Posted December 21, 20159 yr I am finally getting a xbox one for xmas and was wondering if there are any recommendations for games? I will be getting Rise of the Tomb Raider and Elder Scrolls online with the console.
December 21, 20159 yr Fallout 4. Seriously, I lost an actual week of my life in game time playing that game - buy Fallout 4. Then there is Forza 6, which is awesome if you like driving games, Halo: Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 if you want to play the best FPS's of all time, WWE2K16 which can be way more fun then the actual WWE right now, Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection and if you can get it, the Destiny and Fallen King bundle. Also now they have fixed all the bugs on Diablo III its a fun little hack and slash RPG romp as well.
December 21, 20159 yr I have been looking at fallout 4 very carefully. Is Ryse any good? I have never played a borderlands game before. I have heard good things but never actually played them. Not a huge fan of driving game tbh. Im just not very good at them. lol
December 22, 20159 yr Ryse doesn't last long but is fun whilst it does. The DLC is just more multiplayer maps but if you ever wanted to be like Russell Crowe in Gladiator then this is the closest your going to come. If you like wandering, looting, quest completing and want a sense of humour to go with that then Borderlands is a good game. It isn't for everyone don't get me wrong but there are tonnes of different weapons, shields and grenades to find, loads of different quests, a rich story and there are distinct paths you can take when levelling up characters, of which there are four in each game and each one of those has specific abilities too.
December 22, 20159 yr OK I will give borderlands a go and see how I get on. I also wanna get Arkham Knight. I only played Asylum and really enjoyed it. I need to make more time to play games next year though.
December 22, 20159 yr OK I will give borderlands a go and see how I get on. I also wanna get Arkham Knight. I only played Asylum and really enjoyed it. I need to make more time to play games next year though.You really should try and play Arkham City and Arkham Origins before moving on to Knight if you can.
December 22, 20159 yr You can skip Origins really though, its much shorter, got a few glitches and tends to crash when loading about 20% of the time. However DC is right about Arkham City, its a brilliant game and probably the best of the Arkham series.
December 23, 20159 yr Would that only be available on 360 though? I was hoping to not have to have them both set up for too long. lol
December 23, 20159 yr Only Knight is available on the One. Every other Batman game is on the 360. I'd recommend still keeping your 360 hooked up somewhere as your Gold membership applies to both consoles as an existing user which means you get Games with Gold on both consoles and usually the two available on the 360 per month for free are different to the two you get on the One. On the recommendation front, if you like music/rhythm games don't buy Guitar Hero Live, go for Rock Band 4 instead.
December 23, 20159 yr If you are a Gold member, for the past 18 months or so they do Games with Gold which should be on the dashboard. Sometimes they are indie or arcade games like Max: Curse of Brotherhood or sometimes they are AAA titles like the last Tomb Raider game or this month (on the One at least) Thief. You have to have an X-Box Live Gold Membership however.
December 23, 20159 yr From here on out, the Xbox 360 games with gold should all be backwards compatible with the Xbox One, meaning you shouldn't need to keep your 360 plugged in to download them, you can just run them on your One instead.
December 24, 20159 yr You can skip Origins really thoughArkham Knight references a lot of what happened in Origins (as does the Batwoman DLC), plus while it's not on a par with the present-set games, it's still a really good one.
December 30, 20159 yr I have ended up with Rise of the Tomb Raider, Arkham Knight, Elder Scrolls online, Ryse, Tony Hawk and Game of Thrones Telltale. That will keep me busy for a little while.
June 26, 20168 yr Gave up on tony hawk it was rubbish. Playing assassins creed unity atm. Really enjoying it. Iv always been a platform gamer but recently got into stuff like tomb raider and assasins creed. Played a bit of arkham knight and enjoying it but the story hasnt gripped me like the other games.
June 27, 20168 yr Man, I wish I had heard even one good thing about Tony Hawk 5. I grew up with the first three games, and I wanted nothing more than for this one to be even moderately playable.
October 14, 20168 yr So i completed arkham knight. Story mode anyways. Still need to catch firefly and riddler and complete the azrial story line. Cant wait for return to arkham to be released on 21 oct.
November 28, 20168 yr Working through arkham asylum. WHAT A GAME!! Just passed crocs lair. been getting a lot of riddler trophies along the way and only on about 60% how big is this game?
November 29, 20168 yr It's getting all the Joker teeth as part of the Riddler challenge that will annoy you if you want to 100% it. I'd say Asylum is about the same size as Origins give or take, smaller then Knight and all of them are smaller then Arkham City which is the mack daddy of the series.
December 28, 20168 yr I finished the story. Got all the riddler trophies and ended up with about 87% guessing the challenges make up the rest? Annoying as ill never do them but i completed the game. Got lego star wars force awakens and working my way through that atm.