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Hey, remember how the NFL managed to not do anything stupid for two weeks? Well f*ck that, because it's back to work thanks to the greatest lawsuit of all time from the perpetually self-unaware Washington Wetback-Coon-Kike-Towlhead-Chink-Faggots.


A trademark office board decided in June to cancel some of the Redskins' trademarks, citing federal regulations against protecting words and images that are disparaging or offensive.


The team could have challenged the ruling in appellate court in Washington, but sought help instead in a venue that gives it more options, by going to a trial court to sue the Native Americans who complained in the first place.


The team has used the Redskins name since 1933, and has asked the judge to reverse the trademark board's removal of protections of six trademarks the team registered between 1967 and 1990. The team argues that the name is not offensive, and that canceling its trademarks would violate its free speech rights and take its property without compensation.


A lawyer for the Native Americans, Jesse Witten, argued that his clients should be left out of the dispute and that the lawsuit against them should be dismissed. But team attorney Robert Raskopf said Amanda Blackhorse and the other defendants belong in court because they're the ones who filed the petition.


~ Associated Press


Troll masters.

Featured Replies

Have you seen the South Park episode about this? The first episode of the latest season - it is magnificent.

I don't think I have, no, I'll have to seek it out. It's the dumbest argument in the world though. Their literally defence is that it's okay to call themselves the Redskins because, back when the name was invented, calling someone a redskin wasn't considered racist, which means they're admitting and now is, and thus making themselves the exact moral equivalent, by their own words, of black and white minstrels.


It's idiots like this that make it so hard to be a social-libertarian sometimes. They have to change the name, they just have to, but Jesus Christ to I not want the American government getting into that icky European territory of legislating racism because that's just the worst. I'm torn between the two equally awful opinions of yucky, college-liberal "Save us governmentz!" and the Giants changing their name to the New York Heebs.

The thing is, why is it all of a sudden racist? What makes it more racist now then it did from what, the 70's onwards? It has been a racist team name FOR years so why in the past two seasons has it become so much more of an issue. It should have been resolved much sooner then now.


There really is no solution other then Washington backing down and changing it of their volition but as we know, because of the cost of rebranding and such will cost them much more then they want to pay AND they will lose face, which rich people can never do ever.


Also The League also touched on this during their current season as well and that also was fantastic as well.

I think the phrase "it wasn't racist back then" is pretty much always secret code for "it didn't make white people uncomfortable back then".


Apparently, the reason it's happening now is that the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian had a sort of discussion-group-thing about the use of native Americans in American sports, and generally used the Redskins as the example of where it crosses from insensitive but defensible tokenism (England fans dressing up as Crusaders) to actual racism (Coon Chicken). Everything else just spiralled out of that.


According to Wikipedia, the conversations been flaring up and dying down since 1971.

Should have just been done in '71.


Then again, if it has been starting and dying off from then, seems that Washington are just hoping it will die off again and people will forget about it. Then again with the media pumping it up like never before and television shows ripping into the situation like they have, I really don't think it will.


Fun idea though - if you could rename them what you would change it to? The Washington Senators maybe?

Just make it a non-racist word Native Americans. Washington Natives, Washington Americans, Washington Braves, Washington Continentals, Washington Iroquois. Just literally anything other than "Redskins".





I quite like the Washington Braves. Although you're suggestion is far better - covers all the bases lol.
Natives sounds good. Won't be surprised they go with that
Washington Influenza's...
Washington Foreskins.
Why do people get so upset about names like that? I mean if someone calls me honky,snow flake, Jock or a sweaty sock it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Yeah, but people are still really sensitive about stuff like this.
Why do people get so upset about names like that? I mean if someone calls me honky,snow flake, Jock or a sweaty sock it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Because none of your family got called those words by people who then killed them. Over an over again. For centuries.


The "Pfft, I'm white, and people saying stuff about white people doesn't offend me" is right up there in the top five stupidest excuses for racism ever. It's just above "I have plenty of black friends" and just below "because they're lizards". When anti-white racism start effecting, like, even 1% of white people, then maybe that defence might just mean something. Anti-white racism doesn't hurt your feelings because the worst case scenario of anti-white racism has, historically, been mean names. For everyone else it's been pogroms and small pox blankets and slavery and the Holocaust. White people don't have a history of being almost wiped out every now and again because of prejudice, Native Americans, and Jews and black people and whoever else who has an experience of the Western world which is almost entirely defined until very recently as one of being consistently, violently oppressed do, and to compare the cultural sensitivity you have about anti-white racism to the sensitivity a minority might have about racism directed at them is as stupid as saying that gay people should be okay with the word "faggot" because you don't mind being called a "breeder".

I find breeder offensive in an amusing way. The more offense intended the funnier it is.
I find breeder offensive in an amusing way. The more offense intended the funnier it is.


That's part of it though, it's kinda hard to insult-punch up, because you kind of have to acknowledge that someone's socially above you. Louis C.K. has a bit on how calling white people "cracker" to upset them is stupid because you're insinuating that they're rich and important enough to own people and whip them.


Also, and I know this isn't what you meant at all, but the word "breeder" rarely ends in a hetro-bashing, or a corrective rape, or an old fashioned Catholic bonfire. As a heterosexual, you're in a position of safety to find heterophobia funny, because you know it's effectively going to be harmless in a physical sense, where as, if you were gay, there's a relatively high chance that it won't be. And even if there was no immediate physical threat, there's still centuries of violence and prejudice against "your people" that were just bought up. It's just very hard to, emotionally, compare a majority insulting a minority to a minority insulting a majority.


Also, the entire argument is pretty stupid given that the Washington Rednecks don't exist, and the Washington Redskins do. There's not really much point getting theoretical about a team name that's racist to white people and doesn't exist, when there's an actual team name that's racist to Native Americans and very much does exist.

Edited by John Hancock

Clearly there intention wasn't a racist when naming the team context is everything. To me there shouldn't need to change it people are over sensitive
Clearly there intention wasn't a racist when naming the team context is everything. To me there shouldn't need to change it people are over sensitive


So that makes it okay to call you a limey tea eating cracker then?

The "Pfft, I'm white, and people saying stuff about white people doesn't offend me" is right up there in the top five stupidest excuses for racism ever. It's just above "I have plenty of black friends" and just below "because they're lizards". When anti-white racism start effecting, like, even 1% of white people, then maybe that defence might just mean something. Anti-white racism doesn't hurt your feelings because the worst case scenario of anti-white racism has, historically, been mean names. For everyone else it's been pogroms and small pox blankets and slavery and the Holocaust. White people don't have a history of being almost wiped out every now and again because of prejudice, Native Americans, and Jews and black people and whoever else who has an experience of the Western world which is almost entirely defined until very recently as one of being consistently, violently oppressed do, and to compare the cultural sensitivity you have about anti-white racism to the sensitivity a minority might have about racism directed at them is as stupid as saying that gay people should be okay with the word "faggot" because you don't mind being called a "breeder".
Eh, I kind of agree with this and then at the same time, I think its a load of bollocks. I cant seem to stick with one or the other. Its like black people who claim that they still hate white people because what 'we' did to them. Thats a load of bullsh*t. You hate white people because you're a f*cking racist retard. All these black teens claiming they hate whites over slavery is such a joke, since when were they slaves? And on top of that, most white people around today werent enslaving blacks so yeah, time to get the f*ck over it guys, its history. What, are you going to hold a grudge against white people who's f*cking ancestors pulled some nasty sh*t in the past and who are all now long dead? Sad. And lets not act like black people didnt sell other black people to whitey as slaves too.


Same with the holocaust. Everybody who was involved on both sides are now dead, or at least the vast vast vast majority. Its done, cant change it. Holding these grudges changes nothing and only makes things worse. What, are you going to hold a grudge forever? Fair enough if you are, takes alot of enery to hold a grudge and nobody you're holding that grudge against is losing any sleep over it I can assure you.


As for the Redskins thing, eh, I dont have an opinion. Obviously it doesnt offend me, I'm not a native American. If it bothers them that much after all this time, I'm sure it will get changed and when it does get changed, it really wont make anybodies lives any better or worse, nobody will give two shits and everybody will find something else to get butt-sore over.


Whatever. Call them the Washington Monuments and have their mascot wear the big penis monument statue costume.

I'm not justifying racism, Jewish people disliking gentiles is, morally, just as racist as anti-Semitism, it's just generally less dangerous and has less of a history of it ending in people getting killed. Really, my point was just that white people can't really compare how they feel about being called a honkey to how a grandchild of Holocaust survivors feels about being called a kike.

Well yeah thats fair comment, but what I'm saying is people who use history, and especially history that pre-dates their lives and their parents lives and so on, as their reason as to why they hate other people, are stupid and it drives me crazy. Its like me hating Germans because of the 2 wars, or the Yanks hating the English because of the revolutionary war. "Man, I hate those Brits, in 1775 they really tried to screw with me!" Its bent.


Kinda feel like I'm really far off topic now...


And the Holocaust never happened homey, I know this because some guys sat in their bedroom on YouTube made a video. Educate yourself!

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