Posted July 27, 20186 yr Well, I'm beginning to feel like an old man. I've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I'm supposed to eat healthy whilst staying away from beer. Is anyone else falling apart? Feel like heading down to the pub for some water with me?
July 30, 20186 yr It can't be easy to go through so many changes, mate. Can you have wine? It's supposed to be healthier than beer. I hope you feel better soon. If you stick with a healthy diet, maybe you can turn it around.
July 30, 20186 yr Author @Poppy Yes, I can still drink wine, but can't enjoy a ciggy with it. I thought I'd be my father's age before my body started turning into rubbish. Thanks for listening to me whinge.
August 3, 20186 yr What other options are you willing to try? Perhaps cutting down the carbohydrates or going for an exercise more often. I want to live a long life so I can eat burgers for a long time, so changes are necessary, as much as I dislike them.
August 3, 20186 yr I have scoliosis (Which is where your spine is curved). I had surgery for it when I was 18 years old, so I have rods and bolts in there now. They couldn't completely fix the curve due to it being so severe and also because I was 18, my bones were nearly done growing and not as malleable as a younger child (you'd normally have corrective measures taken before teen years). As a result, I'm always at least a certain level of sore. I've grown accustomed to it so a lot of the times I don't really notice. I can't really sit comfortably in any chair, I have to readjust constantly. I can't sleep on my back or on my stomach either, I get sore extremely quickly in those positions. I also have some issue with my bladder where it's borderline overactive - I don't have to go to the bathroom every 2 minutes like a full blown overactive bladder sufferer would, but I have to go much more frequently than everyone else. Seems like most people can comfortably wait 4 or 5+ hours to go, but I need to go every hour or 2. I also am much more aware of even a small need to go when I'm trying to sleep. I literally have to go to the bathroom right before bed, and if I so much as have to walk to the kitchen or the kids bedrooms after getting myself to the point of laying down, I'll have to go to the bathroom yet again for a small release or else it's like I feel the pressure and can't sleep.
August 9, 20186 yr Well, I'm beginning to feel like an old man. I've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I'm supposed to eat healthy whilst staying away from beer. Is anyone else falling apart? Feel like heading down to the pub for some water with me? Sorry that you're having these issues. Do you feel like an old man because you're having certain issues in name only, or do you really feel bad? Does that make sense what I'm saying here? Years ago, I got diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was pregnant at the time, and the doctor gave me pills to take, which I took for a couple of weeks and then stopped taking because I didn't feel bad. I guess what I'm asking is do you have aches and pains? As far as beer goes, do you really like drinking beer on a regular basis, or is it just sometimes? May I ask, were you drinking beer a lot? And if so, how much? I agree with others here who have spoken about wine. Wine is delicious (some of it is, anyway), and it's good for you. As far as enjoying a ciggy, it probably will be hard to give up such a habit, but you'll more than likely feel better in the long run.
August 20, 20186 yr I'm not yet feeling like an old man but I do enjoy my healthy foods. My rule is 80/20 - 80% of the week I eat healthy foods and drink water, and 20% of the week I eat a little less healthy and maybe even have a beer or two (or three...).
August 20, 20186 yr Author @Zack T that would do my head in, mate. You've got to be dead tired the next morning. I'm grumpy if the cat nudges me too hard in the middle of the night. No way could I deal with that many restroom disruptions without being a zombie the next day. As far as beer goes, do you really like drinking beer on a regular basis, or is it just sometimes? May I ask, were you drinking beer a lot? And if so, how much? I'm Welsh...and Catholic, sort of. So, it's in the blood. Not so much that it requires an intervention mind you.