Something I'm always curious about! I used the most common ones: Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge.
Currently I'm using Firefox, and it's the one I used the most in my life. Some months ago I decided to give Edge a try, and for my surprise, it's not that bad once you fully control it (changed bing for google or duck duck go, hide all annoying news about stuff you don't care, install an adblocker, etc).
I have Chrome installed just in case, I used to follow some programming courses and Chrom
Something that has constantly been p*ssing me off lately is the 'Cena Hate Train'. Despite having an amazing match with Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam he still gets slated on the internet for not being able to wrestle, un-charismatic, blah blah blah. I for one enjoy his character and have come to the conclusion that hating on Cena has just become a thing to do in wrestling.
Sure, I understand the Cena hate. He's been at the top of the company for years and years, constantly being shoved down our throats, has the 'five moves of doom' although if this is grounds for hating a wrestler, then surely we should all also hate any wrestler that has done the same move for years such as HHH for the Spinebuster/Pedigree combination, or Undertaker for the walking on the top rope to the tombstone combination. Sure, he's been molded into 'the face' of the PG era, has his 'superman' moments (but this arguably has happened with other wrestlers as well, such as the Undertaker I believe) and nearly every one of his promos are the same.
But how much of this is actually his fault? Is it his fault for how he is used? Is it his fault that kids everywhere love him, and he sells merchandise, so therefore will obviously be a focal point of the WWE? Is his 'five moves of doom' really worth hating on when every wrestler has their signature moves that they have used for years? Is it his fault that he has become the face of the PG era and although the PG era isn't suited to the more mature audience, it sells and makes money which is ultimately what WWE want. If WWE thought they could get more money from an attitude style era rather than a PG era, then surely that is what we would see? His promos (from what I am led to believe) are scripted so therefore he has no actual control over the fact that his promos are all the same. Hell, I find just how he takes all the hate in his stride great and still manages to work alongside it despite 'you can't wrestle', 'we all hate you' etc chants.
I just feel that the Cena hate train has long left the station. It has been nearly ten years and I am still seeing the same old sh*t about Cena every time he even pops up on screen for two seconds. The guy obviously can wrestle (just look at SummerSlam) and I think he's pretty charismatic. I'm not Cena's biggest fan, he's not one of my favorite wrestlers, I certainly want to see a break from him being Champion, but I don't hate the character at all.
Now, what would it take for the Cena hate to stop? If you were in control, what steps would you take to try and stop everyone hating Cena? Is there anything that can be done at this point, or is it well too established as 'the thing to do' nowadays?