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Since he made his main roster debut for WWE over two years ago, Cesaro's career has resembled a roller coaster; so many ups and just as many downs. WWE pushed Cesaro and gave him the United States Title and his reign as champion lasted nearly a year before they gave the title to Kofi Kingston (of all people). Then they put Cesaro with Jack Swagger and The Real Americans were given a decent push in the tag team division before Cesaro became a "Paul Heyman guy" and, after a few months with Heyman, Cesaro was again pushed back down the roster and he's been jobbing ever since.


In my mind, Cesaro has what it takes to be the World Champion in WWE, but it's become obvious that WWE does not feel the same way. WWE keeps getting out hopes up by making us think that Cesaro is actually going to be made into a legitimate player in the company, but they keep pushing him back down the card. Cesaro is a solid and consistent performer and I simply do not understand why WWE refuses to utilize him properly. So, my question is, has WWE given up on Cesaro? Is he destined to be a jobber for the rest of his WWE career? Or do you think Cesaro will get his chance to be a main event player?

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You wasted precious calories typing "on Cesaro" in that thread title.

There going to use him as a star maker or a push builder. Someone who is establish as strong, tough and unique and therefore a challenge for an up and comer or someone who is on a roll in which a win over him shows that.


They will probably give him another run with a midcard title in the next few moves to try and build him up a little again before he loses it to someone on a roll or on the way up and then this will continue.


If Bryan was still about he might have been used as a contender at a smaller PPV but seen as they are going with Cena at the moment and/or Brock then he doesn't fit, at least in their minds.


The Heyman push though was so abrupt and poorly executed however that someone needs shooting. The fans wanted him to be a face, they split the Real Americans to make him a face and then have Heyman heel it up whilst at the same time laud him like a face. It just made no sense - much like the WWE booking at the moment.

At Wrestlemania Cesaro was ready to take centre stage and become a player, now 4 months later he's back to where he was a year ago...mid-card filler elevating talent
It's because he dropped his awesome theme music. Who would have thought at Wrestlemania that Jack Swagger would be the one who gets a (non pre show) SummerSlam match!?
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It's because he dropped his awesome theme music. Who would have thought at Wrestlemania that Jack Swagger would be the one who gets a (non pre show) SummerSlam match!?


I found it funny that they changed Cesaro's music to feature a European siren instead of the American siren he had originally :lol

I found it funny that they changed Cesaro's music to feature a European siren instead of the American siren he had originally :lol


I don't think it's got anything to do with nationality, they changed it from a generic air raid siren to a generic ambulance siren. I don't know any ambulances in Europe that actually use that siren mind.

I don't think Cesaro's music has affected anything it's the fact that I think WWE don't know what to do with him. There is no doubt that Cesaro is one WWE's premier workers but there is something missing from his act that is stopping him from breaking through that glass ceiling. I also think he should take note of how WWE see him seeing as they so quickly brushed him aside upon Brock's impending return.


Cesaro could have an epic upper midcard career in WWE competing for the IC/US belts Tag Team and occasionally having a run at the World Title, but I think that's it.

The only thing that is stopping Cesaro or anyone breaking through the "glass ceiling" is the WWE.

I'm deluding myself into thinking that Swagger's loss to Rusev at Summerslam is the prelude to a storyline in which Ceasaro gets pulled into the mix in sympathy for his former tag-partner and ends up being the one to finally slay the Bulgarian Dragon and thus setting him up for a genuine run as a top-line face.


But that's about as likely as Triple H coming down to the ring and being hypnotised to believe that he's a chicken.

Cesaro has won this week, the push is back on folks!! ;)
Cesaro/Swagger have swapped roles again :)

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