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Right to be honest I'm a very bad cook but can do a mean Irish Stew, so anyone on TWO think their Gordan Ramsay in the kitchen?

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I actually rate myself. I don't rate myself at much, but lifting up heavy things, weirdly extensive knowledge on relatively useless topics and cooking I'll take.
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Rate yourself eh?, what would be your signature dish then be Mr. H?

Edited by King

I get by when I try but I seldom get a chance with the hours I work. I am great with Pasta and making sauces and such to go with it, which admittedly is on the easy scale of things. I can BBQ properly, do Sunday Roasts and such (everything bar Chicken) and pouch an egg properly in a pan rather then cheating and using a poacher.


I can also bake quite a few cakes from scratch thanks to tuition from my mum when I was younger. But never been able to master a Yorkshire pudding or bread.


So yeah, I get by.

Yeah, I think I'm pretty good. Making pizza from scratch for dinner tonight, including dough and sauce, nothing from a jar. I seem to be really good at chilli and Mexican type stuff.
Rate yourself eh?, what would be your signature dish then be Mr. H?


I do it for fun, so I tend to always try something new. I like doing theme menus for specific days, things like that. The World Cup's been great for that. I've got my go tos, but that's not what I really like doing. It's a bit of a hobby in that the process is more important than the result. I like planning it all out, and then making it, and then having a look at it when it's done, all proud of myself, and then someone else can eat it.


The one thing I can't do is bake. No idea why, but I just can't figure it out.

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I always think when you cook something yourself no matter how shit it is you will always enjoy it :lol
I'm no gordon ramsey but I think I can tackle most dishes, I make a couple of seriously good curries and I think my latkes would impress God's chosen people if I'd ever cooked them for someone.

Are you trying to impress Johnny here, Megz? People are gonna be talking.


EDIT: As for the legit question. No. Not at all.

Tiny Pickles.... that's all I'm saying.
I'd give myelf four out of ten. What I can cook is fine and usually good. But I'm really lazy and don't really have a passion for it so what I can cook is pretty limited. I think if I tried to branch out I'd be quite good, but I don't ever see that happening. I don't really find it fun, more a chore.
I did the basic level 1-3 culinary course. When I was young, I am a good English meal chef but not any other country as I am allergic to a lot of spices and also hate hot and spicy food.

I can cook most anything after I understand the processes and flavor combinations. Chinese is pretty much dead easy for the majority of stuff, just super high heat and fast. BBQ is also great, mostly about the marinade, again high and fast. Side dishes for bbq too. Dab hand at curries too, but hybrid malaysian-indian, like you get in KZN. Bunny chow ftw!


It's actually amazing how many things are just new ways of mixing and spicing meat and 3 veg. Chow mein, fajitas etc.


I'm also a decent baker for the things I care to make, namely sweet potato pie, koeksisters, banana bread and a couple of others.

Edited by etz

I can grill almost anything to perfection, and I make the best scrambled eggs... other than that its microwave meals for me
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Yeah the microwave is the greatest invention ever :)

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