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Not at all, nothing to do with race at all really, just minorities are always targets. In South Africa, for instance, whitey would be just as ****ed, if not more so.
Always targets for what? To be murdered by the police and the general public if legally allowed? :lol Come on. Maybe in some back woods 3rd world countries but I'd like to think places like the UK, US, Canada, Australia etc would be a little less f*cked up than that.
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Always targets for what? To be murdered by the police and the general public if legally allowed? :lol Come on. Maybe in some back woods 3rd world countries but I'd like to think places like the UK, US, Canada, Australia etc would be a little less f*cked up than that.


You'd like to think that, but then things like Ferguson, Missouri happen to remind you that we're not nearly as progressive a world as we'd like to think.

Yeah I knew that would get brought up but lets be honest, its not like these things are common. There are always going to be instances you can point to to back up any point. There is as much outrage amongst normal, rational white people as there are black people I'm sure and on the flip side I'm sure there are as many black people who couldnt give a f*ck as there are whites. I cant imagine those black people looting were thinking about the poor guy who got shot, they were probably happy it happened to they could get a free TV and XBox. People are more interested in what benefits them than anything more often than not, skin colour be damned.
Oh definitely, it's not even a race thing, there's just people out there who are unrelenting asshats, regardless of what race, colour, or creed they are.
Yeah agreed. Some people are *****s and some people arent, I think the media jumps on the 'white police shoots black person' just because its great for ratings. White police shoots white person or black police shoots black person wont stir up such a storm. Shit, black people are shooting each other and white people are stabbing each other all the time and nobody seems to care. To be honest, the entire news media is such a slimy industry now where real, important news is glossed over because its not as interesting as sensationalistic bullshit and scaremongering.
Take the riots over here from a few years ago, there were protests and there were little scummy shitstains running up motorways with frickin' TVs and shit. There are always two kinds of people. Mostly, it was the lil' bastards with TVs and other tech. Any excuse, eh?
Yeah I knew that would get brought up but lets be honest, its not like these things are common. There are always going to be instances you can point to to back up any point.


Take it from someone who lived and worked in Ferguson; it is common.


I do agree with your second point though. The media sucks. They even did a pretty terrible job of sensationalizing the Ferguson story, because Ferguson is full of gun violence. White on black, black on black, white on white. If they really knew how to sensationalize the story they would bring up the countless "White cop harms black citizen:" cases that have happened over the last ten years. There are nearly infinite examples. So in that case, the media even sucks at sucking.


The thing is that Ferguson was nearly all white 10 years ago. As St. Louis expanded, all of the white people moved out of Ferguson and to further out suburbs like St. Charles and St. Peters. That left a void that was filled by mostly black Americans. For whatever reason, the police force did not transition the way the rest of the city has. Ferguson residents are now ~80% black. The police force has 3 black officers out of 42. As you can imagine, white cops injuring black citizens is pretty common. Sometimes it is warranted sometimes not. But in any case if the demographics of the police force would match the demographics of the citizens a lot of this would go away because, as you state, no one cares about police brutality if the officer and victim are of the same race.


Off the top of my head, I can name 6 instances that (in my mind) are pretty cut and dry police brutality cases involving white officers and black citizens in the 5 years that I lived there.


This is the only other story I have seen dredged up by the local media. This is one of the six I was thinking of. I am going to say it is NSFW because there is a bloody picture, and a loud add will play when you first open it. (If you get the Imo's ad consider yourself lucky for being introduced to the best pizza on this planet.)



Edited by Will O the Wisp

Take it from someone who lived and worked in Ferguson; it is common.
It might be common in Ferguson, but its not common in general is what I'm saying. I mean how often do we hear about this stuff? Once every couple years? If you asked me how many times I spotted a midget when I was out and I told you once every couple years, you wouldnt think it was a common occurrence for me to have a midget sighting.


And yeah to be fair, if the police is 98% white and the population is 80% black, you're going to see more instances of white on black police problems just from the law of averages in general. Not saying its right, obviously it isnt but yeah, those percentages and averages are never going to paint a good picture.

Edited by The Beltster

Totally agree. "Common" is a very relative term. Out of the thousands of police interactions that have occurred this year in Ferguson, only one has gained any attention. I guess my stance is that it still happens more often than it should so it deserves some consideration. Particularly in areas like Ferguson which are known to have an ongoing issue.
I havent really been following it much but I read somewhere that the guy who got shot was scuffling with the copper and tried to take his gun, is that right or is that just the police's story? Because to be fair, IF the guy who got shot was going for the coppers gun, he pretty much got what he had coming to him didnt he?
It's starting to look like that's just what the police are saying. The guy who was with Michael Brown when he was shot offered to go in to the station to give a statement, but the police want nothing to do with that. Which is awfully suspicious if you ask me.
didn't they release a video of him ruffing up a shop keeper earlier that day if that was the same bloke i can't say i am surprised

It happens in London too.


And, no, he wasn't going for anyone's gun. When the police started shooting, they were in their car, and when they actually killed him, according to all witnesses at the location, he had his hands up.


didn't they release a video of him ruffing up a shop keeper earlier that day if that was the same bloke i can't say i am surprised


You're surprised that someone who was a shop lifter also got shot by the police for no reason? Jesus Christ Jay. The police openly admitted that, when they shot him, they didn't even know the robbery had happened.

Edited by John Hancock

It's starting to look like that's just what the police are saying. The guy who was with Michael Brown when he was shot offered to go in to the station to give a statement, but the police want nothing to do with that. Which is awfully suspicious if you ask me.
Oh well in that case the police there are doing themselves no favours at all.

A lot of the trouble is also the police's reaction to it. They've been lying their pants off the whole time, constantly changing their story, they literally called in actual tanks to break up an entirely peaceful protest, and, today, a videos been released of an officer, pointing a machine gun at people, telling them he's going to murder a journalist for filming him.



He's been suspended already but what a huge d*ck move. Surely some kind of reform or action is going to be undertaken right? Shooting a kid was one thing but running around with a big-ass machine gun in the aftermath is just ridiculous.
Yeah, the aftermath has probably killed them. You can shoot black kids all day if you've got a badge, an apology, and a photo opportunity with Al Sharpton, but America is a lot more sensitive to the police getting all British Empire than Europe is (unless a President is directly involved, like all the problems they have at party conventions), and they tend to crack down on this kind of stuff relatively harshly. If the Ferguson police hadn't lost their shit in the aftermath, they'd probably have got away with it, but, even then, post-Treyvon Martin, a lot of people are becoming more sensitive to the whole "It's okay to shoot black kids in the South because they look scary" thing.
I dont consider myself to be a p*ssy by any means, but I wouldnt be getting cute with a guy who is pointing a machine gun at me telling me on film in no uncertain terms that he is more than happy to blow my f*cking brains out all over the place. Silly people.
They're journalists, so I guess they're media-savvy enough to know it's going viral, and they don't want millions of people to see the standard off-camera reaction to having a machine gun pointed at you, which is usually openly weeping and soiling yourself.
Fair point but that copper looked like he was on edge enough as is, not worth messing with a guy like that for the sake of getting a video trending, at least not in my opinion.
I guess it depends on whether you believe a copper is actually going to shoot you, on camera, in public, for filming him. The voice behind the camera didn't have a hint of melanin to it, so he was probably relatively confident that he was being bluffed. I think if the police really did just start shooting journalists, that would be a whole different level.
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