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So after months of being suspicious I have come to the realization that my (30 year old) wife is a mark.


I was starting to wonder when I heard comments like, "How did he kick out of that?" or " Why does CM Punk have to be such a d!ck to Cena?"


Then she walked in on me watching Main Event. She asked me what it was because she had never heard of it before. I told her something to the affect of "Its were some of the lesser known wrestlers get in the ring."


Her reply was, "So this must not be as staged as the other shows." I told her it was all staged and she said, "You know what I mean, they are more dramatic on RAW, but its not like they know who is going to win or anything like that."


Here is the confession part. I just smiled and agreed with her. It is endearing for me to now know that she thinks these guys are really fighting and trying to win. It reminds me of the times when I thought it was completely legit and how much more enjoyment I got out of it then. Just thought I would share.

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That's a bit like my Dad, he knows it's a work yet he gets massively involved in it. When the Shield attack he goes mad!!

What I wouldn't give to be a mark again. It really was so much more enjoyable back in the 80s/early 90s when I was totally taken in by it.


When you find out its not real its kinda like finding out Santa doesn't exist :lol

Yeah I know a sledgehammer to the head just isn't the same anymore :)
For my mark days i need to go back a long ways mid 80s to be exact. Thinking back it was great thinking Hogan and Savage and the likes were really fighting villians. Then when Randy turned on Hogan it was like why Randy why. I miss those days.
I still get shocked at Austins chair attack on Rock at WM17
My nephews (both 10) have really got into WWE over the past year to the point it's all they want to talk about. One of the first things they said to me was they knew it was all staged and pre-determined (must of got that from school). The funny thing is they still get totally sucked into it and talk as if it's all real. It brings back memories of when I first started watching!
Josh (my 6yr-old) is wrestling-daft at the minute and I'm enjoying the shows more when watching them through his eyes. He still hasn't forgiven Randy Orton for SummerSlam and has taken to using his other figures to beat up his Orton figure en-masse.
For my mark days i need to go back a long ways mid 80s to be exact. Thinking back it was great thinking Hogan and Savage and the likes were really fighting villians. Then when Randy turned on Hogan it was like why Randy why. I miss those days.


Savage did not turn on Hogan! Hogan was making the moves on Elizabeth and leaving Savage in the ring alone to deal with the likes of the Twin Towers when they were the Mega Powers! I was only about 7 years old then, but I do remember Hogan always stepping in the Macho Mans spotlight because Savage of coarse was the WWF champion. Sorry... I had to interject there because I think a majority of the fans were made to believe that Savage "turned" on Hogan and that's just not my perspective :(

I( find myself getting more into characters and segments when my kids get geared up for em. They were all so excited to watch a steel cage match last friday on smackdown that it didn't even matter who was in it, I was geared up a bit more because I knew they would be yelling at the TV and just diving into it like i used to.


My days go way back to the 90s and early Undertaker wackiness, then always went nuts for Austin. Must admit I was a huge mark for Sting in 1997 when they had the long build to Hogan/Sting at Starrcade 1997.

The last time I was genuinely shocked was when HHH came out in November 2001 and turned on Austin, loved it
The last time I was genuinely shocked was when HHH came out in November 2001 and turned on Austin, loved it


You are mixed up since this never happened. In about April 2001 HHH was injured. He didn't appear on a WWE screen again until Jan 2002 as a face. You might be thinking of an angle the ran in about September 2000 when they teased a H3 face turn but then he didn't

Sorry yeah I meant November 2000 which led to the Survivor Series match
I had this when I was little. My mum was against us watching it because of the violence but she still let us anyway. Then one morning me and my brothers were watching a taped show from the night before, it was when Stone Cold blew up the McMahon-Helmsley coach, and she was getting really into it as he never knew it had story lines and drama etc :lol
One of my biggest mark out moments came when y2j debuted in 99. The rumors were all over the place and the hype that he was coming to wwe was off the charts. Then his debut came off masterfully. It still gives me chills when the titantron flips his name for the very first time and the eruption from that crowd was insane.
I used to live watching wrestling with my mom. She was such a huge mark. She was more of a fan of Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Horsemen nwa/wcw than she was Hogan, Warrior, Savage, wwf fan. It was funny to watch her get upset, she took it so seriously.

I love watching my mother react to things. She sits there and says "He's only saying that/doing that/losing because its in the script" one minute and then "How can [little guy] possibly win against [big guy]?" the next.


She also has a theory that Big Show doesn't like playing a baddie and he'd much rather be a goodie, because he looks miserable as a heel and so much happier as a face. Whenever he turns heel she doesn't buy it, she thinks he's just following the script and not enjoying it.


Also, I have to say, even she has figured out the Cole-A-Tron 5000 and whenever he or anyone else says "That's it!" or "It's over!" or "We have a new World Heavyweight Champi-" she rolls her eyes and knows that it isn't the finish.

My Grandma was a massive mark, but in a disapproving, "They shouldn't be allowed to do that" way. She thought the whole company should be shut down the first time she saw someone using a chair, because it showed how bad the refereeing was, assumed some guy I don't remember was fired for hitting a referee, and didn't get why it didn't make the news, and thought it was disgraceful that Steve Austin was allowed to compete despite the fact that he was bleeding everywhere, because it was unfair. She also wondered why none of them could punch properly.


I also had a friend who's Dad acted like he was really above wrestling, but in a really weirdly incorrect way. Like, he thought it was provably fake because, in his mind, everything in wrestling would kill you in real life. Suplex? Broken back. Punch to the face? Broken jaw, and a concussion, instantly. Body slam? Paralysed for life. Powerbomb? Actual death. I wonder what he makes of MMA, or how he thought any of this was happening (apart from the punch).

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