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I've been a member of these forums since 2008. Most people hated me then, most people hate me now. I was curious about what has changed in the last few years, so I searched through every thread that I've created since joining the forums.


To say that the majority of them were failures is an understatement. Now I know that I'm a useless hated waste of life who should just die in a corner somewhere, but reading some of those old threads, made when I was a much happier person, I see nothing has changed.


I don't really know how to assess my time spent here over the years. Was it a waste of time? Or did I actually have fun on the forums at one stage? Who knows, I can't accurately remember that far back, all I can remember are the problems and all the stress involved with them.


Looking back on those threads, I notice just how many people have disappeared from the forums since then. I notice that I posted differently than I do now: not being in a permanent state of misery back then is easy to see, even in those failed threads. Back then, I'd post my thoughts and see what happened, these days I usually don't bother, it's just too stressful.


There's no real point to this post, I was just thinking about my time spent here.

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You're not hated, you're not a waste of space, dont be so stupid. Look, I disagree with almost everything you say, and there are times where you've pissed me off but I dont hate you, I dont even dislike you. Dude I dont even know you. If you ever needed a favour I'd be happy to help. I dont hold internet grudges regardless of how many arguments I have with people because its flat out dumb. Dont take it all so seriously.


If I worried about what people thought of me I'd never post again. Who cares what people think, we all get over it.

You're not hated, you're not a waste of space, dont be so stupid.


Well I hate myself at least.


Look, I disagree with almost everything you say, and there are times where you've pissed me off but I dont hate you, I dont even dislike you.


I'm the same in regards to you. So fair enough then. :)


I dont hold internet grudges regardless of how many arguments I have with people because its flat out dumb. Dont take it all so seriously.


I try my best to take it easy on the internet in general, but it gets to me at times.


If I worried about what people thought of me I'd never post again. Who cares what people think, we all get over it.


I have trouble getting over stuff in general.

Shao, it's an internet forum, it's almost compulsory to give people shit. I can't speak for anyone else, since I'm almost as divisive as you, but I don't hate you. You've got some strange tastes and like stuff I find terrible, but it takes all sorts to make the world, and it's not something I'd ever hate someone for. Like Belty, I think you shouldn't take it so seriously that it stresses you out.

You like Puro, I like Puro - you used to contribute to the Other Wrestling Forum when it existed and I was the Mod there.


Therefore I have never disliked you, I enjoyed your view on Puro as few people here watched it or liked it, which is each to there own and will say at the end of the day this is the internet. It is a horrible disturbed placed were people vent, take out their real world troubles on others and generally act (for the most part) completely different to what they do in person.


Shaolin, ignore it all. That is my advice to you because life is too short. Also you are not worthless, no one is apart from Carlos Tevez.

Shao, it's an internet forum, it's almost compulsory to give people shit. I can't speak for anyone else, since I'm almost as divisive as you, but I don't hate you. You've got some strange tastes and like stuff I find terrible, but it takes all sorts to make the world, and it's not something I'd ever hate someone for. Like Belty, I think you shouldn't take it so seriously that it stresses you out.


Fair enough.


You like Puro, I like Puro - you used to contribute to the Other Wrestling Forum when it existed and I was the Mod there.


Therefore I have never disliked you, I enjoyed your view on Puro as few people here watched it or liked it, which is each to there own and will say at the end of the day this is the internet. It is a horrible disturbed placed were people vent, take out their real world troubles on others and generally act (for the most part) completely different to what they do in person.


Shaolin, ignore it all. That is my advice to you because life is too short. Also you are not worthless, no one is apart from Carlos Tevez.


Yeah, it's not just this place that gets to me, it's the internet in general. It's extremely toxic and negative for no real reason, and it gets to me.

Shao, I barely know you dude, and to be honest I barely know the overwhelming majority of the regulars here, and they barely know me. I can absolutely assure you that you are not hated here. None of the regulars at least are hated. Some may be disliked by some, and some may be annoying or trolly or uber-popular, and their uber-popularity may spawn feelings of dislike, but it's just a wrestling forum.


But I echo King, get help man. No one here hates you but you.



I'd be amazed if anyone in the history of this forum would describe themselves as "hating" SHL, you're really not that guy. Actually, I'd be kinda amazed if most people in the history of this forum would describe themselves as "hating" any of the other members, mostly because it's a wrestling forum, and hating people you've never really met and sometimes talk about wrestling with isn't really a thing people do.

Edited by John Hancock

I don't even dislike anyone on here really, hell everyone has their moments when they can be annoying but such is life - I reckon I can be just as annoying to other people on this forum as they can be to me - people who love each other and have been friends their entire lives can do that and we're not that, we're just people on an internet forum.


I reiterate, the only person I actively hate is Carlos Tevez.

No one really hates you, Shao. It's all in your head, dude.


I have to echo what others have said, you may need to talk to someone, like a therapist, if the internet is bothering you that much. It's not really something that should ever be taken seriously enough that it stresses you out. If you ever need someone to talk to you can always PM me but I would also suggest talking to a professional. You seem to have a very low opinion of yourself and that worries me. Literally NO ONE here wants to see anything bad happen to you so stop worrying about that first of all.


Is there something going on in your life that makes you feel this way or is it just the internet?

No one hates you SHL, I doubt anyone really cares enough about your posts to garner any massive opinion about you. You take things way too seriously so people know you'll rise to anything said. If you didn;t react like you do you'd never be on anyone's radar.


I hate Jayfunk though, f*ck that guy.

Shao, sometimes you can be frustrating or annoying. But then so can everyone on this forum, including me. I've gotten into arguments with loads of people here, people I like as well as some I couldn't give a shit about. That's what happens. But I echo the call to get professional help - its not shameful or weak to do so, hell I can tell you I'm on antidepressants and have seen therapists in the past. :)

I've been on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds in the past as well as professional therapy, sometimes twice a week, for over a year. Once I found a competent psychiatrist I could relate to it made all the difference in the world. After my wife passed away I was massively depressed and suicidal for a very long time and the therapy worked wonders.


I haven't been in therapy for almost 3 years and off the meds for awhile and honestly I've never felt better in my life. I have amazing people in my life that love and care about me and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Well that and a nice BLT. I love BLTs.


Like others have said, just because I get into arguments with people on the internet that doesn't mean I think they're terrible people or worthless or whatever. I fight and argue with the people I care about the most and it doesn't make me care about them any less. It's just a meaningless argument that means even less on the internet.

What were you on? I started on a Prozac style one, but it seems I have bad reactions to SSRI drugs and it actually made me worse. :lol Now Im on mirtazapine and its been great, though it stops me remembering my dreams.

I was on Klonopin for six years or more due to anxiety. Haven't been on that for six months or so and I feel pretty good.


Damn, dude, what HAVEN'T I been on for depression is probably an easier question to answer. Let's see... I've been on Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Luvox, Cymbalta, and Effexor. Wellbutrin was the one that really helped me. The others made me sick, worse, or gave me the CRAZIEST nightmares.


I've been off the antidepressants for a few years now and again, feel pretty damn great about life in general. I think right now is the happiest I've been in more than ten years and I haven't had any kind of sadness or anything like that at all since my surgery in June. Being told I could die was a legit eye opener and really made me realize how important life really is to me.


As far as TWO, if I wouldn't have found the place my life would be very different these days. I've made some lifelong friendships with a lot of users here. I'm closer to people from the forums than a lot of my real life friends. I dearly love a lot of you, especially my podcast brothers, and honestly think of Matt Denton as one of my very best friends.

Edited by Maxximus

No one hates you SHL, I doubt anyone really cares enough about your posts to garner any massive opinion about you. You take things way too seriously so people know you'll rise to anything said. If you didn;t react like you do you'd never be on anyone's radar.


I hate Jayfunk though, f*ck that guy.

right back you

I hate everyone, but I hate everyone here less than people elsewhere. That's as much as you're getting from me, sh*theads.


Echo the comments about getting help. I've been through it twice, on meds for longer than I care to remember, and can feel myself slipping back towards going again as I can feel stress levels building and anxiety creeping in on me again. Trying to manage it and cope, but kinda just treading water at the moment.