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WWE RAW Discussion Thread - March 17, 2014 from San Antonio, TX (#1086)


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United States: LIVE, Monday Night, March 17, at 8/7c on the USA Network

United Kingdom: Tuesday Morning, March 18, at 12AM on SkySportsHD3



AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX


Confirmed Matches/Events


Build to WrestleMania XXX

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Guest John Hancock

I feel like this is hottest the women in WWE, on average, have been possibly ever. I'm including the interviewers and such in that.


EDIT: Stephanie McMahon has finally tracked down Miss. Elizabeth's rapist. Justice at last.


Fair enough, that was actually pretty cool.

Edited by John Hancock
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I liked the violence in that final segment. WWE beatdowns have been really tame recently but Steph shouting "tear his head off" and "drown him", before Triple H used the chair in that manner was perfectly violent. The feud needed an added edge and that whole angle provided it. I thought the Triple H promo was great, I bought into the idea he might end up respecting Bryan, Steph was great, her slaps were a really nice addition, the "they're not even real police" line was good...just everything about that angle was perfection.
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Guest John Hancock
I think the level of violence was massively hypocritical, but whatever, it was cool, so, also being massively hypocritical, I don't care. It's well documented that Trips can break any of the weird, Vince-y conduct rules he wants that would otherwise get guys in trouble.
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Guest Fatherof10minis

That ending was brilliant. HHH yet makes another not so direct remark about Punk, then the huge swerve with Steph. This is fast becoming Stephs best on screen work ever. The last 2 weeks she has gotten so much sexier its ridiculous. Bitchy Stephanie McMahon is just poetry.


Bray perfect as well yet again tonight. I pray pray pray he goes over at Mania.


Babyface Shield may be the best thing growing in WWE at the moment, those 3 are untouchable abd the best part is, they know it and feel it and it shows in their performances.

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This is fast becoming Stephs best on screen work ever. The last 2 weeks she has gotten so much sexier its ridiculous. Bitchy Stephanie McMahon is just poetry


I might have to agree. She's only getting better with age. I would still gladly let her do it to me.

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Guest The Beltster
Steph looks and sounds like a man in drag, any of you guys who fancy 'her' may now consider yourself queers, and queering doesn't make the world work.
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Guest Drake
God damn Triple H has taken a huge cycle. He looked massive.


Massived and ripped! :lol


Anyways, the SHIELD are faces now, right? Can't get enough of crazy Ambrose during their segments with Kane. :lol

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Guest Ciaran The King

For a brief moment you could be forgiven for thinking that finale of Raw was circa 98/99. Absolutely amazing performance from Triple H from start to finish. The beat-down of Bryan was masterfully done and it helped massively towards their match at a Wrestlemania. Also must give praise to Steph for turning in another great performance, she is so believable in the role, pure bitch.


Bray/Cena also stepped up a notch toward their match, great promos from both. Looks like Bray is gonna match Cena move for move and then go down at mania. Really hope Bray's momentum isn't crushed after mania, a win there then a marquee match at Summeslam could turn Wyatt into a true star.


The current Shield storyline is moving along nicely, their promo on jerry then swerve on Kane was so good. The loss to the Wyatt's has really rejuvenated the Shield and they actually look better for it. I just hope they are not lost in the shuffle at Mania and WWE provide them with a good opponents and match.


Best Raw for weeks and hopefully the trend can continue into Wrestlemania

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Guest Edgehead
Loved it when The Shield were facing Jerry then turned & faced Kane, I'm hyped to see The Shield have a run as faces. Please don't screw it up WWE!!
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Guest HH-Evolution

Man, the week I sleep when RAW is on comes the episode that woulda had my grinning like a fool - sure, as much stick as the Game gets in his behind the scenes shenanigans, and as much as he's not really 'enjoyed' by the majority here...I really can't help but be a supporter of a 'GAME ON for Mania' movement! :lol


Don't mind me, I'll just....be over here in the weird corner. :P

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Guest Ciaran The King
Triple H was so good Monday that deep down you want him to win at Wrestlemania. I think Bryan being slaughtered and humiliated speaks volumes for how the top brass actually feel.
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I'm down to drink beers with a REAL wrestling fan.


It's only a matter of days now... :tban :tban :tban


I'll repeat what I said on Facebook to my buddy, one Undertaker on the card is more than enough, so Trippers best leave the burying shovel at home.

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