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With most arcade games nowadays being either a lightgun shooter or a variant of a driving game, I sometimes find myself waxing nostalgic about the arcade games I enjoyed growing up. Along with great games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter II, there were great titles from almost every genre.


Here are my personal favourites -:





Bad Dudes v Dragon Ninja






Double Dragon



Black Tiger





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I dumped so many quarters into Black Tiger it's not even funny. To this day nothing tops the amount of money or time I spent around the first Street Fighter II machine we got at our local arcade. I'm still unbeatable with Ken Masters in any Street Fighter game. So much so that I was banned from using him in cash tournaments and even when my friends and I would play on home systems. I would just shrug and make everyone my bitch with Guile, Zangief, or Akuma.


I'm pretty much have the same mastery on MK with Nightwolf. His was the first Brutality I learned at the arcade so I was pretty feared every time I would set my token on the screen for the next game. People knew the unstoppable Indian was coming to tomahawk their faces off and then punch them until they exploded.


Special places in my heart for Dig Dug and Tron too.


Also, Space Ace and Dragon's Lair were favorites along with Super Mario Bros. Renegade was awesome and way better than Double Dragon. Going back really far I played a lot of Berserk and Defender.


All my free time as a kid was spent at our local arcade from age 9 to my early 20's when the place finally closed. I loved it there and it was only about 5 blocks from my childhood home. Good times. The best actually. The only arcade we have now is the small one at our mall and it sucks. It's full of nothing but shooting, driving and crane games. I never go in there anymore.

Double Dragon, altered beast, golden axe.

WWF Superstars, Captain America and the Avengers, X-Men, any variation on 1942 or upwards scrolling spaceship shooters, Teenage Turtles and Simpsons 4-players, WWF WrestleFest, Main Event Wrestling, NBA Jam and in Malta I put a ton of money into Rygar. Oh, Golden Axe was the first coin-op I ever finished.


As a kid my grandad owned a taxi office and he occasionally brought home old machines from his office when he updated them, Pacman etc. The jackpot was hit in around 94 when he sold the business and brought home a Mortal Kombat machine which we kept in the garage. Yes, all my friends were jealous. I dont even think most of them liked me, they just wanted to come over and play free Mortal Kombat.



My absolute favourites were R-Type & Parodius, but I used to pump coins into Roadblasters like nobody's business at my local chippy:




Definite props have to go to the Simpsons and Turtles 4 player games. They were so much fun, especially the Simpsons one.

Spy Hunter was another good one. Same with Golden Axe and Altered Beast.
I really enjoyed games from the Tekken franchise when I was younger. I was particularly fond of Tekken 3, still one of my favorite games to this day.
All the ones Belty said above I loved, also anyone remember Narc and Super Sprint?

Oh sh*t!! I'd forgotten about NARC!! That was awesome!


And it taught me that only losers use drugs. :lol

I remember playing the old Simpsons arcade game to death with my friends, along with Marvel Vs Capcom 2... I miss the old arcade feel and I think even now it would be so much cooler to meet up at an arcade and play than at home


I also invested a heavy amount of time into Street Fighter Alpha 3, so Maxximus, 1v1 me, we'll see who has the best Ken!

Oh sh*t!! I'd forgotten about NARC!! That was awesome!


And it taught me that only losers use drugs. :lol




Remember Operation Wolf?, that was such badass!!

Operation Wolf was a b@stard! And when they ported it to home computers like the Amiga it was wretched :lol What was the sequel called? Operation Thunder or something...


Loved Chase HQ that was cool.

Yeah on the Spectrum it was horrid :lol


Chase HQ was super cool, that car was a bastard to control :lol

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Ourtun when it was the seat-wheel-and-gearstick combo was amazing and there was a version I played in Blackpool that was a full-scale replica of the Ferrari with three massive screens in front.

I had Operation Wolf on my Spectrum with the light gun and everything. Granted it was awful, but I was shooting things on a SPECTRUM!


In the end, I used the light gun to play Bullseye way more than I used it for Operation Wolf. :lol

"This is Nancy at Chase HQ"...nice!


The Speccy light gun was so cool looking for its time, I was devastated though when I first used it and a laser didn't shoot out at the screen...

Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Street of Rage and there was a helicopter war game on Sega...can't remember the name
Best helicopter games were Silkworm and the sequel, SWIV. Classssssss.
Gauntlet, playing with 3 other random kids in a pub. True gaming! :)
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