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Vince hates Cesaro :)

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He doesn't hate him. He just has no idea how to book him, which is a bigger problem.
Yeah, if anything he likes him, but as Matt said, nobody in WWE seems to know what to do with him.
Fire him, because he's crap. He has no charisma, he looks like he's 78 years old, he wears crap ring gear and the giant swing is f*cking lame.
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Vince said on Austin's podcast that Cesaro doesn't have "it" and can't talk on the mic so unless that's a big ass swerve then Vince does not like Cesaro.
Well yeah, if you wanna just pick out part of the quote. What he said was that Cesaro is a phenomenal in ring talent, but he isn't fantastic with promos. There's a piece missing from the package, and he's not sure what that is.
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Sounds like he's really on his side then :P
The fact he's actually trying to figure out what he can do with Cesaro puts him above at least 75% of the roster at the moment.
I dont think he's trying to figure it out, I think he just made out he gave a shit because Austin said he liked him. If Vince cared, he's be pushing him down our throats regardless of whether he's over or not. Vince couldn't care less about Cesaro from what I can tell, seems pretty blatant.
Well if we're gonna look at it like that, does Vince really give a sh*t about anyone other than Cena?
Although Cena is on a mountain by himself, there are other people getting pushes outside of Cena so I'd imagine he must think something of whoever is getting a push. He seems to like the Shield guys. Cesaro never gets a push. He's even beneath Swagger in the pecking order at this point and I'm sure they split them up with the intention of making something of Cesaro.

Regardless of what Vince thinks of Cesaro, the silly boy ran his mouth so the reason he's not gotten title runs, the reason he lost two straight falls to Ziggler and the reason he has been de-pushed is because of that.


Granted he wouldn't have been knocking the door for a World Title run because he can't promo but given his solid in ring talent he would have been used maybe in multi-man matches for the title (TLC or Elimination Chamber etc) as well as a upper mid-card feud for some people BUT like I said, he said something which has been construed as a slight to the company and has been punished.

Well at least mention what it is he said...I've no idea.
When they asked him about Cena vs. Orton for the unification of the titles on some interview, he replied with "we've already seen that match 500 times, why would fans want to see it again?" and got himself sent directly to the doghouse. Didn't even get to pass go or collect £200.

I read a few weeks back that his comments had nothing to do with losing two straight pinfalls and that it was planned all along. I mean, the reason he's on a drought could stem from that or they really have no clue how to use him, even though he's had his fair share of good matches none-the-less. Vince is right though, he's just not a good promo, it sounds forced when he speaks, for which thank god he hasn't done a great deal of. He does German segments over here and they are really dry and tumbleweedy-like too, other than the odd "Dad-joke" he adds in. That gets a laugh out of me.


He should just get that rough and tough guy gimmick, like some throwback to a British independent action film star or something. Not because he looks like Jason Statham but he really looks like some guy that goes for a pint, goes all Phil Mitchell on someone and have a brawl, look like shit the next day and then have another brawl.

Exactly, which is a silly thing to do because as we all know, if you want a good career in the WWE, you don't talk s**t about Cena unless it is on WWE TV or affiliated programming and Vince has said you can or else Big Daddy Vinnie Mac will smack your backside for talking bad about the Golden Child in his Jorts.
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I'm with Belty, I don't think Vince is tryiong to figure him out. He gave him a shot by making him a Paul Heyman guy and seeing if that would take off after he garnered a little heat by himself, which it didn't and so he's now in the pile of "looks good, talks bad, can't be bothered". Again, as Belty said Vince probably wouldn't have even mentioned him had Austin not.

Yep pretty much - plus unless you where already over like Punk or Lesnar then being a Paul Heyman guy does nothing for you anyway - see Curtis Axel, Ryback and now of course Cesaro. It's just a nod to the smarks and nothing more.


They'll just use as a solid ring hand to be a challenger for mid-title belts until he fades away like all other decent workers with naff promo skills. Hell even on the indies as a general rule of thumb, where WORKRATE means so much more it was Hero who had more personality who got titles and such and Cesaro who got the crumbs as good as he was in the ring.

I think it was putting him with Heyman that killed his momentum. Earlier this year he was getting face pops with the crowd having good matches and the Cesaro Swing was over like gangbusters. People in New Orleans went nuts for him winning the Andre Battle Royale, and then instead of giving him a push as a face (or at least some kind of tweener) they lumped with Heyman and expected everyone to buy into it.

He should have just turned face when every fan was screaming for it but instead, they stuck him with the most hated manager in years, so it's no surprise that the crowd started to lose interest in him. Cesaro, like others on the roster such as Ziggler, Ryder and Ryback, has got over and then been put into the wrong position and I don't know why this failure is seen as being proof that they weren't worth a shot in the first place. Why not book them in a way that helps rather than hinders them? Wouldn't it have made sense for Cesaro to just turn face and be the silent badass wrestling machine that people wanted to see? Had that happened, I don't think Cesaro would be getting the same apathy he currently gets from the fanbase.


Cesaro isn't great and there is a limit to how far he can go because he's just not naturally charismatic and that'll always restrict his career but there is a place for him, and it's a better one than he's in now. Not everyone can be, or has to be, a big name or ticket seller, there's a role for midcard heels and faces and I think that's where Cesaro belongs, as a reliable, over face who can put on great matches, get the crowd into them and put people over.

Its the WWE way though, as soon as someone gets over who isn't supposed to then the company tries to destroy it, just like in every instance Jack mentioned as well as I'd argue trying to do the same with Punk and Bryan, although they were good enough to survive it but could have been much bigger.


I don't know when the WWE stopped listening and adapting like they did with Hogan, Austin, Rock, Foley and Savage were they went with it because the fans got behind them. Sure they can't everyone everything, like a Cena turn or a firing of CJ Parker or please everyone but at some point they have to listen to the majority.

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