course it's Batman playing an almost villain type roll. There was a Justice League storyline where the entire JLA was compromised and each individual member had their weaknesses exploited. It turned out that the main bad guy had hacked into Batman's computer and stole files that he had on the JLA as a contingency plan just in case they went rouge. It was because of Batman that the bad guys had the upper hand on the Justice League. It all worked out in the end of course but everyone was butt hurt that Batman didn't trust them and who can blame him? He had a good point. These heroes are like gods and if they switched sides or whatever it could lead to mass destruction and there should be someone who knows how to counteract their abilities.


If Batman played the role of not trusting Superman and stalked him throughout the movie to find out if he could be trusted or not and it led to a fight between the two followed by a friendship then finally a team up to take down an even bigger threat it could be cool. That would be pretty awesome BUT you're right, it shouldn't be a direct sequel but a stand alone film like Worlds Finest or something. After all you don't see Thor teaming up with Iron Man like you said. They all have their own films and Superman should be no different. It's just DC trying to compete with Marvel and showing that they still don't have faith in the Big Blue Boyscout.


As hard as DC are trying and in my opinion doing a good job with developing their superhero franchise I can't help but think that they're always gonna be well behind the curve as Marvel leaves them in the dust. They've taken too long to bring these stories to film and Marvel has a massive head start with all of their major heroes established.

Okay, freaking GOOSEBUMPS!
I genuinely got a little teary-eyed.
  • 3 weeks later...

Christian Bale 'offered $50 million to return for Superman vs Batman'


Christian Bale has allegedly been offered a deal to reprise his Batman role.


Warner Bros is said to have approached the British actor with a $50 million contract, in the hopes of securing him for the Superman vs Batman project.


Superman and Batman


Superman and Batman



Bale himself has publicly ruled out returning as Bruce Wayne in any more movies, explaining that three Dark Knight films were enough.


However, author Vince Russel has claimed in his new eBook Beyond Batman: The Unauthorized True Story of Christian Bale and His Dark Knight Dilemma that Bale is not out of the running just yet.


Russel writes that Bale is under "extraordinary pressure" to reprise his superhero role in the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel.


Orlando Bloom has emerged as a potential "hot favourite" to take over the Batman role from Bale.


Ryan Gosling and Josh Brolin are also among a list of actors who are reportedly being sought to star opposite Henry Cavill.


Batman vs Superman is scheduled for release in 2015, with a possible shoot to begin in early 2014.



From Digital Spy.


Although he wouldn't be my first pick, Bloom taking over for Bale wouldn't be all that terrible.



Also, seen this elsewhere on the interwebz and thought it was worth a share. It's a still from I am Legend, which pretty much shows the same logo that was unveiled at Comic Con.



That was the logo used in the old Superman & Batman crossover comics from back in the day.
  • 2 weeks later...




Well, I'm done with that movie already. See you later folks.

Just heard it on the news, I do like him but I just can't imagine him as the Batman

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