Another thing that occurred to me whilst watching the depressing burial of Paige (without any build-up or explanation, way to tell a story there, by the way) was why the WWE persists with the Divas division at all? I mean, they seem to have no confidence in or ideas for any one save for introducing them, giving them a title run and then having them lose in humiliating circumstances to the next flavour of the month.
I'm no sexist who wants women to be on the show simply for the sake of their sexual exploitation, but based on what is done with most of the female talent in the WWE today, wouldn't it be cheaper to just hire in lingerie models or pole-dancers and have them hit each other with pillows whilst wearing their underwear?
After all, only the other week we had three supposed wrestlers being thrown into a pool of mud by a middle-aged woman with no athletic ability whatsoever, so maybe the Divas belt should be awarded to the female who can elicit the loudest bellows of sexual frustration from the live audience?
Another thing that occurred to me whilst watching the depressing burial of Paige (without any build-up or explanation, way to tell a story there, by the way) was why the WWE persists with the Divas division at all? I mean, they seem to have no confidence in or ideas for any one save for introducing them, giving them a title run and then having them lose in humiliating circumstances to the next flavour of the month.
I'm no sexist who wants women to be on the show simply for the sake of their sexual exploitation, but based on what is done with most of the female talent in the WWE today, wouldn't it be cheaper to just hire in lingerie models or pole-dancers and have them hit each other with pillows whilst wearing their underwear?
After all, only the other week we had three supposed wrestlers being thrown into a pool of mud by a middle-aged woman with no athletic ability whatsoever, so maybe the Divas belt should be awarded to the female who can elicit the loudest bellows of sexual frustration from the live audience?
Edited by John Hancock