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If any GameCube fans are looking for a game to buy, this game should be the first on your list. The game is simply fantastic, and I have hardly stopped playing the game since getting it. At first I was unsure if this game could be as good as the first Zelda title to hit the N64, the graphics looked strange and after being very dissapointed with the second Zelda game on the N64 Majoras Mask, I had my doubts. But after playing the game it is excellent, the best game I have played in years.


Plus you recieve a bonus disk with two Zelda games, firstly The Legends of Zelda Ocarina of Time and a unreleased Zelda game brought out in Japan for the N64DD. THis game is excellent and if you are a fan of the Zelda title its a sure fire hit, makes the GameCube worth having.

Featured Replies

i have yet to play it- but i can already tell it's a fantastic game

I got my copy on thursday evening, it's simply fantastic, im tired, so I can't be bothered to say much more then......




And I don't say that often.

I have to admit, as soon as I saw the opening uinto to the game with the story board it brought back memories of the last game. Seeing the Tri-Force and stuff and hearing that old music again. When I saw Gannon I makred out aswell, as sad as it is.


Played a liitle of the bonus disks but I'm not sure what the difference is between Legend of Zelda Ocrina of Time and the Mast Quest game, anyone know?

in the master quest- the items are rearanged and i think the enimeies are harder- but apart from that nothing has changed
cheers Seabass :xyx

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