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I recently finished TMNT on the 360 and got 1000/1000 in achievements fairly quickly, so what games have ye played that ye think are just too easy?

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Avatar. That's the be all end all for simple achievements. Legends of Wrestlemania was pretty simple, got all of them in 2 days. Oh and any quiz game on Arcade is generally quite easy too.
Not played it but Avatar the last airbender is notorious for it being possible to go 1000/1000 in about 5 minutes. Fight Night 3 is my only 1000 point game, all the achievements are "natural" rather than ones that require specific techniques to be used or online and they all could be done on easy or at least normal difficulty.

I'd say Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard is possibly the easiest game when it comes to gaining trophies on PS3.


You get trophies for starting the game, for pausing the game, for doing the tutorial levels, for watching the end credits (you actually get three different trophies for this) and for generally just doing what you're supposed to do in the game.

Madden 2007 can be simulated in franchise mode for most of them with a strong team and then a couple of games if that on the easiest difficulty gets the rest. TMNT is easy as hell, Avatar takes a minute on the first level to do, Sherlock Holmes games are pretty easy to do if you like point and click mystery games, Fight Night Round 3 is also DAMN easy to do. FIFA Road to the World Cup 2006 is up there too.


Any game that is not COD, Halo or Battlefield from 2012 backwards will no longer have online servers so avoid games from before them that have online achievements, you will not get them no matter how hard you try.


I am unashamed as a man with a 130,000 plus Gamerscore to say I have played all of these for easy achievements along with Lips, Band Hero, Scene It, King Kong (which is terrible and I couldn't bear to plunge through) and most WWE games.


Avoid fighters like Soul Caliber, Street Fighter and Tekken unless you like them as it is a GRIND to get Gamerscore on them of any quantity. Only play these for actual enjoyment.


Good games for progressive Gamerscore that rewards play and you will actually enjoy are games like Borderlands 1 & 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Forza 3, 4 and Horizon, L.A. Noire, Red Dead, the earlier instalments of the Creed series, the Batman series, Lego games are usually fun and offer mostly easy achievements and the latest Tomb Raider.


Gits to achieve and require specific grinding and silliness are stuff like Rumble Roses, Halo 4, Gears of War, GTA IV and V. In Halo 4 you have to drive a Warthog at midnight exactly and get like a 30 feet air to get an achievement not to mention DLC specific Gamerscore from playing on new map packs that mean you never truly ace them because as soon as you do they release ANOTHER map pack.

King Kong on 360, the game of that Jack Black movie. It was shit too.
  • Author
That's a serious Gamerscore there Gringo, I'm only at 25,000.

For those who may not believe my gamertag is evilgringo2004


Periods of illness and gardening leave back in 2011 helped as well as the fact that my missus works Saturday day shifts so I have peace and quiet to potter through games. Although I once played Creed 2 for three days straight and by the end of it, when I left my house, a little voice at the back of my brain told me I could climb anything.

All WWE games

Not Smackdown Vs Raw in the beginning - they made you seriously grind on some of those titles. For instance on one of them you had to create 5 wrestlers, take each one of them through Universe mode until they get into the Hall of Fame - so complete Universe Mode or whatever it was called back then FIVE TIMES!


This also required you to do it at least once with a female wrestler as well who at the time only had one title to fight for and a seriously limited roster to face so that got boring realllllly quickly.


But then from about 2011 onwards and then the advent of the WWE and then WWE2K games they got easy bar the odd one like playing as Edge 49 times, doing a finishing move in a Backstage Brawl on every piece of furniture you can and such.

Oh yeah I remember the early games, yeah true they were a bit challenginb but now achievements are easy

Still though my favourite achievement is an Easy one...


If you play the Saboteur (and you should, its really good) then at the beginning where it establishes the story you watch a cut scene were you character gets drunk in a pub and then pulls a bird before retiring to the bed room. As you go through the door, it cuts to black and it comes back the next morning as you walk out of your room and the achievement pops...


'Pint and a Sh*g'


Best name for an achievement ever.

  • 4 months later...
Thomas was alone was really easy when it come to achievements

The walking dead tell tale game is really easy for achievements. Just play the game through.


Also i find the lego games easy on the achievements.

I'd also add FiFA 14 & 15 as well as Madden 14 & 15 on the XBox one to my earlier list plus I got 1200 on Ryse: Son of Rome inside four days.


The old gamerscore is just over 144,000 now.

  • Author
That's massive Gringo, mine is only 25,000 :lol

I have had long periods of illness in the past five years of owning an X-Box which helped, a Boomerang rental account that sent me three games at least a month for £18.99 and Saturday's with no girlfriend about as she works a 5 in 7 pattern and usually visits her mum on Sundays.


I only really average about 500g per game, which means I have roughly played 280 games for the X-Box 360 and X-Box One, according to my Boomerang account when I closed it down I had saved over £3,000 by renting through them rather then buying games although at my peak, through clever purchasing from the Gamestation closing down sale and the HMV closing sale as well as 4 for £20 deals on pre-owned in GAME I owned roughly 120 games for my 360.


Because of this and trading them in, I have only actually bought one game for the One which was Destiny, everything else I have traded in and used store credit on, which is about seven games and the rest are either free games with Gold or rented.


Since I have been off work at the start of August, so two and half months, my Gamerscore has gone up by 8,000 points or so and that's even with applying for on average 5 jobs a day since I was laid off on the sick in September.


Working and real life get in the way of gaming, illness and unemployment is the only way to achieve a pointlessly huge Gamerscore. Truth be told, I'd rather have a job - that way I could actually afford my Boomerang account and the odd game to enjoy in my downtime and make gaming a treat again and more fun, at the moment, stuck with Forza 5, FIFA 15 and Destiny, gaming is boring me.

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