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Credit: Wrestling-Online.com

During the WWE tour in Dubai a few days ago, Ryback was interviewed by 104.4 Virgin Radio Dubai host and long-time wrestling fan Myles, an interview which might raise some eyebrows back at home.


Asked if he was happy with his spot at WrestleMania 32, Ryback didnโ€™t beat around the bush much and said no and not just this WrestleMania, but the previous two as well. He said that the United States title should have been defended on the pay-per-view and both he and Kalisto belonged on the show.


โ€œHopefully next year, if there is a next year, that it will be a better experience,โ€ Ryback said. He said that hard work doesnโ€™t always pay off in this business and he might start looking at something else where hard work does pay off.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see (or don't see) Ryback taking a slide further down the card after these comments. Granted, Ryback hasn't even appeared on television since WrestleMania so, maybe, in his mind, he's got nothing to lose anyways. We all know how Vince hates honesty in interviews like this.


I'm not a Ryback fan but I can see his point of view; especially when you consider Ryback used to be a main eventer. Ryback has a lot more to offer WWE than being on the pre-show of the biggest wrestling event of the year; if only for his tenure with the company alone. Ryback is one of those guys in the company who has been pushed up the card and dropped down the card so many times, it's understandable that he's getting frustrated.

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Ryback used to be a main eventer.

during a time when everyone got a turn

I don't remember everyone else on the roster getting a shot at Punk during his title reign Jay. I remember Alberto Del Rio at the start of it, some matches with Cena, a little program with Kane and Bryan and Show getting involved at one stage when he was fighting Cena as well as two matches against Jericho before Ryback got his shot and then he lost it not long after to Rock.


That still leaves lot of people who weren't in the main event when Ryback.


Although to be fair to you, Cena did pick up an injury around that time so it does beg the question, would Ryback have been in the main event if Cena hadn't have picked up that knock?

during a time when everyone got a turn
Oh, give it a fucking rest.

I'll agree with Jay in as much as Ryback does think a lot more of himself than he's showed the fans.


It's true that there was a time where he was super hot after we'd seen a few weeks of him squashing jobbers 2 or 3 at a time, but that died off pretty quickly, and I haven't seen anything from him since that suggests he has the makings of a main eventer.


That's not to say he couldn't be one, but if he wants to run his mouth about his place on the card, then he needs to at least try and show us something to take his complaints seriously, because as it stands he's pretty much exactly in the correct position on the card for the character and in ring ability he's shown over the last 2 years or so.

Not a Ryback fan myself, never have been... I know there is some really good talent that gets held back or passed over, but I don't feel like Ryback is that talent... "The big guy" really is just a big guy... I mean he's good, but not great...
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In my opinion, it doesn't matter how full of himself Ryback is or how bad of a wrestler he is or any of that stuff. The point is that WWE has jostled him around so much on the card, it's understandable how he can be frustrated with his treatment. It's been proven through recent WWE history that it doesn't matter how good or bad a guy is, if Vince McMahon wants a guy to be the top guy in the company, it's going to happen sooner or later and, when you look at Ryback, he's everything Vince looks for in a top star.

Except he can't really promo due to his mush mouth and he tends to put his foot in his mouth all the time outside of the WWE. He has made stupid remarks on Twitter in the past as well and if you want to be a headline act in the company these days you have to tow the line both on and off the camera and in and out of the arena.


You know he gets Goldberg chanted at him a lot but to be honest, Ryback is like a less talented modern reincarnation of Scott Steiner... and we all know how that turns out.

He's officially got a 3 and one third percent chance of getting back to the main event?
I think Ryback is great and wasn't full utilised after his main event push. He was genuinely over for a while, he always had good matches and, yeah, his character was limited but he still made the most of the chance he had. He's excellent in squash matches too and instead of that weird bully gimmick, he should have just been a dominant nasty, basic heel. I still think they could do something with him if they revamped his character, maybe gave him a manager or something.
That CM Punk podcast really damaged Ryback to the fans.
Wasn't Matt Hardy fired for doing this?
Wasn't Matt Hardy fired for doing this?
He was fired for publicly revealing Lita was cheating on him with Edge when WWE wanted to keep it in-house, which was (especially at the time) a much bigger deal than a Wellness suspension.


There was a lot of bad blood backstage for Edge (who was basically locker-room blackballed for a long time) and Lita was a top-level face in an angle with Kane, so the revelation (and knowing how the fans would react) would ruin that situation.


Of course, Matt got to come back, be emasculated on live TV and fade back into obscurity go to TNA, while Lita turned heel, joined up with Edge and neither looked back.

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